Secondary English], General Secondary Resources, Te Reo Maori Resources, 0-5 Preschool Resources for enjoyable and engaging learning.
I love teaching English and have been doing so for many years. I hope that my experience and resources can save you time and energy in setting up and running your classroom :)
Secondary English], General Secondary Resources, Te Reo Maori Resources, 0-5 Preschool Resources for enjoyable and engaging learning.
I love teaching English and have been doing so for many years. I hope that my experience and resources can save you time and energy in setting up and running your classroom :)
TOMORROW WHEN THE WAR BEGAN Complete Junior Secondary Text Unit including text response and chapter questions in a ready-to-print-out-and-go student booklet, teacher’s unit plan, notes & quotes, and more.
Student booklet includes:
Editing task on John Marsden, the author
Character file templates
Chapter Questions on the novel looking at important character changes, ideas, themes and events
Survival checklist activity
Dairy entry writing task
Themes page
Teacher Resources include:
Sample Unit Plan
Chapter quizzes and tests
Notes for Projection & copying
3 pages of important quotes from the novel
Words for a word wall display
Optional extra extension or writing tasks
Suits students of approximately 13-14 years of age: New Zealand Year 9 or 10 students, Australian Year 8 or 9 students, and UK Key Stage 3 students.
Oral Presentations Booklet for Junior Secondary – Print and Hand Out
A full, self-explanatory booklet on giving oral presentations. Booklet covers everything you need for your junior secondary speech assessment. Steps through a range of skills and activities to prepare students for giving their own speech at the end of the unit. Just print, hand out, and walk students through it. (26 pages) Easily adaptable by adding extra pages of your own choice (or not!) and you can add your own speech topics and marking schedule.
Sections include:
• Pre-unit survey
• Terminology for speeches
• Games and activities to get students speaking in front of their peers
• Formal and informal language activity
• Speech-making skills and notes
• Graphic organiser template for speech writing
Suitable for all classes at the lower secondary level – Years 9, 10 & 11 NZ, Years 8, 9, 10 Australia
speeches, speech structure, speech unit, making speeches, junior speeches, junior speech, oral presentations, oral presentation booklet, oral presentation unit, speech booklet
This attractive classroom decor poster outlines EXPECTATIONS FOR STUDENT WORK quality and presentation.
This easy to print poster includes name, title, tidiness, appropriate layout, paragraphs, good spelling and grammar.
(1 page)
Ready to print and put up on the wall or add to a student booklet of your choice.
Suitable for any secondary classroom.
student work, student work quality, student work quality poster, classroom poster, poster
An easy get-to-know-you game to play as a crowdbreaker with a new class or group of kids to help the interact and get to know one another. All you need is to print enough copies to have one between two students, dice, and you’re good to go!
Includes 6 sets of 3 random questions to get kids talking. The teacher rolls the dice and the students answer the questions corresponding to the rolled number.
(1 page)
CHECK OUT my great range of posters and resources for Secondary English and other subjects - I’ve got a great set of Essay Writing posters which may interest you!
Use these bright Printable Key Words to brighten the walls and help out students in your High School English Classroom. So easy to use!
Large, colourful key words which can be printed, cut apart, and put up for English classroom displays.
Words include:
analyse, compare, contrast, define, Evaluate, explain, interpret, justify, summarise and more.
11 pages including a title page which says, ‘Key Words for English.’
Excellent for secondary English classrooms.
CHECK OUT my other great resources:
Secondary English:
English Classroom ‘Keep Calm’ Posters x14
Get To Know You Quiz & Starting Out Diagnostic Test - Year 10 English
Get To Know You Quiz & Starting Out Diagnostic Test - Year 11 English
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Language Terms for Secondary English
Notes on language terminology, complete with lists and definitions, for each year of Secondary Schooling, increasing in breath and difficulty for each year level. Use as a complete list to give to students each year, and refer to them throughout the year as you memorise terms, hone skills and complete tasks.
Suitable for use by the whole English Department.
Buy one set for the English year level you teach, or pay less per set for a complete Secondary Language Terms Set.
1. Year 10 Language Terms – 10 pages in length - Suit students of approximately 14 years of age: New Zealand Year 10 students, Australian Year 9 students, and UK Key Stage 3 students
2. Year 11 Language Terms - 11 pages in length - Suit students of approximately 15 years of age: New Zealand Year 11 students, Australian Year 10 students, and UK Key Stage 4 students
3. Year 12 Language Terms - 12 pages in length - Suit students of approximately 16 years of age: New Zealand Year 12 students, Australian Year 11 students, and UK Key Stage 4 students
4. Year 13+ Language Terms - 11 pages in length - Suit students of approximately 17 years of age: New Zealand Year 13 students, Australian Year 12 students, and UK Key Stage 4 students, Post 16 Education, and English Higher Education or Tertiary Students
Each set covers a range of areas that students need to know:
Grammar & Parts of Speech Terms – Adverb, Antonym, Article, Connotation, Conjunction… etc
Sentences, Parts of Sentences Terms – Contention, Run-on Sentence, Clause… etc
Language Terms for this level – Analogy, Colloquialism, Contrast, Cliché… etc
Textual Terms to go with units on Novel, Film, Oral Presentations, Poetry
Punctuation Terms – Apostrophe, Capital Letters, Colon,… etc
Each set covers a range of areas that students need to know:
Grammar & Parts of Speech Terms – Adverb, Antonym, Article, Connotation, Conjunction… etc
Sentences, Parts of Sentences Terms – Contention, Run-on Sentence, Clause… etc
Language Terms for this level – Analogy, Allegory, Alusion, Ambiguity, Colloquialism, Contrast… etc
Textual Terms to go with units on Novel, Film, Oral Presentations, Poetry
Punctuation Terms – Apostrophe, Brackets, Capital Letters, Colon,… etc
Each set covers a range of areas that students need to know:
Grammar & Parts of Speech Terms – Adverb, Antonym, Article, Connotation, Conjunction… etc
Sentences, Parts of Sentences Terms – Contention, Run-on Sentence, Clause… etc
Language Terms for this level – Analogy, Allegory, Alusion, Ambiguity, Bias, Colloquialism… etc
Textual Terms to go with units on Novel, Film, Oral Presentations, Poetry
Punctuation Terms – Apostrophe, Brackets, Capital Letters, Colon,… etc
Each set covers a range of areas that students need to know:
Grammar & Parts of Speech Terms – Adverb, Antonym, Article, Connotation, Conjunction… etc
Sentences, Parts of Sentences Terms – Contention, Run-on Sentence, Clause… etc
Language Terms for this level – Analogy, Allegory, Alusion, Ambiguity, Bias, Black Humour… etc
Textual Terms to go with units on Novel, Film, Oral Presentations, Poetry
Punctuation Terms – Apostrophe, Brackets, Capital Letters, Colon,… etc
This is a handy Get To Know You Quiz & Starting Out Diagnostic Test for Year 11 - so easy to start your year well and create a great first impression on your students.
1. A ‘Quick Quiz’ with a range of fun questions for your class to answer on the first day back. Questions include both silly items (colour of socks) and useful ones for the teacher (best school subject). (2 pages) Fully editable Word Document.
2. A Diagnostic test to help you with your initial familiarisation with your students. Covers editing, a few terminology questions, some homonym questions, and an extended writing section. (2 pages) Fully editable Word Document.
Class Expectations to go through on the first day. Covers a range of topics such as discipline, lateness, homework and more. (2 pages) Fully editable Word Document. (1 page) Non Editable. PDF.
Suits students of approximately 15 years of age: New Zealand Year 11 students, Australian Year 10 students, and UK Key Stage 4 students
CHECK OUT my other great resources:
Secondary English
English Classroom ‘Keep Calm’ Posters x14
Get To Know You Quiz & Starting Out Diagnostic Test - Year 10 English
English, secondary english, secondary english resources, starting out english, english starter pack, diagnostic test, english diagnostic, english classroom, english expectations
Get To Know You Quiz & Starting Out Diagnostic Test - Year 10
1. A ‘Quick Quiz’ with a range of fun questions for your class to answer on the first day back. Questions include both silly items (colour of socks) and useful ones for the teacher (best school subject). (2 pages) Fully Editable Word Document.
2. A Diagnostic test to help you with your initial familiarisation with your students. Covers editing, a few terminology questions, some homonym questions, and an extended writing section. (2 pages) Fully Editable Word Document.
A Poster of Student Work Expectations. (1 page) Not Editable. PDF.
A handout of 2 pages with English Class expectations for setting up your class and classroom expectations - covers areas like homework, discipline system, being on time, etc. Fully Editable Word Document.
*Suits students of approximately 14 years of age: New Zealand Year 10 students, Australian Year 9 students, and UK Key Stage 3 students
*CHECK OUT my other Secondary English resources - I have some great Essay Structure posters, or an editable Novel Study booklet suitable for any book that you might like :)
English, secondary english, high school english, english quiz, english test, english diagnostic test, diagnostic tests, english resources, starting the year,
14 bright, positive messages for a Secondary English classroom :)
These make creating a great display easy and fast.
Messages include:
Keep Calm and…
Arrive Organised
Write Essays
Read More
Use Paragraphs… and so on :)
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This worksheet is a graphic organiser for students observing oral presentations. The idea is for them to be more intentional in their observations and to fill out remarks in each of 4 areas:
Body Language
You can ask them to fill it out while watching a teacher-chosen example, then get them to fill it out while listening to a friend preparing their speech before the big day, or they could film themselves and fill it out as self-reflection in preparation for their assessment. Very handy!
Check out my other resources! I have some excellent Essay Writing posters suitable for any secondary classroom that might suit you :)
oral presentations, speeches, speech resources, oral presentation resources, speech preparation
Notes on language terminology, complete with lists and definitions, for each year of Secondary Schooling, increasing in breath and difficulty for each year level. Use as a complete list to give to students each year, and refer to them throughout the year as you memorise terms, hone skills and complete tasks.
Buy one set for the English year level you teach, or pay less per set for a complete Secondary Language Terms Set.
1. Year 10 Language Terms – 10 pages in length - Suit students of approximately 14 years of age: New Zealand Year 10 students, Australian Year 9 students, and UK Key Stage 3 students
2. Year 11 Language Terms - 11 pages in length - Suit students of approximately 15 years of age: New Zealand Year 11 students, Australian Year 10 students, and UK Key Stage 4 students
3. Year 12 Language Terms - 12 pages in length - Suit students of approximately 16 years of age: New Zealand Year 12 students, Australian Year 11 students, and UK Key Stage 4 students
4. Year 13+ Language Terms - 11 pages in length - Suit students of approximately 17 years of age: New Zealand Year 13 students, Australian Year 12 students, and UK Key Stage 4 students, Post 16 Education, and English Higher Education or Tertiary Students
Each set covers a range of areas that students need to know:
Grammar & Parts of Speech Terms – Adverb, Antonym, Article, Connotation, Conjunction… etc
Sentences, Parts of Sentences Terms – Contention, Run-on Sentence, Clause… etc
Language Terms for this level – Analogy, Allegory, Alusion, Ambiguity, Bias, Black Humour… etc
Textual Terms to go with units on Novel, Film, Oral Presentations, Poetry
Punctuation Terms – Apostrophe, Brackets, Capital Letters, Colon,… etc
*CHECK OUT my other great Secondary English resources - I have a set of colourful Essay Structure posters you may like, or a novel study booklet suitable for use with any novel.
language terms, literary terms, english, english vocabulary, english language terms, english literary terms, english literary terminology, secondary english, secondary english resources, english vocabulary, secondary english vocabulary
Notes on language terminology, complete with lists and definitions, for each year of Secondary Schooling, increasing in breath and difficulty for each year level. Use as a complete list to give to students each year, and refer to them throughout the year as you memorise terms, hone skills and complete tasks.
Buy one set for the English year level you teach, or pay less per set for a complete Secondary Language Terms Set.
1. Year 10 Language Terms – 10 pages in length - Suit students of approximately 14 years of age: New Zealand Year 10 students, Australian Year 9 students, and UK Key Stage 3 students
2. Year 11 Language Terms - 11 pages in length - Suit students of approximately 15 years of age: New Zealand Year 11 students, Australian Year 10 students, and UK Key Stage 4 students
3. Year 12 Language Terms - 12 pages in length - Suit students of approximately 16 years of age: New Zealand Year 12 students, Australian Year 11 students, and UK Key Stage 4 students
4. Year 13+ Language Terms - 11 pages in length - Suit students of approximately 17 years of age: New Zealand Year 13 students, Australian Year 12 students, and UK Key Stage 4 students, Post 16 Education, and English Higher Education or Tertiary Students
Each set covers a range of areas that students need to know:
Grammar & Parts of Speech Terms – Adverb, Antonym, Article, Connotation, Conjunction… etc
Sentences, Parts of Sentences Terms – Contention, Run-on Sentence, Clause… etc
Language Terms for this level – Analogy, Allegory, Alusion, Ambiguity, Bias, Colloquialism… etc
Textual Terms to go with units on Novel, Film, Oral Presentations, Poetry
Punctuation Terms – Apostrophe, Brackets, Capital Letters, Colon,… etc
Notes on language terminology, complete with lists and definitions, for each year of Secondary Schooling, increasing in breath and difficulty for each year level. Use as a complete list to give to students each year, and refer to them throughout the year as you memorise terms, hone skills and complete tasks.
Buy one set for the English year level you teach, or pay less per set for a complete Secondary Language Terms Set.
1. Year 10 Language Terms – 10 pages in length - Suit students of approximately 14 years of age: New Zealand Year 10 students, Australian Year 9 students, and UK Key Stage 3 students
2. Year 11 Language Terms - 11 pages in length - Suit students of approximately 15 years of age: New Zealand Year 11 students, Australian Year 10 students, and UK Key Stage 4 students
3. Year 12 Language Terms - 12 pages in length - Suit students of approximately 16 years of age: New Zealand Year 12 students, Australian Year 11 students, and UK Key Stage 4 students
4. Year 13+ Language Terms - 11 pages in length - Suit students of approximately 17 years of age: New Zealand Year 13 students, Australian Year 12 students, and UK Key Stage 4 students, Post 16 Education, and English Higher Education or Tertiary Students
Each set covers a range of areas that students need to know:
Grammar & Parts of Speech Terms – Adverb, Antonym, Article, Connotation, Conjunction… etc
Sentences, Parts of Sentences Terms – Contention, Run-on Sentence, Clause… etc
Language Terms for this level – Analogy, Allegory, Alusion, Ambiguity, Colloquialism, Contrast… etc
Textual Terms to go with units on Novel, Film, Oral Presentations, Poetry
Punctuation Terms – Apostrophe, Brackets, Capital Letters, Colon,… etc
Notes on language terminology, complete with lists and definitions, for each year of Secondary Schooling, increasing in breath and difficulty for each year level. Use as a complete list to give to students each year, and refer to them throughout the year as you memorise terms, hone skills and complete tasks.
Buy one set for the English year level you teach, or pay less per set for a complete Secondary Language Terms Set.
1. Year 10 Language Terms – 10 pages in length - Suit students of approximately 14 years of age: New Zealand Year 10 students, Australian Year 9 students, and UK Key Stage 3 students
2. Year 11 Language Terms - 11 pages in length - Suit students of approximately 15 years of age: New Zealand Year 11 students, Australian Year 10 students, and UK Key Stage 4 students
3. Year 12 Language Terms - 12 pages in length - Suit students of approximately 16 years of age: New Zealand Year 12 students, Australian Year 11 students, and UK Key Stage 4 students
4. Year 13+ Language Terms - 11 pages in length - Suit students of approximately 17 years of age: New Zealand Year 13 students, Australian Year 12 students, and UK Key Stage 4 students, Post 16 Education, and English Higher Education or Tertiary Students
Each set covers a range of areas that students need to know:
This set = Y10
Grammar & Parts of Speech Terms – Adverb, Antonym, Article, Connotation, Conjunction… etc
Sentences, Parts of Sentences Terms – Contention, Run-on Sentence, Clause… etc
Language Terms for this level – Analogy, Colloquialism, Contrast, Cliché… etc
Textual Terms to go with units on Novel, Film, Oral Presentations, Poetry
Punctuation Terms – Apostrophe, Capital Letters, Colon,… etc