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Ex Head Teacher in Special Education, now retired and doing things differently. My resources cover a wide range of school related topics that help to develop staff expertise and wider 'whole school development'. My resources also include numerous PSHE/Life Skill modules I have written and delivered in AP and SE.




Ex Head Teacher in Special Education, now retired and doing things differently. My resources cover a wide range of school related topics that help to develop staff expertise and wider 'whole school development'. My resources also include numerous PSHE/Life Skill modules I have written and delivered in AP and SE.
Reducing Exclusions  -A work pack for 1-1 sessions and PSHE

Reducing Exclusions -A work pack for 1-1 sessions and PSHE

A module of work to support students who have been excluded from school; An ideal piece of work for delivery to those students who have received more than 1 FTE who will form a targeted group within your provision. The 8-9 week module can be delivered by a Mentor, Tutor, LSA or more specialist teacher both in 1-1 sessions or with targeted groups of students. It could also be delivered through a Life Skills or PSHE Programme - I originally wrote the module for delivery by PSHE teachers in a KS3 PRU. The key focus for the module is: Looking at an ideal future Locus of control Appropriate decision making Stop, Think, Go How to handle stress
New to Leadership Self Check Template

New to Leadership Self Check Template

I wrote this document/template when I was successful in securing my final Headship before retirement; In addition to key school documents like the SDP/SEF/Raise Online Data etc, It proved a very useful ally when I was exploring all aspects of my new school. Once I had discovered an item on the list I would check it off and identify where I saw it or where it could be found. This is not an Ofsted related document but a personal template that I found very useful.
Being a Headteacher - Action Planning document

Being a Headteacher - Action Planning document

Are you a new Head looking to identify key priorities for improvement? If so, you may find this real life exemplar of an Action Planning Document very useful; designed in a manner that has both clarity and coherence. After securing a Headship in a school requiring improvement and having made numerous visits to my new school (and after reading appropriate documentation and data) I decided to write the template identified in this resource. The layout helped me to formulate key action points in a clear and coherent manner; it also proved to be a useful document for my colleagues in SLT, from which we were able to identify key points for moving forward; the document fed into the School Development Plan and SEF and helped us to focus on key priorities.
Wet Weather Activity/Indoor PE and Fun Challenges for Kids

Wet Weather Activity/Indoor PE and Fun Challenges for Kids

Are you looking to engage students during a ‘wet weather’ break or lunch time, or develop healthy competition during your tutor period, then look no further; these simple and fun challenges will keep students engaged for hours whilst nurturing leadership and perseverance. Looking to keep your kids active and challenged during lockdown whilst also having fun? Help them set up the challenges in this booklet and watch them become engaged and challenged. Join in the fun and challenge yourself against them. The challenges and activities are suitable for children and adults of all ages and cost very little to set up.
Sex Education modules linked to Statutory Guidance for KS3 and KS4

Sex Education modules linked to Statutory Guidance for KS3 and KS4

With the new RSHE guidance being implemented from this month, I believe that this resource provides an ideal starting point when focusing on positive loving relationships, the family and an introduction to Sex Education for Key Stage 4. The KS3 resource initially focuses on the importance of friends and family and a wider look at relationships, whilst the KS4 resource also focuses on relationships, but with a closer look at boy/girl relationships, sexual responsibilty and love. The resource contains all learning materials that allow for it to be implemented into any programme immediately.
New Student Summary Information Sheet

New Student Summary Information Sheet

A very useful template for collating information on new students to your provision. This can be used by staff supporting the induction of new students or indeed by admin staff who support the collation of information on new students - Once completed this is a useful document to share with key staff who work with the student.
New Student Welcome Booklet

New Student Welcome Booklet

Do you have an induction process for a new student? If so, this resource will help your colleagues get to know them a little better, especially useful in AP where new students may be a little nervous about sharing information; this mini booklet asks some gentle questions to help the colleague inducting the student to collate useful information and encourage discussion.
RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) Worksheets for KS3 and KS4

RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) Worksheets for KS3 and KS4

A range of Support/Worskheets for any KS3 and KS4 Relationships and Sex Education Modules that align with new Government guidance. Each of the resources are linked to the modules for RSE I have written, however I have removed some of the work/support sheets from them and added them to this bundle, as many schools will already have their schemes of work in place for this subject. Pick and choose from a helpful range of RSE resources to suit your needs in the classroom.
Year 10/11 Sex and Relationships Module (Aligned to RSE expectations)

Year 10/11 Sex and Relationships Module (Aligned to RSE expectations)

A 6-7 week Year 10/11 Sex Education Module that has been written with a focus on Christian ethos that links to positive relationships, love and marriage. The module meets the expectations of new RSE guidance and would be an ideal fit into any PSHE or Life Skill Programme. The main focus of the module is as follows: 1.Relationships, family and friends 2. Teenage expectations 3. What is Love? 4. Getting Married 5. Sexual Responsibility 6. The right to say no
Middle Leader/Head of Department Letter

Middle Leader/Head of Department Letter

Are you an aspiring Head of Department or looking to move into Middle Leadership, if so please read on…this resource is an actual letter for a theoretical role. Based on the success of my Exemplar Deputy Head/Head letter, I have written a letter for aspiring MIddle Leaders. The one side of A4 letter provides an exemplar letter for such a role; it provides all the buzz words and sentences from which you can develop your own narrative and it provides a structure to your letter that will make it stand out from the crowd.
Behaviour Support Packs 1/2/3

Behaviour Support Packs 1/2/3

5 Resources
Buy the three Behaviour Support Packs that compliment each other well and save three pounds. Behaviour Support Pack 1 - Getting Along with Others Behaviour Support Pack 2 - Improving Behaviour through reflection and positive action Behaviour Support Pack 3 - Exclusions and Me **Bonus **- I have added: The IBP as this is a great way to monitor and support individual student behaviour. Using appropriate language when dealing with student behaviour All of my packs have been written for class work and 1-1 situations and have been used widely in the provision where I was a Head; with proven results.
Support Staff/Teaching Assistant  Questionnaire

Support Staff/Teaching Assistant Questionnaire

An Extensive Questionnaire (22 Questions) that can be used for self evaluation within the LSA/TA Support teams or as part of wider school/staff evaluation that informs the school development plan or gives feedback to Senior/Middle Leadership.
Tasks for SLT Interviews

Tasks for SLT Interviews

Are you looking to interview for your new Senior Leaders or Assistant Heads and Deputies? If so, this resource will provide a range of tasks that can be administered for these interviews and give you a range of feedback to help you choose the best candidate for the role. I have used each of these tasks for SLT interviews in Special Education and they had proved invaluable. As a bonus I have also added a wide ranging number of interview questions that I feel sure you will find useful.
The Role of the Form Tutor - Updated

The Role of the Form Tutor - Updated

Are you looking to review job descriptions or to re-define the role of your Tutor Teams? This resource identifies in full what are considered the key roles for the Form Tutor on a day-to day basis. This resource can be used by member of SLT to reinforce, or indeed re-invent the expectations for form tutors in your establishment. I originally wrote this for my school as the Tutor Period was re-introduced and it identified the guidance as to the expectations for the new role.
Induction Programme for New Staff 2024

Induction Programme for New Staff 2024

Any colleague joining a new school/Educational Provision, needs to have access to the best support from colleagues within the first few weeks and beyond. This will often take place via line management structures/coaching systems and other monitoring mechanisms. This simple template which I designed for use in my Special Needs Provision(PRU) can be used alongside such systems and by Senior Managers and by colleagues themselves, to track early priorities during the induction process.
Exploring the process of Differentiation in your provision

Exploring the process of Differentiation in your provision

This resource consists of a presentation that I wrote and delivered on Differentiation for staff training. The slides explain clearly what differentiation is, how it links to effective learning for all students and the keys ways to differentiate in the classroom. The presentation can be paused at regular intervals so that staff can discuss the points raised. It formed part of a whole morning training session and so what would be required after the delivery of the Power Point, is an opportunity for colleagues to explore the process of differentiation/ideas in their subject or departmental teams.
Wet Weather Games and Activities for all ages

Wet Weather Games and Activities for all ages

A 14 page booklet that identifies a plethora of mini games and activities that can be played by students of all ages. The games/challenges are very simple to set up and use many items that are at hand in a classroom. I have used the ideas presented in this book both as a wet weather PE resource and for use at lunch and break times, in primary, secondary and in alternative provision. Challenge the students and have fun!!
School Review and Senior Leadership Audit Tool

School Review and Senior Leadership Audit Tool

Are you a new headteacher or longstanding one, who needs to review practice in their school/provision? The following 7 page audit designed in diagrammatic format, asks questions of the practice undertaken in your provision so that you and your Leadership Team can reflect and review the current position of the areas identified…those areas for the purpose of this document are: Curriculum and curriculum development Teaching, learning and assessment Behaviour management Staffing Site and resources Other considerations - like staff and student voice/extra curricular etc. This is an authentic document that I wrote to help identify my initial priorities as I moved into a new position as head of a special school.