I have just started adding my plays to TES (over 400)!but this will take time! All my assemblies/class plays and guided reading scripts are on www.plays-r-ussell.com and I am happy to write on request. I have converted the entire History Key Stage II curriculum into play format - and much of the other subjects such as Science, Geography, PSHE etc. I cover events such as the Olympics and have received great feedback from teachers around the world! Writing is my passion - hope you enjoy my work!
I have just started adding my plays to TES (over 400)!but this will take time! All my assemblies/class plays and guided reading scripts are on www.plays-r-ussell.com and I am happy to write on request. I have converted the entire History Key Stage II curriculum into play format - and much of the other subjects such as Science, Geography, PSHE etc. I cover events such as the Olympics and have received great feedback from teachers around the world! Writing is my passion - hope you enjoy my work!
Baghdad Early Islamic Civilization Assembly
Cast size: 30 - easily adaptable up or down as, besides the Narrator, the speaking parts are just numbered 1 - 29.
Duration: Around 15 minutes reading time (not including music suggestions)
This assembly is intended as a celebration of learning and toleration. And it is to this end that the focus is on the work of the individual scholars, working in unison in Baghdad, during this Golden Age.
Included is a brief comparison of ‘East and West’– comparing London and Baghdad.
Also available from Sue Russell:
• Baghdad Early Islamic Civilisation Guided Reading Scripts
5 scripts, 6 speakers each, plus quiz for each script.
Approximately 5 minutes reading time for each (not including the quiz)
1. When?
2. Where?
3. The Story of Muhammed
4. Beliefs of Islam
5. World Religions
• An Assembly on Islam which tells the story of Muhammed and gives a brief outline of Islamic beliefs
Sample Text:
Music 1 Golden Years – David Bowie; or Imagine – John Lennon
(Children file in, taking places along two rows of 15, facing the audience)
Narrator: Good morning and welcome to our assembly on
Whole cast: (Together) Baghdad and Early Islamic Civilisation
(Child 1, 2 and 3 stand up with 3 banners: Golden Age, Learning and Tolerance)
Narrator: Aha! And when was this Golden Age?
Child 1: It was between the seventh and thirteenth centuries. That is, around six to twelve hundred A.D.
Narrator: That’s a long time (looking towards Child 2 and 3) to be learned and tolerant!
Child 4: Oh. You’d be surprised what mankind is capable of when the conditions are right!
Narrator: (Looking at cast) Well. I think we need to find out what these ‘conditions’ were, don’t you?
(Narrator ushers Child 2 and 3 with banners Learning and Tolerance to front of ‘stage’)
After all, aren’t Learning
(Child 2 waves banner)
And Tolerance
Child 3 waves banner)
Two of the most important ingredients to a happy and stable society?
Child 4: And a happy and stable school!
Child 5: Yes, we (gesturing to cast) have all learned a huge amount about the importance of Learning and Tolerance
Child 6: Just by doing this assembly!
Narrator: How so?
Child 7: Well, we’ve learned all about this amazing civilisation that we knew nothing about before
Child 8: And we’ve learned how it actually was, and is, possible to work together for the greater good.
Africa Assembly
This African Class Play covers North, South, East, West and Central Africa
Cast of 30 - easily adaptable up or down
Duration - 15 minutes without inclusion of music (playlist of 14 wonderful songs - this could double length of performance!)
With so much extraordinary wildlife, is there going to be any time left for just a mention of man's part in this vast continent?! Our trusty narrator will, as always, make sure this happens - striving as always to keep his cast members under control! He does, however, have his work cut out for him with this one - keen safari members, intrepid expeditionaries, dancing tribesmen, and Ancient Egyptians … all proving more than a match for the wildlife?!
Sample Text
Narrator: (Aside to audience) Phew! At least we were spared the music this time
Music 13 In the Jungle the Mighty Jungle – Lion King (opening lines)
Narrator: Oh no! I spoke too soon! Stop! You know what we need around here? A piece of real drama!
(Narrator beckons to Children 25-29 and after a quick ‘conversation’, children line up and address the audience)
Child 25: We would like to perform for you a brief African Adventure.
Child 26: Starring me, the great explorer David Livingstone
Child 27: And me, the equally great Henry Stanley.
Child 26: Er, wait a minute! Who said anything about being equally great? I was the explorer, remember? You just found me!
Child 27: Huh! Famous undoubtedly only because everyone remembers my words ‘Doctor Livingstone, I presume.’! My men and I
(Cheers from Child 28 & 29)
We went on to take part in the biggest African expedition ever.
Child 28: (Wiping his/her brow) Phew! It’s a bit hot for me, under this blazing African sun!
(Loud grunt/growl)
Child 28: (Screaming) Help! What was that?
Child 29: Maybe one of those fierce African tribes we’ve heard so much about!
Both: Run!
Child 28: Livingstone can stick his expedition!
Child 29: We’re off home!
This is one of several assemblies written by Sue Russell on different countries. Others include England, Scotland, Wales, Great Britain, Holland, Australia, France, Spain, Malta and India plus ‘Around the World in 20 Minutes’.
Space Assembly for Key Stage I
Cast of 30 - easily adapted up or down
Duration - 15 - 20 minutes
Fun 'romp' through Space - with astronauts and, most importantly, rocket men - who would have thought an astronaut could forget his own rocket?! All 8 planets covered - before Narrator returns to Earth!
Also available off this website: Key Stage II version of this script: The Planets. This has a lot more information - plus alien struggling to find his home planet!
Sample Text (Key Stage I Space Assembly):
Astronaut 1: (To Narrator) Hello! Are you all right?
Narrator: Oh (taking a seat) I think I just need a little break. (Sighing) All these space facts!
Astronaut 1: No worries! I’m the expert on space!
Music 5 Rocket Man – Elton John
(Enter Rocket Man 1 carrying rocket)
Rocket Man 1: (To Astronaut 1) Did you forget something?
Astronaut 1: Ah thank you! Won’t get far without my rocket, here!
Rocket Man 1: Where are you going?
Astronaut 1: To Mercury!
(Astronaut fastens helmet, taking seat in/in front of rocket)
Rocket Man 1: (Chanting) 5 4 3 2 1 Blast off!
(Exit Rocket Man 1 and Astronaut I, plus rocket, waving)
Music 6 Mercury – The Planets (Holst)
Stone Age to Iron Age Class Play
Cast of 30 – easily adjustable up or down
Duration: 15 to 20 minutes not including music suggestions
This is one of two scripts written by Sue Russell and was written for upper Key Stage II (9 – 11 year olds).
The second, Changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age - also available off this website - was written as a simplified version of this one, for lower Key Stage II i.e. 7 – 9 year olds.
This script has a truly wide-ranging cast that includes a hunter gatherer, a farmer, some guys with ropes from Stonehenge, a 'Rolling Stone', a caveman, ape, cast of Ice Age, a Celt, Iron Man ... and a Narrator and Archaeologist that just can't seem to get on!
Starting 9 million years ago and running through all three 'ages': Stone, Bronze and Iron (yes, the play does take 'ages'!) this is an informative but, as usual, fun romp through history - with one long-suffering narrator!
I chose to try to explain a little about evolution and how Stone Age Man 'came about' so as to put the aforementioned Ages into context. There is a phenomenal amount of information to cover in this 'Unit' but I hope I have covered the most important changes in this class play. The guided reading scripts, which can be read in the classroom, to accompany this class play, will I hope offer a more comprehensive coverage of the subject, with the usual quizzes to assess knowledge gained.
Sample Text:
Whole Cast: (Together) The Stone Age!
Narrator: Ah! There we are! Now, that’s progress for you!
(Enter Hunter Gatherer)
(Narrator looks him up and down)
Narrator: Hmm. Well, maybe not that much progress!
(Exit Hunter Gatherer, shrugging his shoulders)
Child 9: (To Narrator, angrily) Patience! Evolution takes time! It doesn’t just happen overnight, you know!
Narrator: (Looking at his watch) I’m beginning to realise that. Now, where are we on that timeline?
Child 8: (To Narrator, impatiently) Around 2 and a half million years ago! Weren’t you listening? When man starting using stone tools! That’s why it’s called
Whole cast: (Together) The Stone Age!
Narrator: OK! We got that! But how do we know that’s when stone tools were used?
(Enter Archaeologist)
Archaeologist: (To Narrator) You asking more questions again?
Narrator: Well,
Archaeologist: (Interrupting) That’s OK! That’s why I’m hired to do my job! To give people like you evidence!
Fairer And More Sustainable World Assembly or Class Play
Cast of 30 - easily adjustable up or down (Narrator plus 29 Protestors)
Duration - around 20 minutes not including music suggestions
This script covers two major themes – Fairness in terms of social equality; and Sustainability re: protection of the environment.
The two themes are available as separate assemblies:
· Fairer World Assembly
· The Environment Assembly
The price of this script reflects the fact that this is 'The Environment Assembly' plus a segment from the Fairer World Assembly i.e. a combined script. For full coverage of social issues/justice, I would suggest making Fairer World as a separate purchase.
Sample Text:
Protestor 1: (Holding up ‘F’) F is for Fairer World
Protestor 2: (Holding up ‘A’) A is for All living things being loved and cared for
Protestor 3: (Holding up ‘I’) I is for International Cooperation
Protestor 4: (Holding up ‘R’) R is for Reduction of all things harmful to the environment
Protestor 5: (Holding up ‘E’) E is for Education for everyone
Protestor 6: (Holding up ‘R’) R is for Respect for everyone
Protestor 7: (Holding up ‘W’) W is for Water that is clean and available to all
Protestor 8: (Holding up ‘O’) O is for Ozone layer survival
Protestor 9: (Holding up ‘R’) R is for Rainforests saved
Protestor 10: (Holding up ‘L’) L is for Love throughout the world
Protestor 11: (Holding up ‘D’) and D is for Diversity respected and encouraged everywhere
Narrator: Wow! That’s a pretty awesome list!
Protestor 12: All the more awesome if we could make it happen!
Narrator: But that’s why we’re here today! To make it happen!
Other scripts available on the two subjects of social fairness and protecting our planet are as follows:
Assemblies/Class Plays on:
• Bullying and how to deal with it
• British Values
• Children’s Rights
• Mutual Respect
• numerous other PSHE scripts – in both assembly/class play and guided reading format
• Our Planet
• Environment
Islam Assembly or Class Play
Cast of 30 - easily adapted up or down
Duration - around 10 minutes reading time, not including music at beginning and end
This assembly on the Islamic faith tells the story of Muhammed and gives a brief outline of Islamic beliefs.
It is delivered by a Narrator plus speakers numbered 1 - 29. This script would be a useful supplement to the Baghdad: Early Islamic Civilisation script - as a description of Islam as a religion - with accompanying message of peace and respect for all learning.
Sample Text:
Narrator: Good morning and welcome to our assembly on Islam.
Let’s start with what Islam means.
Child 1: Islam is the Arabic word for submission.
Narrator: I’m guessing, submission to a god?
Child 2: One god – Allah!
Narrator: And the origins of this religion?
Child 3: The religion started AD 610 when Muhammed heard the word of God through the Arch Angel Gabriel.
Narrator: And where was this?
(Child 3 holds up map of the world)
Child 4: (Pointing to Saudi Arabia) Here, in Saudi Arabia, in the city of Mecca.
Narrator: And this Muhammed – tell us a bit about him.
Child 5: He was born AD 570, at Mecca.
Child 6: His family were very poor and he was orphaned at an early age.
Child 7: However, he became rich as a caravan leader
Narrator: (Looking puzzled) Why would you need to lead a caravan? Don’t you just pull them behind your car?
Child 8: No, not that kind of caravan. These were camels, led across the trade routes, carrying goods to be sold at market.
Narrator: Aha! Camel caravans! Now I get you! Back to Muhammed!
Also available from Sue Russell: An assembly on the Baghdad Early Islamic Civilisation
Baghdad Early Islamic Civilisation Guided Reading Scripts:
5 scripts, 6 speakers each, plus quiz for each script.
Approximately 5 minutes reading time for each (not including the quiz)
1. When?
2. Where?
3. The Story of Muhammed
4. Beliefs of Islam
5. World Religions
Environment Assembly - what can we do to help?
Cast of 30 - easily adapted up or down.
Narrator plus 29 protestors! And who would have thought our narrator would find himself ... a protestor?
Duration - around 15 minutes reading time (not including music suggestions). The length of the script can of course be easily extended by adding on more information about man's negative impact on the environment and what we can do to reduce our carbon footprints.
Sample text:
Protestor 28: We can all do something
Protestor 29: Even if it’s just in our own back yard.
Narrator: (Applauding) Ah! Now you’re making sense! You see, sometimes I think we look at the big picture
Protestor 1: (Interrupting) And feel overwhelmed?
Narrator: Exactly! I mean, we all know about global warming, the greenhouse effect, the destruction of rainforests. And I for one think, well, what can I do about it?
Protestor 1: And the good news is
Whole cast: (Shouting together) Plenty!
Narrator: Oh really? Well, you know something? I’m feeling better already!
Protestor 2: So, here’s what we can do to help and sustain our world.
Narrator: Hold on! Could you just explain what you mean by that last bit?
Protestor 2: What? You mean the bit about sustaining our world?
Narrator: Yes. If you would, please.
Protestor 3: OK. So what we mean by sustaining life on this planet is looking after it in a way or ways which will last. We’re not looking for quick fix solutions which won’t last.
Narrator: Excellent. And by ‘life’
Protestor 4: We don’t just mean that of us human beings
Protestor 5: But the life of plants
Protestor 6: Wildlife
Protestor 7: Ecosystems
Protestor 8: And habitats
Narrator: You mean like the rainforests, the poles, the deserts, the oceans
Protestor 9: Well, yes. But there are places far nearer to home that we can make a difference to now.
Narrator: (Wiping his brow) Phew! I am so relieved you said that. I was beginning to feel overwhelmed again!
Protestor 10: Let’s keep this simple!
Narrator: Oh please! That would be a great comfort to me!
Protestor 11: So, what can we do in our own back yard?
Protestor 12: Clear it up?
(Everyone laughs)
Protestor 11: You’re right! That’s a good place to start. We all have way too much rubbish!
Narrator: So how can we stop that?
Protestor 12: How about we start with recycling?
Narrator: You mean cycling … in reverse?
(Everyone groans)
Protestor 12: How about you leave the jokes to us! Though, recycling is no laughing matter. We should all be doing it.
Olympic History Class Play (one of collection of 10 scripts)
This assembly, written by Sue Russell, covers the history of the Olympics, starting with its origins in Ancient Greece. All the host nations are presented in a fun coverage of both events and stars.
Featuring the 18 countries that have so far hosted the Olympic Games, plus Brazil (2016 host), each gives a brief summary of their 'contribution' to the Games' history so far.
Sample Text:
1. Simply the Best - Tina Turner
(Children file in, waving flags triumphantly)
Coubertin: Good morning and welcome to our class play on The History of the Olympics - when nations compete against each other, in the most sporting manner.
(19 nations stand up with flags, cheering loudly)
(Zeus plus 3 Ancient Greeks stride onto stage, folding their arms in front of them, taking up an aggressive stance)
Coubertin: ‘Course, it wasn't always like that. Back in 776 BC it was only athletes from across Ancient Greece who competed.
Zeus: In my honor!
Sostratos: 5 days
Leonidas: 7 events
Kallipateira: (Scowling) And no women!
Coubertin: Ah! The good old days! When men were men, and women were women!
Kallipateira: I thought you were here to represent the Modern Olympics?
Coubertin: Indeed I am. And you're about to see just how many changes took place over the years
Zeus: Not necessarily for the better! (Looking around) I can't see any of this lot paying me homage! And what are those women doing, mingling with the men athletes?
Coubertin: (In disgust) They're competing too!
Other scripts available:
1. Brazil - Host Country to 2016 Olympics
2. Olympics PRIDE Assembly (PSHE 'team spirit' script)
3. Olympic Games 2016 Leavers Assembly
4. Rio 2016 Olympic Games Assembly - covering all 28 sports
5. Rio 2016 Olympic Games Assembly: history and events - combined script including Olympic Ode
6. Olympics Assembly for Key Stage 1 Rio 2016
7. Paralympics 2016 Assembly
1. A Complete History of the Olympic Games Guided Reading Scripts plus quizzes - set of 8 scripts, plus quizzes
2. Olympics PRIDE Guided Reading
Rio 2016 Olympic Games Quiz - 100 questions and answers!
Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table Class Play or Assembly
Cast of 30.
Duration around 10 minutes.
This script starts with a look at the Code of Honour which those Knights of the Round Table were supposed to follow and demonstrate in their actions. But Knights, like the rest of us, are merely human as pointed out by our learned friend/wizard – Merlin. This script attempts to highlight that nobody - not even the great King Arthur - is perfect; but that that shouldn’t stop us from trying to be modern Knights – at least in as far as their aspirations!
The second half of the script has a brief resume of The Sword in the Stone plus a mention of some other key moments in the Arthurian legend.
Sample Text
Knight 10: (To King Arthur) You taught us that all men were born equal.
Knight 11: And that we should always respect ourselves and others, as equals.
King Arthur: That was the idea behind the Round Table. That no one should think himself superior to another.
Knight 12: Nobody should get airs above their station. Meekness and humility are two shining virtues we should all aspire to.
Knight 13: We should be kind
Knight 14: Gentle
Knight 15: And merciful
Mordred: Doesn’t sound very ‘knightly’ to me!
King Arthur: Which is why you should be listening and learning. It takes more than sheer brawn to be a true knight!
Knight 16: Yes, be prepared to fight for justice
King Arthur: But being brave is only good if it is done for the right reasons!
Knight 17: You have to know right from wrong
Knight 18: And fight for those who can’t defend themselves.
Mordred: (Muttering) Doesn’t sound very heroic to me!
King Arthur: But that’s just it! It’s not about playing the hero, looking all dashing and chivalrous!
Knight 19: That’s plain vanity! Nothing noble and courageous about that!
Mordred: (Spluttering) But
Knight 20: (Sighing) You have to be patient.
Knight 21: Courteous. Treat others as you would wish them to treat you.
Knight 22: Harbour no envy.
Knight 23: Commit no murder.
Mordred: Oh, here we go. I wondered when that was going to come up.
Knight 24: To have honour you have to fight on the side of truth.
Mordred: And who are you, any of you, to say what that is?
Merlin: (Sighing) Ah me! And this is where it all gets so complicated. None of us are perfect. We all get drawn into temptation – that’s life.
King Arthur: But we can at least try to abide by certain rules of conduct. Ones that are not going to harm others. And if we succeed at just a few of these, then we are on the right path.
Anti-Bullying Assembly or Class Play
Michael Jackson’s You Are Not Alone is used as its title and final song.
Its Children’s Mental Health Week 3 - 9 February. So I am reducing a number of my ‘mental health related’ scripts to mark the occasion
Some useful tips on looking out for others - and yourself.
This class play identifies different types of bullying and suggests strategies for both prevention and dealing with the problem when it arises. It looks at the problem of bullying from 2 perspectives - that of the ‘bully’ and the ‘bullied’, examining why bullies behave as they do and what it feels like to be on the receiving end. The most important message is that we are all special, that we should like ourselves the way we are, and that if we ever find ourselves being bullied, we should get help/talk to someone - never bottle it up inside and ‘put up’ with it.
I wrote this at a time when my own daughter (then 9) was being bullied. I learnt many lessons from the experience which I would like to pass onto others.
This script comes in two versions - First one being longer at around 15 minutes (not including music suggestions); second one shorter at just under 10 minutes. I have identified the text that has been left in and taken out from versions I and II respectively. This gives you as a teacher the choice of what length play you wish to use.
Another resource for use within the classroom is a script in the Bible Stories section of the website on David and Goliath - cast of 10 and with discussion pointers on bullying at the end.
Sample Text:
Child 19: You have to believe in yourself. And be your own best friend!
(Child 21: Lollipop lady walks to centre of stage - lifts STOP sign each time it’s spoken)
Narrator: What are you doing here? I can’t see any traffic?
Lollipop Lady: No, but there are lots of things that need to stop, apart from cars. We’re here to tell you about the things we should stop doing!
Child 1:
STOP feeling everything that goes wrong is your fault! It isn’t!
Child 2:
STOP thinking you have to be perfect at everything! It’s not possible - you’re not superman!
Child 3:
STOP letting what you can’t do get in the way of what you can do!
Child 4:
STOP trying to be everybody’s friend. You can be liked by some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time!
Child 5:
STOP jumping to conclusions. If someone doesn’t say Hi to you, don’t think ‘Hey! They’re ignoring me. They don’t like me anymore!’ They might not have seen you. Don’t assume the worst!
Child 6:
Stop labelling yourself. Feeling sad one day doesn’t make you a wimp!
Child 7:
Getting your sums wrong another day doesn’t make you a loser!
Child 8:
Having a spot on your nose one day doesn’t make you ugly!
Child 9:
Having an extra chocolate bar doesn’t make you wicked!
Child 10:
Stop telling yourself you should be this, and you shouldn’t be that.
Let’s Meet …. King Alfred the Great
Let’s Meet Series (so far)
2 speakers (famous person plus interviewer)
5 minutes reading time (not including quizzes)
• Alfred the Great
• Boudicca
• Henry VIII
• Henry VIII – 2 scripts & 2 quizzes:
The Reformation
• Elizabeth I
• Florence Nightingale
• Vincent Van Gogh
Plus scripts between
• Queen Victoria and Elizabeth I
• Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole
This series of reading texts based on famous characters – past and present –will include monarchs, adventurers, poets, inventors, politicians, space explorers with two objectives:
To Bring History Alive (as with my plays)
To make reading a more lively, interactive experience – for both student and teacher
Also available: Vincent Van Gogh – a Monologue (plus quiz and discussion suggestions)
• Meet the Anglo-Saxons Guided Readers (See detailed breakdown after quiz)
• Wonderful Winchester Assembly or Class Play
Sample Text:
Interviewer: Good afternoon! And you must be King Alfred
Alfred: The Great! Please don’t forget that bit!
Interviewer: The only one of our kings to have that title
Alfred: And well deserved, may I add!
Interviewer: To be sure!
(Aside) Though why he needs to keep reminding me …
Alfred: So, as your memory did have that slight falter, shall I help you
Interviewer: Remember how great you were?
Alfred: Oh, that would be a little presumptuous. I’ll just settle for why I was Great!
Interviewer: (Aside) Amazing how little some egos need in the way of encouragement!
Very well. Let’s hear it.
Alfred: Maybe we should start with my scholarly skills.
Interviewer: Yes, I have heard you were quite the student!
Alfred: And I made sure everyone else benefitted from my knowledge – all that Latin in our books turned into something we could understand!
Interviewer: So, wait a minute. Before we get totally stuck into what made you great
Alfred: I can’t wait!
Grammar and Punctuation Assembly
Two camps: Grammys and Punks! Cast of 30 - easily adaptable up or down
Duration: around 10 - 15 minutes
This class play attempts to cover at least the basics of our great English Language - a pretty tough challenge!
'Coverage' includes:
Punctuation: Capital Letters Full Stops Exclamation Marks Question Marks Commas Colons Semicolons Brackets Hyphens Quotation Marks Apostrophes
Grammar: Nouns Proper Common Collective Abstract Pronouns Adjectives; Verbs Present Past Future Active and Passive Regular and Irregular Adverb; Preposition Conjunction
Sample Text
Narrator: (Growing increasingly impatient) Yes! Yes! Do please say what you’ve got to say! We do have a few more parts of speech apart from yourself to get through, you know!
Grammy 2: (Huffily) Oh very well. I’ll keep it brief!
(Punks all cheer)
Grammy 2: Well, proper nouns are really just names. (Pauses) There! Is that brief enough for you?
Narrator: Excellent! Thank you for that!
(To audience) Phew! I thought for one awful moment we were going to be stuck with proper nouns until the end of the assembly!
Grammy 3: (Bashfully) Me? Oh I’m just a common noun!
Narrator: Oh! Nothing remotely common about you I’m sure!
Grammy 3: But that’s what I’m called!
Grammy 2: That’s right! I’m proper! And he’s common!
Word: Well, there are quite a few other types, like
Grammy 4: Collective nouns – for example, a swarm of bees, a herd of sheep
Grammy 5: And abstract nouns – things you can’t hold in your hand - like anger, time
Narrator: (Looking at watch) Speaking of which, yes, I think that’s enough on nouns!
Grammy 6: (Squeaking) But hey! I might be small, but don’t forget me!
Narrator: And you are?
Grammy 6: I’m a pronoun! Very important I am!
Narrator: (To audience) Just like the rest of them!
State your business, briefly if you can!
Roald Dahl School Assembly or Class Play
Cast size: The small speaking cast of 6 can be increased to include the whole class by adding a supporting cast of characters taken from the five books.
September 13th is Roald Dahl Day – this year it is also his centenary. To celebrate this great writer, I, Sue Russell have written an Assembly which attempts to capture just some of the man's genius. It is just a short assembly, looking at 5 of his works - The Magic Finger, BFG, The Giraffe the Pelly and Me, Revolting Rhymes and Dirty Beasts; but in looking at these books again, I for one was reminded of Dahl's amazing ability to create the most bizarre characters, and situations .. out of nothing. He was, I think, a genius and his memory stays vividly alive through his numerous brilliant books.
The play has a small speaking cast - teacher (narrator) plus 5 students, who are asked to pick their favourite author (Roald Dahl - no surprises there!) and favourite books. These are The Magic Finger, The BFG, The Giraffe the Pelly and Me, Revolting Rhymes and Dirty Beasts. The supporting cast i.e. characters taken from these books, is left to the teacher's discretion i.e. depending on how many children there are in the class. Different 'favourites' could obviously be chosen and added to the ones 'my five' chose; and I have similarly left out extracts from the books, plus musical excerpts from the movies which could be added. This assembly can thus be expanded upon in a way to suit the individual class and their Dahl preferences. I hope I have provided a good starting point!
If you are interested in looking at more great writers from Britain, I have written a Great British Writers Assembly which, along with Dahl, features the works of C.S. Lewis, A.A. Milne, Lewis Carroll and J.K. Rowling. A good resource to have during National Children's Book Week, 1-7 October.
Lucy: The Giraffe, the Pelly and Me.
Teacher: And why did you choose that one?
Lucy: I loved the animal characters in it, including the monkey who isn't mentioned in the title! The three of them - the giraffe, the pelican and the monkey - make up a window cleaning gang, the giraffe acting as a ladder because of his magically long neck; the pelican acting as the bucket, with his special ‘Patented beak' and the monkey acting as the cleaner.
Great Artists Assembly or Class Play - Key Stage I
Bruegel and Lowry Script
Cast Size - 30 - easily adaptable up or down
Duration - around 10 - 15 minutes depending on time spent on children's own artwork. (There is a section of the script dedicated to children showing and describing their own work - this section can be omitted thus reducing duration to around 5 - 10 minutes)
Sample Script
Bruegel: Oh well! Let me tell you now! I had to disguise myself as a peasant
Child 12: Why?
Bruegel: Oh so that I could see what it was like …. being a peasant!
Child 13: And what was it like – being a peasant?
Bruegel: Well, I try to show that in my paintings.
Teacher: You see, children. Up to this time, only kings and queens and people with lots of money were painted.
Narrator: Lucky for us Bruegel came along – and showed us how the poor people lived!
(Bruegel goes back to work at his easel)
(Lowry looks up from his work, and stands up)
Lowry: So did I!
Narrator: Pardon?
Lowry: I also showed what it was like to be a worker!
(Narrator walks over and holds up Lowry painting, to show cast and audience)
Child 14: (To Teacher) That’s like the pictures you showed us, Miss!
Teacher: Quite so!
Child 15: They show us how people lived in the industrial cities of England.
Child 16: Smoking factories
Child 17: Long streets
Child 18: Long people!
Narrator: Pardon?
Child 19: Oh, he means – the people look a bit like matchstick men!
Lowry: (Laughing) That was my style!
This script is one of the Famous People Series based on the lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements, comparing aspects of life in different periods. This list of ‘greats’ includes:
· Queens - Elizabeth I and Victoria
· Explorers - Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong
· Inventors - William Caxton and Tim Berners-Lee
· Women: (i) In Civil Rights - Rosa Parks and Emily Davison
(ii) Nurses - Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole and Edith Cavell.
I am happy to write on alternative individuals as per my 'write on request' service - so please drop me a line on sue@plays-r-ussell.com
India Assembly
Cast of 30 - easily adaptable up or down
Duration - minimum 10 minutes reading time - this, as explained in Production Notes, could be increased to 30 minutes plus
The cast (should that be caste?!) of this Indian Assembly or Class Play is anything but equal with the appearance of three gods - two with 4 arms and the other with 4 heads - which one is the narrator supposed to address?
Just one of the many problems facing our narrator - the main one being sheer volume of music, colour, joy and .. well everything that makes India such a vibrant country!
Sample Text:
Music 2
(Shiva dances across ‘the stage’)
(Narrator tries to stop him but is confused by the number of arms – four)
Narrator: Er, em, excuse me … but who are you and what are you doing?
Shiva: What am I doing? Isn’t it obvious? I’m dancing, of course!
Narrator: Well, I think we can all see that. But who are you?
Shiva: (Exploding) Who am I? Who am I?
Narrator: Well, if you put it like that – yes, who are you?
(Whole cast gasps in horror)
(Child 7 goes over to Narrator)
Child 7: (Aside) Surely you know who this is?
Narrator: (Irritably) Well, do you really think I’d be asking if I did?
Child 7: It’s Shiva – the Destroyer!
(Narrator gasps)
Narrator: Oh no! Not that god with the power of life and death?
Child 7: That’s the one!
Narrator: (To Shiva) Oh I am most dreadfully sorry! I had no idea that it was you, Shiva!
Shiva: Oh I’ll forgive you! I guess I do look (waving arms around) pretty ‘armless!
Narrator: Well, I wouldn’t say that! I mean, I think I counted … four arms?
Shiva: Oh that’s nothing! When you compare it with number of names I have!
Narrator: And they are? (Holds up fingers to start counting on) Now, let’s see. Starting with Shiva …
Shiva: Er, I don’t think we have time to run through the others – there are over one thousand of them!
This is one of several assemblies written by Sue Russell on different countries. Others include England, Scotland, Wales, Great Britain, Holland, Australia, France, Spain, Malta and India plus ‘Around the World in 20 Minutes’.
Other Indian scripts:
Divali and the Story of Rama & Sita (as a play within a play - a little like Midsummer Night’s Dream!)
plus scripts on Gandhi and on the Indus Valley Civilisation.
Midsummer Night’s Dream Assembly or Class Play
This version of A Midsummer Night's Dream is directed, as a school assembly, by William Shakespeare's own son, Hamnet. Written for cast of 16-30, running time approx. 40 minutes, this play follows the original plot, but has some interesting twists along the way. And as if four confused lovers isn't enough to contend with on stage plus some very non-cooperative fairies - our poor director, Hamnet also has his playwright father to deal with!
Sample Text
Helena: You are teasing me! You still love Hermia!
Lysander: How can you say such a thing? How I do repent, the tedious minutes I with her have spent!
Helena: Lysander! This is not the time for bad poetry! Stop your teasing now!
Lysander: But why would I not change a raven for a dove? Please, Helena! Come with me now! Let us leave hideous Hermia! Believe me (looking over at the snorting Hermia), you'd be doing me a big favor!
Helena: (Sarcastically) So romantic! Men! Who'd have them?
(Helena storms off)
Lysander: Hmm. I can see I may need another trip to that Charm School! (Turning to Hermia) I've hung around with this one quite long enough. What did I ever see in her? What a sight! I'm off to honor Helena and to be her knight!
(Hermia wakes, screaming, from a nightmare)
Hermia: Lysander! Help me! My worst nightmare ... (Frantically searching through suitcase) Please don't say I've left my make-up bag behind?
Other Shakespeare scripts written by Sue Russell:
• Macbeth
• Different Midsummer Night’s Dream alternative ‘Nightmare’ versions!
• Romeo & Juliet – Valentines Assembly
• Romeo & Juliet in Love … Well, weren’t they?
Guided Reading scripts:
• Shakespeare Plays (8 mini condensed versions)
• Set of 4 alternative Shakespeare scripts - Hamlet, Macbeth, Midsummer Night's Dream and Romeo & Juliet (incl. detailed synopses and lesson plans)
• Alternative Hamlet script plus lesson plan
• Alternative Macbeth script plus lesson plan
• Alternative Midsummer Night's Dream script plus lesson plan
• Alternative Romeo & Juliet script plus lesson plan
Alternative fairy tales – Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty – which are in the PSHE section of the website.
• Take a Book – Different Genres of Writing Assembly
• Great British Writers Assembly. This short small cast assembly - 6 speakers (with adaptations for whole class) focuses on the writers *Roald Dahl, C.S. Lewis, A.A. Milne, Lewis Carroll and J.K. Rowling and their books.
• Roald Dahl Assembly
Leavers' Assembly for Year 6s
This end of year assembly, for Year 6s, is a light-hearted romp through what they have learnt - with reference to The Big Three (Core Subjects) and not forgetting the Nine Foundation Subjects! The focus is on history (Romans through to the present day) but there are plenty of cross-curricular links along with 'mandatory' reference to Literacy and Numeracy Strategies (which ones?!) and other equally 'important' matters - such as what the dinner ladies are serving up!
Cast: Written for a year group of around 90, 3 classes - speaking parts for all, but easily adaptable to smaller year group or fewer classes.
Duration: The reading time is relatively short (around 10/15 minutes) so favourite poems or extracts from favourite stories could be added - for children to read or recite. Likewise with favourite Art and D.T. projects (evidence for which may still be at home!).
Sample Text
Shakespeare: What ho? Methinks this principal should learn a few principle facts himself! Like (embracing himself) "Some are born great, some achieve greatness" .... (pauses, pointing towards Principal) but alas "Some have greatness thrust upon them"!
Principal: (Striding towards Shakespeare) Now look here, Bill! I'm the one running this show, today. You and your plays can go ...
Music 5 Food Glorious Food - Oliver
(Loud outburst of "Food Glorious Food" sung by Oliver and boys. Shakespeare and Drake exit, holding their ears)
Principal: And who might this scruffy looking lot be? They wouldn't get into my school looking like that!
Oliver: (With bowl held out to Principal) More! Please sir, can I have some more?
Principal: (Yelling) More?!
(Principal looks inside bowl, sniffs and pulls back in disgust)
Principal: Ugh! I don't remember this being on the cafeteria menu this morning?
(Line of dinner ladies file on, each holding a different dish, and offering food to Oliver, who samples each in turn)
Production Directions
This assembly was written for a year group consisting of 3 classes (around 30 for each). Thus, there are 3 groups: Like, Dislike and Not Sure (reflecting feelings about school); these then change into the 3 core subjects; and finally the 9 foundation subjects are added. This arrangement can be changed - dividing one class into three or two classes into three.
Because of the primary focus being on history, this subject has the greatest number of speakers (52) - the other subjects just having a handful.
Other Leavers Assemblies by Sue Russell:
• Our School's Got Talent Leavers' Assembly
• Olympics Leavers Assembly
• School's Out Leavers' Assembly
• It’s Good to be Me Leavers Assembly
School's Out Leavers' Assembly
The cast size (30) can easily be adapted up (for a year group) or down, if necessary, to suit class size of less than 30.
Duration: Reading time is only about 5 minutes. However, if all 12 songs are used, and say 2 minutes of each are performed, then this takes performance up to around 30 minutes. This is a rough figure depending heavily on how much of each song is used.
What does it take to put a smile on those Year 6 faces? Maybe a large dose of great music and some equally great performances .... by the staff?! The lengths teachers will go to - or are we all really just frustrated rock stars underneath?!
Easy to produce, great fun to do!
Sample Text:
Music 1 Yesterday – Beatles
(Children file into places, singing as they come in and become seated; at the end of the song, all sit disconsolately, hanging heads in misery; group of teachers stand to one side, listening to their students)
Teacher 1: What a beautiful song!
Teacher 2: But why the long faces?
Teacher 3: Why so sad?
Teacher 4: What have you got to feel sad about?
Teacher 5: This is your last day at school! Wouldn’t a better choice of music be …?
Music 2 School’s Out – Alice Cooper
(Teachers sing and perform really ‘over the top’ version of song; students look on in horror)
Child 1: And they called us ‘sad’?
Child 2: ‘Sad’ has to be the understatement of the year!
Child 3: I’d say more like – ‘tragedy’!
Teacher 6: (Beaming from ear to ear) Now you’re talking!
Music 3 Tragedy – Steps or Bee Gees
(Teachers again sing and perform totally ‘over the top’ version of the song; students increasingly alarmed)
Child 4: Stop! Stop! Have you all taken leave of your senses?
Teacher 7: Well, this is supposed to be a leavers’ assembly, isn’t it?
(All teachers fall about laughing)
Child 5: But guess what? It’s supposed to be our leavers’ assembly, not yours!
Child 6: Yeah! You’ll all still be here this time next year!
Child 7: Not like us!
Child 8: We’re the ones leaving!
Child 9: Not you!
Teacher 8: So, why aren’t you celebrating?
Other Leavers Assemblies by Sue Russell:
It’s Good to be Me Leavers Assembly
Leavers Assembly for Year 6s
Our School’s Got Talent Leavers Assembly
Olympics Leavers Assembly
Ode to St. George. I wrote this back in 2009 but, typical of me, have just come across it again - on St. George’s Day! Nothing like forward planning! It’s actually part of a St. George’s Day Bundle - over 50 pages including an Assembly On England in Celebration of St. George’s Day; and a set of Guided Reading Scripts covering England’s monarchy, people, places and customs - all very light-hearted and full of our weird and wonderful ways! Anyway, hope you enjoy this poem. One thing about this ‘lockdown’ period is that I’m coming across lots of my old favourite scripts - that I’d forgotten I’ve written!
Sample Text:
For England is the place to be
England is the land of the free.
England produced Winnie the Pooh
Peter Pan, and Beatrix Potter too.
England produced the likes of Will Shakespeare
Wordsworth, Rowling and Edward Lear.
England has history that goes on forever
(Makes up, perhaps, for our crummy weather!)
England produced the Beatles, the Stones and the Who
And a capital city, London – equaled by few.
England serves the very best tea
England has health care that is free.
England is the place to be
England is the land of the free.
(All Together)
Rule Britannia!
St. George’s Day is here.
England never shall have
Anything to fear!
FREE Sport Relief Assembly
Every year I do something to raise money for Sport Relief - this generally in my capacity as a zumba instructor (guess what ‘sport’ is there in the script, representing Z on the sports list?!)
This script is about as versatile as I can make it - any cast size, any duration, any number of songs/music suggestions.
Good luck to everyone ‘doing their thing’ this year. My challenge is going to be ‘sitting still for one minute’ during each of my 15 zumba routines - a challenge beyond anything I have ever undertaken before! If you’ve ever been to a zumba class you’ll know what I mean!
Simple message to accompany this script - ENJOY!
Sample Text:
Child 26: Volleyball
Child 27: Weightlifting
Child 28: Wrestling
Child 29: Zumba!
Narrator: (To Child 29) I beg your pardon?
Child 29: Zumba! Would you like a demonstration?
Music 2 – Zumba number/Latin American music
(Child 29 ‘performs’)
(Loud applause from cast and audience)
Narrator: Magnificent! And I can see that dancing is just as energetic as all those other sports we’ve mentioned!
Child 1: (Fanning him/herself) Phew! All that hot Latin American music!
Child 2: But let’s not forget our winter sports!
Child 3: We have only just had those fantastic Winter Olympics!
Child 4: Who could forget
Child 5: The skiing
Child 6: Bobsleigh
Child 7: Figure skating
Child 8: Ice hockey
Next big sporting event – THE WORLD CUP! Check out assemblies, guided reading scripts and quiz on this wonderful theme! All available off TES and