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GCSE Chemistry: Alkenes

GCSE Chemistry: Alkenes

This PowerPoint presentation with worked examples and student questions covers: • Unsaturated hydrocarbons • Comparing alkanes and alkenes • Mnemonic device for naming alkenes • General formula for alkenes • Completing addition reactions for alkenes
GCSE Chemistry: Alkanes

GCSE Chemistry: Alkanes

This PowerPoint presentation with worked examples and student questions covers: • Definition of hydrocarbons • Carbon and hydrogen saturation • Mnemonic device for naming alkanes • Comparing complete and incomplete combustion • Balancing complete combustion reactions
GCSE Chemistry: Instrumental Methods of Analysis

GCSE Chemistry: Instrumental Methods of Analysis

This PowerPoint presentation with worked examples and student questions covers: Jobs in Environmental Chemistry Definition of Instrumental Methods of Analysis Advantages of Instrumental Methods of Analysis Gas Chromatography and Chromatograms Mass Spectrometer and Relative Atomic Mass Identifying a molecule with use of a mass spectrum
GCSE Chemistry: Detecting Anions

GCSE Chemistry: Detecting Anions

This PowerPoint presentation with worked examples and student questions covers: Definitions for anions, cations, anodes, cathodes. Tests for carbonate ions Tests for sulfate ions Tests for halide ions
GCSE Chemistry: Detecting Cations

GCSE Chemistry: Detecting Cations

This PowerPoint presentation with worked examples and student questions covers: Flame tests for lithium, sodium, potassium, calcium, and copper. Electron energy levels and emitting radiation. Precipitate tests for iron(II)), iron(III), copper(II), calcium, and zinc.
GCSE Chemistry: Detecting Gases

GCSE Chemistry: Detecting Gases

This PowerPoint presentation with worked examples and student questions covers: Tests for Hydrogen, Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, Chlorine. Gifs of each gas test Electron structure for diatomic molecules
GCSE OCR Chemistry C4.1 Predicting and identifying reactions and products

GCSE OCR Chemistry C4.1 Predicting and identifying reactions and products

6 Resources
C4.1 Predicting and identifying reactions and products All resources for P4.1 GCSE OCR Chemistry Gateway 9-1 Triple and combined (Higher and Foundation) is covered in this material. Includes: Group 1 - The Alkali Metals Group 7 - The Halogens Halogen Displacement Reactions Group 0 - The Noble Gases The Transition Metals Reactivity of Elements
GCSE Chemistry: Reactivity of Elements

GCSE Chemistry: Reactivity of Elements

This PowerPoint presentation with worked examples and student questions covers: • Group 1, 2, 7, 0 electron structures • Reactivity series for metals • Equation for metals and water • Equation for metals and acid • Displacement reactions for metals
GCSE Chemistry: Transition Metals

GCSE Chemistry: Transition Metals

This PowerPoint presentation with worked examples and student questions covers: • Properties of transition metals gases • Comparing transition metals with alkali metals • Everyday applications of transition metals • Transition metals as catalysts
GCSE Chemistry: Group 0 - Noble Gases

GCSE Chemistry: Group 0 - Noble Gases

This PowerPoint presentation with worked examples and student questions covers: • Properties of Noble gases • Trends and anomalies in Group 0 (Density, Melting Point) • Reactivity of Group 0 Noble gases • Electron configuration of Group 0 Noble gases
GCSE Chemistry: Halogen Displacement Reactions

GCSE Chemistry: Halogen Displacement Reactions

This PowerPoint presentation with worked examples and student questions covers: • Definition of halides displacement reactions • Definition of displacement reactions • Identifying displaced products • Completing displacement reactions • Explaining experimental evidence for displacement reactions.
GCSE Chemistry: Group 7 - Halogens

GCSE Chemistry: Group 7 - Halogens

This PowerPoint presentation with worked examples and student questions covers: • Definition of Alkali Metals • Properties of Halogens • Trends and anomalies in Group 7 (Density, Melting Point) • Reactivity of Group 7 Halogens • Electron configuration of Group 7 Halogens • Forming salts with alkali metals and halogens
GCSE Chemistry: Group 1 - Alkali Metals

GCSE Chemistry: Group 1 - Alkali Metals

This PowerPoint presentation with worked examples and student questions covers: • Definition of Alkali Metals • Properties of Alkali Metals • Trends and anomalies in Group 1 (Density, Melting Point) • Reactivity of Group 1 Alkali Metals • Electron configuration of Group 1 Alkali Metals
GCSE Chemistry: Electrolysis of Solutions

GCSE Chemistry: Electrolysis of Solutions

This PowerPoint presentation with worked examples and student questions covers: • The position of metals and non-metals on the periodic table • The ions metals and non-metals form • The ion composition of solutions • Electrodes, cations and anions • The products of electrolysis of solutions • Keyword descriptions and revision tips
GCSE Chemistry: Electrolysis of Water

GCSE Chemistry: Electrolysis of Water

This PowerPoint presentation with worked examples and student questions covers: • Pure water being made partially of ions (hydrogen and hydroxide). • PANIC convention for electrodes • OILRIG convention for redox reactions • Electron transfers at electrodes • Half-equations for anode and cathode • Balancing half-equations
GCSE Chemistry: Electrolysis of molten salts

GCSE Chemistry: Electrolysis of molten salts

This PowerPoint presentation with worked examples and student questions covers: • Naming electrolysis experimental set up • PANIC convention for electrodes • Electron transfers at electrodes • Half-equations for anode and cathode
GCSE Chemistry: Hydrogen Ions and pH

GCSE Chemistry: Hydrogen Ions and pH

This PowerPoint presentation with worked examples and student questions covers: • Concentration of fruit squash • Comparing strong and weak acids • pH and hydrogen ion concentration • Titration curves
GCSE Chemistry: Reactions of Acids

GCSE Chemistry: Reactions of Acids

This PowerPoint presentation with worked examples and student questions covers: • Identifying metals on the periodic table • Predicting the salt formed in acid metal reactions. • Predicting the salt formed in acid carbonate reactions. • Conservation of mass and state symbols
GCSE Chemistry: Neutralisation Reactions

GCSE Chemistry: Neutralisation Reactions

This PowerPoint presentation with worked examples and student questions covers: • Word equations for neutralisation reactions • Describing how ions form salts • Describing how water is formed • Predicting the names of salts formed
GCSE Chemistry: The pH scale

GCSE Chemistry: The pH scale

This PowerPoint presentation with worked examples and student questions covers: • pH 0 - 14 scale with household examples • Definitions for acids, bases and alkali substances • Universal indicator and pH probes • Using equalities and inequalities