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AQA GCSE Curriculum

AQA GCSE Curriculum

17 Resources
Every scheme of work that I’ve made that could be used to teach AQA English Language and AQA English Literature
AQA English Language Paper 1: Brighton Rock

AQA English Language Paper 1: Brighton Rock

A deconstruction of the English Language Paper 1 examination that uses Brighton Rock as a source. I’ve lifted the model material from the mark schemes and there’s FAR related targets included. Essentially, this is a lesson that can be taught either AFTER the students have sat the exam and you want them to peer/self assess, or you could change it so that that they answer a question and then mark their efforts. The Section B element is a bit of an experiment - peer marking creative writing is always a challenge. So I’ve given the students a series of yes/not/some related questions. The idea is that they “tick” the level next to the answer on a copy of the AO5 and AO6 mark schemes. Using that, they should be better able to work out where the creative writing fits. My peer marked creative writing has got much more accurate as a result of this.
KS3: Born a Crime - Structure Focus

KS3: Born a Crime - Structure Focus

A lesson take from a collaborative scheme of work. The lesson focuses on the quite excellent Born A Crime by Trevor Noah. The focus is developing an initial understanding of South Africa, then Trevor Noah himself, before focusing in on the context surrounding the story itself. After, the focus switches to analysing the structural choices made in the extract. Additionally, I’ve included a useful little follow up lesson where the focus ins to build a piece of creative writing that follows a specific structural path.
AQA English Language Paper 1: Glass, Bricks and Dust

AQA English Language Paper 1: Glass, Bricks and Dust

Two powerpoints, both showing the same thing, but one is designed to be used on a mobile phone (portrait, no animations etc.). The powerpoint can be used one of two ways. Either it can be used as part of a talking mock exam (where the students talk through a strategy before attempting each task, followed by marking and reflective targets) or as part of getting the students to evaluate their own efforts with a view to setting individual targets. Model material is included as well as the source itself (along with the appropriate mark scheme). The only thing this doesn’t “mark” is the AO5 element of Question 5. But everything else is there.