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Therapeutic and inclusive resources, mostly created with SEN children in mind. Literacy and numeracy tasks embedded throughout. Visit neuralescentcommunity.uk to find out about our cultural and respite support services.




Therapeutic and inclusive resources, mostly created with SEN children in mind. Literacy and numeracy tasks embedded throughout. Visit neuralescentcommunity.uk to find out about our cultural and respite support services.
The Economy of China- 'Why is everything made in China?'

The Economy of China- 'Why is everything made in China?'

UPDATED LESSON- READY TO GO for MIXED ABILITY GROUPS with high SEN/G+T The lesson was taught within a SoW on China for year 9 but could be adapted for all secondary years. Although this lesson contains lots of information and key vocab, all activities are visually stimulating and engaging. Works very well with groups that loathe writing or when you need to mix up your teaching but you still need your students to learn what many may find a boring topic. This is a discovery based lesson and will require you to demonstrate very clearly how to use the living graph and mind map effectively. The living graph is an excellent activity as it encourages visual and kinaesthetic students to engage and the mind map allows artistic but perhaps not academic students to design and scribe with their peers. Homework task at the end works well as I made sure they understood that they would not be able to engage well in the next lesson if not completed. I had them hand it in before the next lesson so I could chase any missing cards and by the day of the lesson, I had them all back. Hope you enjoy, please REVIEW if you download! :)
SECONDARY INDUSTRY- Ethical Shopping- Intro and Advert design- ENGAGING AND CREATIVE

SECONDARY INDUSTRY- Ethical Shopping- Intro and Advert design- ENGAGING AND CREATIVE

Used as a joiner lesson between introduction to secondary industry and Nike Sweatshops. The student learn about what Ethical Shopping is and how they as consumers have the power to change industry. They really enjoyed designing their adverts and were very proud when I put them on display. They produced them on computers but some did them on paper, both work as long as it is heavily sampled as many struggle at first with an adverts purpose and layout. The students will have lots of questions and I usually spend 3 lessons on this in total- 1st- introduce term and explain and assess sample ads/start designing. 2nd- Complete design and finish for homework. 3rd- Peer assess each other’s and link it to the environment. They then go on to learn about Nike and their understanding of ethical examples really helped them engage and progress. Please review if you download, thanks :)
Arctic Exploration- Different Views Worksheet- Differentiated!

Arctic Exploration- Different Views Worksheet- Differentiated!

Self-explanatory worksheet created for homework for Energy Topic- GCSE. They move through tasks matched to varying abilities and use a computer to research the different views held by stakeholders about mineral extraction in the Arctic. Could also be used in school as an independent PC lesson and used at KS3.
Chinese Panda Conservation- Geography Literacy based activity- fully SCAFFOLDED.

Chinese Panda Conservation- Geography Literacy based activity- fully SCAFFOLDED.

An independent entire lesson that I set as cover work. The students engage well with this activity and enjoy learning about the Panda’s and the vocabulary which is varied to challenge G+T students. There are 3 separate tasks, which have potential to be peer assessed and shared, the last task is arguing against a quote and with sentence starters success criteria. Please review if downloaded! Thanks!
Bangladesh Flooding- DRAMA activity- 'Why is Bangladesh a drowning country?'

Bangladesh Flooding- DRAMA activity- 'Why is Bangladesh a drowning country?'

I have used this resource for years 7 and 8 many times. They absolutely love it! Depending on your students, this can be completed in one lesson but is better to use two so that they have time to be more creative and you can set up sound effects and background images for their scenes. The lesson can be part of a Rivers/Flooding topic and relies on the students having already been taught about the water cycle. It leads into comparing flooding in Bangladesh with flooding in a more economically developed country and to climate change/rising sea levels/global impacts of CC. The lesson includes peer assessment and and exit card which is differentiated. You will need Atlases and may need to adapt certain points of the ppt for your students needs. There are a range of video links included which I usually show a few mins of each to give the students as much visual information as possible before they create their scenes. The groupings are of 4 and the roles should be differentiated and chosen carefully by you- I wouldn’t advise letting them choose! 1/2- Actor roles- Best reserved for the outgoing and confident students- (can be 3 actors) 3- Narrator- Best reserved for students who are fairly shy but also want to participate in the scene but not act, has worked well with Autistic students who want to deliver the important factual information. 4- Director- Best reserved for the quiet/creative/highly academic students who understand the task very well but would never consider acting or narrating in front of the class. Teacher must ensure the rest of the group are listening well to the director and they know it’s their job to combine the rest of the groups ideas into one scene. I usually give out positive rewards for the groups working the best together. Due to the nature of the play structure, it is important that the groups do not kill off the main characters before the end!! The students will insist they need so much more time on this task so is important you are very strict on whatever timings you want them to achieve it in. 1 lesson to plan/rehearse, 1 lesson to rehearse and perform. I hope you enjoy what they come up with!
Impacts of Tourism- DRAMA based activity- Fully Differentiated Lesson for SEN/Mixed Ability

Impacts of Tourism- DRAMA based activity- Fully Differentiated Lesson for SEN/Mixed Ability

The students always love this lesson as it involves them taking on Tourists or Resident roles in 5 different countries. The students get to explore how tourism impacts different people across the world using coloured role cards ( that you must laminate!) and discussing the various types of tourism and positive/negative effects that the industry has. All the cards have been made specifically for this lesson and are differentiated so that you may choose to give the higher ability students the resident cards and the lower ability the tourist cards as they contain slightly less complicated vocabulary and you can target your questions much more easily. The lesson contains a variety of assessment techniques and the student assessor roles always work particularly well- if you have a large group then use 4/5 student assessors. The exit cards only take 2/3 mins and I always insist on complete silence so the students can leave what was a high energy lesson very calmly. Ignore the homework slide at the end! Was made for a low ability group that couldn't cope with any more demanding homework. Enjoy!
Year 7/8 Coasts INTRO>Processes>Landforms>Management- 5/6 lessons- SEN & G+T friendly!

Year 7/8 Coasts INTRO>Processes>Landforms>Management- 5/6 lessons- SEN & G+T friendly!

Designed for a some mixed ability year 8 groups with a vast academic gap and with no prior coasts knowledge. Lots of G+T prompts and SEN friendly scaffolding. Green pen task and a range of activities. The intro worksheets can be found in my shop- which the students engaged well with and enjoyed just going their own thing and then marking/discussing together during the next lesson. The PPT contains lessons covering all coasts basics with UK and Australia place knowledge and a range of engaging tasks matched with lots of visuals and games such as taboo to assist with the huge amounts of new vocab. Please review if you download! Thanks and happy teaching :)
SEN friendly carousel featuring 4 different habitats of  CHINA. Fully DIFFERENTIATED.

SEN friendly carousel featuring 4 different habitats of CHINA. Fully DIFFERENTIATED.

Students consistently enjoy this lesson and enjoy learning about the unique animals and plants of each region. Depending on the class, this carousel could last 1-2 lessons and involves each student travelling to different habitats and completing a range of diverse and engaging tasks indepedently. You will need to set up the classroom into 4 large tables which can seat 1/4 of the class. I usually blue tack the sheets to the desks and surrounding walls and double print so that everyone can choose which tasks they’d like to complete at each station. Lots of potential for PA of answers and I usually put this work on display and talk through the IUCN red list/show them videos of the animals in China.
DEVELOPMENT- Virtual/home learning workpacks x2

DEVELOPMENT- Virtual/home learning workpacks x2

Utilising GAPMINDER-DOLLAR STREET SITE to introduce development topic for SEN KS3 students. Inclusive, engaging and with embedded key vocab and literacy/IT tasks. They really enjoyed using the website and I had great feedback from parents about the tasks facilitating interesting discussions about equality and contrasting living standards. I have left some answers in for you to review then delete in PURPLE. Could be used in school or independently at home. Enjoy!
Consequences of Industrialisation- CHINA Rural/Urban places- Linfen vs Shanghai

Consequences of Industrialisation- CHINA Rural/Urban places- Linfen vs Shanghai

This lesson was a follow on from the Economy of China lesson, and incorporates homework students completed before the lesson on Acid Rain. It involves dividing the class into two, with one half focused on rural Linfen and the rest on urban Shanghai. Each group of 3/4 will then fill in the worksheet or create their own presentation using the timelines and their own research and previous lesson knowledge. Once completed- the students can then present their information so that each student has knowledge on either place. Lesson could be adapted really easily if you wanted to use it as a card sort or carousel activity, the lesson if focused on the students attaining the various environmental impacts of industry for those living and working in the factories and those using the materials and living in the cities. The live wind current link works especially well and I sometimes leave it on the board whilst the students are working as it is very calming. There is a HA question for those who complete everything, but I usually give this to everyone at the end and those who have completed it are used as examples and then I give them verbal improvements to complete alongside the rest of the class. Could be used over two lessons if required, enjoy.
China's One Child Policy- OUTSTANDING DRAMA Lessons 1 & 2

China's One Child Policy- OUTSTANDING DRAMA Lessons 1 & 2

I absolutely love teaching the OCP through this drama activity I created last year when I had a small but very unmotivated group who had been subjected to far too much on China and were quite bored. The lessons involve you first setting the context of the OCP and discussing the use of propaganda and explaining the political context. Then the students complete the mystery activity which I found on here and the students discussing and making notes on the possible impacts of the OCP. Then the students are put into groups of 4 MAX and you designate the roles depending on their ability- i.e- director roles usually given to the most creative but possibly quiet students. Actors- outgoing LA students. Narrators- HA- outgoing students. Don't let them decide who is who unless you really trust them! Each group is given one scene of the play to create using the script help sheets and other videos and previous work. It is very important you explain the play will run in order as it follow the characters lives from childhood and also they musn't confer with their friends in other groups. It usually takes 2 lessons but can run into three if you think they require it, the success criteria tables should be stuck into their books before they begin working on their scenes so they are focused on how to produce a 'glorious' scene. If possible- let them cue up music/sound effects to be heard during the final play. This lesson has been observed and graded outstanding a few times due to it's inclusive activities and strong geographical focus. The students may not be up for it at first but if you get the groups/roles right it will be a lesson where you can sit back and listen to the students working really hard. The post its at the end are important for you to gauge how many of the students really understood the OCP and can be drawn out into a debate style plenary very easily or used to peer assess for SPaG/quality of argument. If your school has ipads- get students to video and put the play together electronically. Enjoy!
China topic Assessment- Is China a good place to live? Extended writing- Writing frame included!

China topic Assessment- Is China a good place to live? Extended writing- Writing frame included!

This assessment was created to enable the students to use all of their China lessons/knowledge and combine it into an opinion piece about living in China. Length spent on it will be determined by your students but I wouldn't allow more than 45minutes as it is not about them writing everything they know about China. It is out of 21, and I usually get the students to set what the boundaries should be for certain grades which can be an interesting conversation! If you don't want to do that just set the marks in line with whatever assessment style you school is using, obviously top marks on this will not equate to an A/A* as this was written for year 9. I always put the writing frame between each pair so that everyone can see it and no one feels targeted. If students want one to write on I print separate A4 size ones on coloured paper. Is a very easy assessment for them to peer assess/improve in the next lesson. Hope it works as well for you as it does for me :) The ppt also contains a link to a China video to end the topic and stop and discuss if required.
'What is China's One Child Policy?'- Full history/explanations

'What is China's One Child Policy?'- Full history/explanations

This ppt and activities usually spread over two lessons so that the students have a better chance of understanding the complicated reasons the OCP was introduced and then can lead into the consequences of it. The storyboard activity worked really well as I said they would be copied and gives to the yr 11s to help them revise. You will need to provide a differentiated storyboard for lower ability/SEN students ( I can't find mine currently!) The only trouble with it is some students wanting to take a lot of time completing it. Usually I allow them to plan and start the first couple of boxes and then it must be completed in the first half of the second lesson, or they can complete for homework. I found the mystery online- it is very useful and it creates a lot of discussion. The post it note activity worked really well as a plenary to the second lesson as by this time the students had built their knowledge significantly and it can be drawn out and turned into a debate activity. I photocopy and use previous post its as examples for everyone to guide them and as an extension activity for HA students-to peer assess previous answers for SPaG and argument- depending on the student. The final slides I sometimes have up around the room printed on A3 for students who prefer to be a bit more active and those who need some extra facts for their storyboard/post its. I hope you enjoy :)
CHINA- Creative and independent activities- SEN/ G+TFRIENDLY

CHINA- Creative and independent activities- SEN/ G+TFRIENDLY

6 Resources
Collection of lessons and worksheets that I created for a particularly challenging year 7, with a wide academic gap and poor literacy skills. The students really enjoyed learning about China and it’s particularly good to run the SoW over the Chinese New Year. Green Pen and reflective tasks to help the students progress alongside engaging topics and lot of high level vocab. All tasks scaffolded and ppts have teacher instructions and samples. Extension tasks with every lesson. Please review if you download! Thanks :)