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Head of Year/College Central Spreadsheet

Head of Year/College Central Spreadsheet

I designed this spreadsheet to track a bunch of the elements I needed to keep an eye on within the Head of Year role. Remember, hide the columns you don’t need and write comments to keep a fuller track of details. A watered-down version of each area is available to see on the top sheet. Also, you can add/modify the menus The areas are as follows: CONTACT TRACKER: Designed to keep track of meetings and phone calls from class room teacher all the way up to governors. TARGET TRACKER: Similar to contact tracker but it allows for you to track a set of targets. I’d log the target in a comment and then enter a new target should I need to do so. OUTSIDE AGENCIES TRACKER: The original reason I set the spreadsheet up. Allows for you to see who has interactions with an agency (e.g. Early Help) and track your contact with them. BULLYING/INCIDENT TRACKER: Accounts for identification of incident, investigation and follow up. You can then log the action. TOILET/TIME OUT PASS TRACKER: Allows for you to monitor when a pass was set up and keep a check of how frequent it is used. You’ll need to copy some of the sections to expand. Not a spreadsheet for the faint hearted, but you’ll only ever need THIS spreadsheet. EDIT: Hello. I’ve included an updated version of this spreadsheet. I’ve used it over the year and, whilst I have found it to be REALLY useful, there were some issues with ordering things and the information becoming corrupt. So, I’ve made a new one that uses the students admission numbers as a starting point. The spreadsheet offers the same features as the one above, but with the following additions: YEAR TRACKER: Tells you clearly how many FSM, PP, Early Help, CIN and many other categories of students you have in one go. PASTORAL TRACKER: Allows you to track form issues, social issues and a variety of other elements. My intention is to make the spreadsheet available to my Year Team so they can check in on the status of their form members. More importantly, you can re-order things and it won’t screw up the data. The spreadsheet is designed to import information from Bromcom on the initial entry page, but it’s easy enough to fill in using other starting points.
AQA English Language Paper 1: Glass, Bricks and Dust

AQA English Language Paper 1: Glass, Bricks and Dust

Two powerpoints, both showing the same thing, but one is designed to be used on a mobile phone (portrait, no animations etc.). The powerpoint can be used one of two ways. Either it can be used as part of a talking mock exam (where the students talk through a strategy before attempting each task, followed by marking and reflective targets) or as part of getting the students to evaluate their own efforts with a view to setting individual targets. Model material is included as well as the source itself (along with the appropriate mark scheme). The only thing this doesn’t “mark” is the AO5 element of Question 5. But everything else is there.