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The Resources within this shop are all designed for the teaching of Mathematics for those in the age range 7 - 18 years old. Most resources consist of a PowerPoint lesson followed by a worksheet for the students. With over twenty nine years of experience, the powerpoint/worksheets within the shop have been used successfully by myself and colleagues over that time. As a head of department for over 15 years, the department has yearly been judged as adding substantial value to students grades.




The Resources within this shop are all designed for the teaching of Mathematics for those in the age range 7 - 18 years old. Most resources consist of a PowerPoint lesson followed by a worksheet for the students. With over twenty nine years of experience, the powerpoint/worksheets within the shop have been used successfully by myself and colleagues over that time. As a head of department for over 15 years, the department has yearly been judged as adding substantial value to students grades.
Circle Theorem: Angles in a cyclic quadrilateral

Circle Theorem: Angles in a cyclic quadrilateral

This lesson follows lessons on the circle theorems involving angles from the same arc, angle at the centre and angles in a semicircle. The lesson has a series of worked examples followed by a worksheet which can be used in class or as a piece of homework.
GCSE Pythagoras & Trigonometry Revision Lessons

GCSE Pythagoras & Trigonometry Revision Lessons

These lessons included in this resource revise Pythagoras Theorem, the knowledge of Right Angled Trigonometry, the knowledge of the sine rule cosine rule and 3D trigonometry. Accompanied with the lessons are worksheets for students to attempt in class or as homework. Plenty of revision for all types of students Foundation or Higher Tier.
Christmas End of Term Games

Christmas End of Term Games

These activities are aimed at key stage 3 students. They could also be used as revision for GCSE students. The pack contains GCSE foundation style questions including standard form, ratio, number work, fractions, algebra and much more. Answers are included. Each round consists of four questions. Print the slides 8 to 13 on A4 paper and place one printed slide per table Put students into pairs (either by choice or teacher selection) Each are given a copy of slide 14 and a few sheets of pieces of A4 paper. The pairs are designated a starting table and the timer (slide 2) is started. The students are then given 5 minutes to answer the four questions on that table. Once the five minutes is up the students move clockwise to the next table and start the next set of four questions and the timer of slide 3 is started. This continues until all students have completed each set of questions. The exercise should take no longer than 30 minutes At the end students remain at their final table and swap answer sheets with the nearest table. Go through each question with the class before revealing the answers. Finally, students ad up their score and the highest score gets a prize! This exercise gives students a chance to try GCSE style foundation questions and see a demonstration on how they should be answered.
Christmas Mathematics Advent Calendar

Christmas Mathematics Advent Calendar

Give your classroom a festive look this December. The two advent calendars are designed to be displayed around the classroom in the run up to the Christmas holiday, or as set pieces of work each day. Students can search the classroom walls for the question of the day and answer the question on their sheet. Ideal as a starter or a good conclusion to the lesson. Questions range from Algebra, number work, fractions, decimals, ratio and much more. There are two calendars which can be mixed and matched as you require. Excellent resource to include a little bit of festive fun and revision.
GCSE Mathematics 9-1: Sequences: Continuing a sequence, using the nth term and finding the nth term

GCSE Mathematics 9-1: Sequences: Continuing a sequence, using the nth term and finding the nth term

Lesson 1: Continuing a sequence This lesson looks at students being able to continue a sequence from a given rule, or obtaining a pattern from the numbers already given in the sequence. Through worked examples students get their first insight to the work involved with sequences. Lesson 2: Continuing a pattern This lesson concentrates around continuing patterns. Several worked examples look at numerical responses to the patterns generated. I usually teach this lesson after continuing a sequence and before the lesson on using the nth term. Lesson 3: Using the nth term This lesson is always taught after the introduce to continuing sequences. This lesson demonstrates how sequences can be generated by formulae. Also I point out along the way how the sequence going up by a certain number doesn’t imply that we add whatever each time but that it belongs in some way to a particular multiplication table. This, I find, helps with the next lesson on finding the nth term. Lesson 4: Finding the nth term This lesson is mainly about finding the nth term of any linear sequence. Through worked examples students very quickly learn how to find the nth term of sequence such as 5, 8, 11, 14, etc… The lesson also touches on other sequences but through their new found understanding of the linear sequence. This lesson is taught after the lesson on using the nth term and, dependent on age or ability, before the lesson on sequences which involve quadratic solutions. Sequence Workbook This selection of work can easily be printed as an A5 booklet. The booklet consists of questions for students to attempt in class or as a piece of homework and compliment the lessons on sequences I use yearly.
Algebra : Collection of like terms, Simplifying expressions and Substitution

Algebra : Collection of like terms, Simplifying expressions and Substitution

This bundle of work consists of three lessons with worksheets. Lesson one : Collection of like terms. This lesson and two worksheets covers the ability to collect like terms when simplifying a series of terms. Lesson two : Simplifying expressions This lesson and two worksheets looks at multiplying terms together where algebra is involved. (At the same time revising the knowledge of - x - or - x +, etc) Lesson three : Substitution into formulae This lesson and two worksheets covers the ability to substitute numerical values into simple algebraic expressions Two worksheets have been given per lesson so that if the class has an issue with the first worksheet, then a review of the work can take place with the follow up worksheet used to demonstrate improvement. These lessons are suitable as an introduction to Algebra or for the younger students who have little knowledge in Algebra.
Addition of Fractions

Addition of Fractions

This lesson teaches students how to add two fractions together. The lesson is structured for those who may struggle with adding fractions together. The lesson is accompanied with several worksheets for students to complete on adding fractions. Answers are included.


These worksheets allow students to have multiple attempts at converting fractions into percentages or decimals or vice versa. The additional worksheets also allow students to answer questions on converting cm to m or mm, m to km or cm, etc…
Plans and Elevation

Plans and Elevation

This lesson teaches students the what is meant from Plan and Elevation of several solids. The lesson is supported with a worksheet.
GCSE Maths : Factorising trinomials

GCSE Maths : Factorising trinomials

This lesson has been used over the years as an introduction to factorising initially the basic trinomials before looking at the more complicated trinomials. The lesson also consists of a worksheet with solutions for students to attempt in class or as a piece of homework.
GCSE Maths 9-1: Ratio & Proportion

GCSE Maths 9-1: Ratio & Proportion

9 Resources
This bundle consists of all lessons I use to teach work related to ratio and proportion through years 7 to 11. The revision material tends to be used in year 11 or even year 10.
GCSE Mathematics : Revision End of Term Games

GCSE Mathematics : Revision End of Term Games

This activities are aimed at key stage 3 students but could be used as revision for students who are revising for their GCSE examination. Each round consists of four questions. Print the slides 8 to 13 on A4 paper and place one printed slide per table. Students are put into pairs (either by choice or teacher selection) and are given a copy of slide 14 and a few sheets of pieces of A4 paper. The pairs are designated a starting table and the timer (slide 2) is started. The students are then given 5 minutes to answer the four questions on that table. Once the five minutes is up the students move clockwise to the next table and start the next set of four questions and the timer of slide 3 is started. This continues until all students have completed the six tables worth of questions. The answering of the questions takes no more than 30 minutes. Students then remain at their final table, swap their answer sheet with the nearest table and the answers are produced. At this stage I go through the questions before revealing the answers. In this way the students have had a go at GCSE style foundation questions and have also seen a demonstration as to how they should have been answered. Finally, students add up their score and the highest score get a prize!
Christmas Mathematics questions

Christmas Mathematics questions

Make the run up to Christmas a little more fun with these TWO activities in one resource. Activity 1 includes 10 Christmas themed questions for the whole class to answer. Activity 2 includes a Christmas themed work sheet, for students to answer indivually. The questions are aimed at GCSE level and are an excellent, but fun revision sessions. Questions include number, fraction, ratio and algebra. Answers are included for both activities.
Index Notation

Index Notation

These lessons and worksheets look at the rules required at GCSE for index notation. The lessons cover both the algebraic situations seen at GCSE and numerical problems. The worksheets have solutions attached.
Transformations of graphs Introduction

Transformations of graphs Introduction

These two lessons and worksheets are lessons which cover the translations of graphs and the knowledge of stretching a graph by a given scale factor. The lesson is aimed at the students working out the translation which takes place by initially drawing certain graphs and then linking them the original graph drawn. This is then followed by a series of examples. The second lesson is similar in that the students are encouraged to draw a series of graphs before linking them to the original as a stretch. The lesson then continues with a series of worked examples. Both lessons have a worksheet with solutions.
GCSE revision lessons

GCSE revision lessons

Here is a small group of revision lessons I have recently used for my year 11 students. These have been written with them in mind and cover the types of questions they were struggling with. Generally I tend to go through one or two at the board before they attempt the others. Revision lessons included are Probability tree diagrams Distance speed time Ingredient questions Flow diagrams and some general “wordy” questions that can be troubling for many students.
Cubics: Expanding and factorising

Cubics: Expanding and factorising

With factorising and removing brackets of cubics being new to the GCSE specifications last year I have introduced these two lesson to my class teaching. Starting with removal of brackets students are able to extend from the two brackets situation to the three brackets. The following lesson looks at the more complicated factorising a cubic. Initially starting with the first factor given style of question before looking at factorising with no hint given. Worksheets are given for both lessons which could be used in class or as a piece of homework.