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Creative Writing: The Titanic

Creative Writing: The Titanic

I created these resources whilst on a second school placement during my GTP. The aim was to get a year 9 group to write creatively but familiarize them with GCSE marking criteria (Welsh Board). The information surrounding the Titanic was to provide a stimulus for them to write their own story.
Creative Writing: Ghost Story

Creative Writing: Ghost Story

Targeted specifically at Year 7 students who have read 'The Black Harvest' but works well as a starting point for creative writing. I use this at the end of a term when i have time left but have started to run out of material in my current topic.
PEE and PETER sheets

PEE and PETER sheets

I take no credit for the creation of these (probably by now ) universal acronyms. However, with a lot of my classes i find providing them with this sheet a good starting point. Use PEE sheets for lower ability students in KS3 and 4. Use PETER sheets for higher ability students in KS3 and 4.
Midsummers Nights Dream S&L Resource Kit

Midsummers Nights Dream S&L Resource Kit

I did this as an end of year task with my Year 7's. Essentially it is putting on a puppet show of Pyramus and Thisbe, the idea being that the students tell a modern version but using elements of Shakespearean language. Set up for SLAF 3 but easy enough to alter for SLAF 1 and 2.
First Day Feelings

First Day Feelings

Linked to the Roald Dahl 'Boy' SoW. I used these powerpoints and worksheets to differentiate for a very large middle set year 7 group. Reasonable success - the worksheets allows the top end to focus on their own development, leaving me to focus on those who were really struggling.
KS4 GCSE Prose Of Mice and Men Pack

KS4 GCSE Prose Of Mice and Men Pack

Contained within this pack is all the resources i used in my GTP year with a bottom set Year 10 GCSE group. I had mixed success bu i felt my teaching got stronger as i went through this unit. A starting point for those wondering where to start perhaps, or another way of looking at a topic thoroughly done.
Spelling and Understanding top 100 common words

Spelling and Understanding top 100 common words

I teach a very low ability year 7 group and they are missing a large amount of spelling and comprehension knowledge of the simplest words. These work sheets are designed to be printed out back to back, taken home and completed. They will allow you to identify which of your students is able to accurately spell and use these first 100 words. VERY useful for EAL students.
DAZ 4 ZOE Assessment Pack

DAZ 4 ZOE Assessment Pack

Shows lessons building up to a reading assessment looking at RAF 2,3,4 and 5. These lessons are targeted at a top set Year 8 class with levels ranging from 5 - 7.
The Truman Show

The Truman Show

The power points and worksheets build upon the attached pdf SoW (not my work - but i include it for you). The power points work through the trailers and the film with targeted comprehension questions. These were built with a mixed ability Year 9 group in mind.
Year 10/11 S&L: Drama Romeo & Juliet

Year 10/11 S&L: Drama Romeo & Juliet

Have had major success with this activity with a low ability Year 11 group. Concept is centered around 'A Tavern in Verona' and deals with events after the finish of the play. Students create and develop their own character. I have had un-confident and uncooperative students sustain their identified roles for 20 minutes with a video camera in their faces. Give it a whirl...
Lord of the Flies GCSE Prose Essay Activity Pack

Lord of the Flies GCSE Prose Essay Activity Pack

The worksheets allow a GCSE Prose essay to be built up. They focus on the Introducation, components of the essay specific to answering the essay question AND the conclusion. There are suggested starter sentences. All resources are Dyslexic friendly (Comic Sans Font). Suitable for lower ability year 10 classes, or classes with reliance upon the TA's and outside class learning. The resources refer directly to the Lord of the Flies book. I have used the Faber and Faber Educational Edition (ISBN:0571056865).
Your Shoes by Michèle Roberts: worksheet

Your Shoes by Michèle Roberts: worksheet

A resource with simple worksheet that encourages students to read the short story 'Your Shoes' by Michele Roberts. It also builds in the Point, Evidence and Explain way of thinking. This is written as a Homework activity for higher ability sets or as a lesson for weak GCSE classes.
Neo-Classical prose, poem and play

Neo-Classical prose, poem and play

A worksheet on a poem, play and piece of prose from the Neo-Classical era. The questions are to check understanding and encourage thoughtful study of the era. I would appreciate feedback.
Renaissance Poem, Play & Prose: Worksheets

Renaissance Poem, Play & Prose: Worksheets

A set of worksheets including comprehension questions and synopsis summaries of a play, prose and a poem. Each sheet has comprehension questions that lead the A level students towards understanding. Still trying to get my head around this course so feedback would be appreciated as to how useful these resources are.
Title, Blurb and brief description

Title, Blurb and brief description

A starter activity to get students involved in different types of fiction. You will need to cut out each of the constituent parts, but this is a great starter activity with the kids working together to match them up.