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Ex Head Teacher in Special Education, now retired and doing things differently. My resources cover a wide range of school related topics that help to develop staff expertise and wider 'whole school development'. My resources also include numerous PSHE/Life Skill modules I have written and delivered in AP and SE.




Ex Head Teacher in Special Education, now retired and doing things differently. My resources cover a wide range of school related topics that help to develop staff expertise and wider 'whole school development'. My resources also include numerous PSHE/Life Skill modules I have written and delivered in AP and SE.
Wet Weather Activity/Indoor PE and Fun Challenges for Kids

Wet Weather Activity/Indoor PE and Fun Challenges for Kids

Are you looking to engage students during a ‘wet weather’ break or lunch time, or develop healthy competition during your tutor period, then look no further; these simple and fun challenges will keep students engaged for hours whilst nurturing leadership and perseverance. Looking to keep your kids active and challenged during lockdown whilst also having fun? Help them set up the challenges in this booklet and watch them become engaged and challenged. Join in the fun and challenge yourself against them. The challenges and activities are suitable for children and adults of all ages and cost very little to set up.
Sex Education modules linked to Statutory Guidance for KS3 and KS4

Sex Education modules linked to Statutory Guidance for KS3 and KS4

With the new RSHE guidance being implemented from this month, I believe that this resource provides an ideal starting point when focusing on positive loving relationships, the family and an introduction to Sex Education for Key Stage 4. The KS3 resource initially focuses on the importance of friends and family and a wider look at relationships, whilst the KS4 resource also focuses on relationships, but with a closer look at boy/girl relationships, sexual responsibilty and love. The resource contains all learning materials that allow for it to be implemented into any programme immediately.
Coaching Colleagues 2024 - Leading out Coaching in your School

Coaching Colleagues 2024 - Leading out Coaching in your School

Supporting colleagues through a ‘Coaching Approach’ is considered an excellent way in which to involve staff in their ‘school journey’ If you are interested in leading out a Coaching Programme for staff at your school, then a good starting point is to complete an online qualification; I completed a 100 hour course in Life Coaching before implementing a Coaching Programme for teachers and support during my role as a Head and HOC. This resource contains my 4 completed assignments of 5000 words + to help you along your way - all passed with distinction. I have also added teacher planning and observation sheets to this resource that have been used in my provision as part of the process. Assignment 1 - Basic principles underlying Life Coaching Assignment 2 - Theory behind LIfe Coaching. Action Planning. Links to other disciplines and the difference between coaching and mentoring/counselling Assignment 3 - Life Coaching and the working environment. Communication Assignment 4 - Life Coaching and stress/work life balance. The GROW model. Financial and Spiritual Coaching
Anti Bullying initiatives - Writing an Anti Bullying Policy/Bullying initiatives/Citizenship

Anti Bullying initiatives - Writing an Anti Bullying Policy/Bullying initiatives/Citizenship

This resource includes a model 'Anti-bullying Policy, in addition to an in-depth evidence form for recording bullying incidents. In addition, I have added a couple of initiatives that were introduced in my Centre…A bullying levels programme that can be incorporated into any Behaviour Policy/Anti-bullying Policy and an appropriate letter that can form as a template to shape any bullying letters that need to be sent home to parents. In addition to these excellent resources I have also included a Bullying Contract that can be used with students who are habitual bullies in your provision. All have been proven working documents in a PRU.
Report Writing for Teachers/Teacher Report Comments

Report Writing for Teachers/Teacher Report Comments

Save valuable time when writing your reports Are you a teacher or Senior leader who wants to write excellent, personalised reports but also want to save some of your valuable time? This resource contains many exemplar paragraphs and sentences, that can be modified and adapted to add to any style of student mid term/end of term reports; they have originally been written for students in Special Education and some of them link to personalised targets, however much of the resource can be used by colleagues in all types of educational establishment.
Headteacher Application Letter - Special Education

Headteacher Application Letter - Special Education

This letter template is based on my previously well used Headteacher letter template that I used for applying for HT jobs; this one is specifically focused on roles for Headteacher/SLT positions in Special Education and Alternative Provision and gives examples of the kind of evidence you may need to provide that helps to catch the eye of prospective employers. I did indeed get an interview using this letter and ultimately got the job, which was my last substantive post before retirement.
Application for Headship/Deputy Headship - the 'get the interview Letter'

Application for Headship/Deputy Headship - the 'get the interview Letter'

Get that Interview - Get that Job; your first steps to a new position A proven letter template of 2 sides that can be used to shape your application letters and Personal Statements for Senior Leadership Posts; I have shaped this letter over the years and it has helped me to be selected for numerous interviews and ultimately to be selected for 3 Headships. Having recently retired, I am hoping this will help other colleagues to achieve the same, so go for it and good luck!
Indoor PE - Fun Indoor Practical Challenges for Kids at home and school (Updated)

Indoor PE - Fun Indoor Practical Challenges for Kids at home and school (Updated)

The booklet contains over 40 different practical challenges(like the Cube on TV) that can easily be set up using very basic resources, most of which are already in the home or school environment. they are very simple but have proven over the years to engage young people of all ages whilst also developing a culture of fun and participation. The challenges/activities can be used as part of any wet weather PE lessons or wet lunch sessions that need to be completed indoors. Key Features: Can be used by Teachers as wet weather contingency Challenging, Yet Lots of fun for kids and Adults Hours of Fun Challenges that will engage Set up with resources you will have at hand Can be set up anywhere Suitable for kids of all ages The challenges can be completed as part of a team competition at school or indeed by single students. The booklet literally contains hours of activity proven to challenge and engage children of all ages.
Wet Weather Games and Activities for all ages

Wet Weather Games and Activities for all ages

A 14 page booklet that identifies a plethora of mini games and activities that can be played by students of all ages. The games/challenges are very simple to set up and use many items that are at hand in a classroom. I have used the ideas presented in this book both as a wet weather PE resource and for use at lunch and break times, in primary, secondary and in alternative provision. Challenge the students and have fun!!
Attendance Tracking and Monitoring Updated Summer 2024

Attendance Tracking and Monitoring Updated Summer 2024

Student attendance continues to come under scrutiny since the Covid Pandemic. The Tracking and Monitoring attendance package contains the appropriate monitoring tools and associated resources/letters/templates to effectively track student attendance in any school. Alongside the resources are appropriate letters that align to different stages of the tracking and an overall monitoring chart to be used by the attendance officer, to track referrals and cases which require additional follow up. In addition I have added monthly Red/Amber/Green Letters which are an additional monthly resource to inform parents of their students attendance and how it aligns to school expectations. I have also added a template that helps staff to identify historical attendance and exemplar narrative to help you use the appropriate language used by monitoring agencies. I have used this bundle of tools to track attendance in all of my roles in the past 6 years and it has proved very effective and easy to use. Updated to include…the individual student Action Plan and a tracking document aimed at evidencing actions taken to support improvement in attendance across the school - for the complete package for improving attendance see the resource called Strategic Improvement of School Attendance.
Behaviour Support Packs 1/2/3

Behaviour Support Packs 1/2/3

5 Resources
Buy the three Behaviour Support Packs that compliment each other well and save three pounds. Behaviour Support Pack 1 - Getting Along with Others Behaviour Support Pack 2 - Improving Behaviour through reflection and positive action Behaviour Support Pack 3 - Exclusions and Me **Bonus **- I have added: The IBP as this is a great way to monitor and support individual student behaviour. Using appropriate language when dealing with student behaviour All of my packs have been written for class work and 1-1 situations and have been used widely in the provision where I was a Head; with proven results.
Careers Education Bundle - Linked to Gatsby Expectations

Careers Education Bundle - Linked to Gatsby Expectations

10 Resources
Careers Bundle Updated. An excellent Bundle that has recently been updated - all of the resources support the development of an effective Careers Programme across KS3-KS5 I have updated this bundle to include: The new World of Work and Jobs module for either Year 7 or 8 A Year 9 Transition Booklet with a focus on next steps in Year 10 A review template to help students think about their career aspirations The Bundle also contains: Student reflection sheets for Work Experience and Work Related Learning. An extensive student booklet that guides them into producing a ‘Careers Statement’ that will prove useful when applying for jobs and College courses. A Careers module self-assessment sheet A mini module focused on preparing for an interview that can be incorporated into PSHE/Careers lessons. A Career Action Plan for students
PSHE/Relationships Education/Life Skills Bundle - Updated for September 2021

PSHE/Relationships Education/Life Skills Bundle - Updated for September 2021

19 Resources
Are you looking to refresh elements of your PSHE/Relationships/Life Skills curriculum in readiness for the start of the new school year. This bundle will provide you with 19 complete modules that I have written and implemented for use in a Whole School Life Skills, PSHE or Relationships Education programs. They are written in lesson plan format and outline step by step the learning activities that need to be delivered. This bundle contains modules that are appropriate for all schools which are linked to expectations for the National Curriculum and National Association for PSHE.
Improving, Tracking and Monitoring Behaviour Bundle for staff - Updated to include new resources

Improving, Tracking and Monitoring Behaviour Bundle for staff - Updated to include new resources

18 Resources
This Bundle has been updated to include additional resources…these include: Using appropriate language to manage behaviour incidents - for personal or staff training use The very popular IBP template An isolation Reflection Form A popular Behaviour Risk Assessment template This Extensive Bundle contains all ‘Behaviour Related Resources’ from my portfolio that have been developed throughout my career. The Bundle aims to support staff expertise in Improving, Managing and Tracking Behaviour in a range of establishments, as well as providing proven modules of work that can be added to a Life Skills/PSHE Programme to support student self-reflection and which has had proven positive impact, in a range of settings for students from a range of diverse and complex backgrounds. Just Look at what this pack contains Part 1 and 2 of my Behaviour Improvement/Life Skills Module for intensive working with small groups and 1-1 situations Behaviour Training for all staff - using appropriate language/using appropriate questioning to redirect in the classroom, appropriate transition techniques Staff self-reflection Behaviour Management assessment Behaviour targets that can be used to track and monitor student behaviour Extensive work on setting up your new student code of conduct Bullying contract and exemplar letters Advice on improving levels of FTE in your school Using class behaviour protocols to support your teachers The stopping swearing life skills module that helped reduce student swearing in my PRU Behaviour Case Study template for putting together useful case studies for inspection