Provision titles:
Role Play
Story Telling
Loose Parts
Created 28 visual timetable cards with a hessian background and simple images to prepare for the structure of the day. I hope you like them as much as I do!
This is a copy of the curriculum we use across Nursery and Reception. I am no expert, it is a developing document but it could be a starting point for you.
I have included all areas of learning, including the use of some schemes we follow, including: White Rose Maths, NCETM, Developing Experts, RE Come and See, Ten:Ten RSE, Barefoot Computing.
Vocabulary is highlight in blue - still to be developed. I have included Nursery 1 and Nursery 2 - you will see this is the children who join our Nursery later in January (N1s or rising 3’s)
I have deleted names/information and replaced with a * so please look out for this. All Literacy texts have been chosen with ambitious vocabularty and with purpose - the texts in bold are traditional tales.
This curriculum is relevant to our school and it’s setting - please make it your own and use it as a starting point. If you do choose to use it, please share how you edit and use it! (41 pages)
Please note - I used this document in my OFSTED meeting with the inspector to highlight how it is used across the two units, however they did not ask to look at the document themselves.