Whole school
Shrove Tuesday Assembly
This 12 slide assembly looks into the history and traditions of Shrove Tuesday as well as how to cook and flip pancakes.
This assembly includes:
What is Shrove Tuesday?
Informative video
When is it?
Why is it called Pancake day?
How to make and flip pancakes
Personal Reflection questions
Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
Lent Assembly
This 11 slide Assembly looks briefly into why Christians celebrate Lent and asks students to consider what they might give up for Lent.
The assembly includes:
What is Lent?
Informative video
History of Lent
When is Lent?
Why 40 days?
Lent traditions
What could you give up?
Reflection questions
Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
Introduction to the Formal Examination Process Assembly
This informative 10 slide assembly provides students with the key information regarding the important rules and procedures around formal exams. This will ensure students are aware of what is and is not permitted to ensure exams at your school run smoothly.
The assembly covers the following:
-Exam conditions
-Entering the exam
-Seating and equipment
-No electronics
-Invigilation team
Exam front sheet
Leaving the exam room
Extenuating circumstances
Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
What is Brexit? Assembly
This Assembly is Brexit explained simply. It breaks down the key elements of Brexit with simple language and explanations for all to understand.
This Assembly looks at:
• What is Brexit
• What is the EU
• Why Are we leaving?
• Referendum
• Article 50
• Withdrawal Agreement
• What is a Single Market
• Video’s to support the content
• Reasons for leaving the EU
• Reasons against leaving the EU
• Students Vote and whether we should stay or go
• Tutor Time Activity
Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
Premier League Rewards Scheme
I use this with some unengaged students in my year who love football. Each student picks a team at random and gets points on how that team perform each weekend. They also gain points for behaviour, attendance and positive comments. They lose points for bad behaviour, poor attendance and negative comments. Really engages student! Well worth trying.
This comes with the following:
Powerpoint to use in assembly to introduce students to competition
Fixture list
Team sheet for student selection
Point score chart
Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
Balanced Diet Assembly
Balanced Diet Assembly
This fantastic 33 slide assembly teaches students about the importance of maintaining a balanced diet. It looks in depth about what makes up a balanced diet and gives students useful advice to apply to their own diet. Resource also comes with follow up Tutor Time Task
This assembly covers:
What is a balanced diet?
Informative Video
The eat well plate
Components of a balanced diet
Tips on how to maintain a balanced diet (including: drinking fluids, limit sugars, 5 portions of fruit and vegetables, check the label etc.)
Calories (with informative video)
Personal Reflection questions
Tutor Time Task following on from Assembly
Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
Tutor Time Student Responsibilities
These resources support teachers to create a purposeful and efficient Tutor Time, whilst most importantly easing the teacher workload.
There are 2 resources attached to download.
Presentation outlining all responsibilities and what they involve
Sheet to record and display who has what role.
Tutor Time will run itself if this is embedded correctly.
Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
The Life of Queen Elizabeth II Assembly
This informative and inspirational 23 slide assembly tracks the life and work of Queen Elizabeth II. Students will learn about her early life, key events and milestone and even what she keeps in her handbag.
The Assembly covers:
• Early life
• Coronation
• Family
• Key Events
• Milestones and Fun Facts
• Informative videos
• Reflection
• Tutor Time Activity
Note: this assembly was written prior to the Queen’s passing.
Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
Remote Learning Survival Guide Assembly
This informative and inspirational 41 slide assembly is the perfect way to support your students through remote learning and can be delivered to any/every year group remotely or in person (if possible). There is easily enough here for 2 assemblies if needed.
The Assembly covers:
• What is remote learning?
• Why is education important?
• Mental health stats from last lockdown
• What is mental health?
• 8 top tips to look after mental health whilst remote learning
• 15 top tips on how to make the most of remote learning
• Reflection
• Video’s delivering key messages to support the assembly
Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
GCSE Guide for Parents Booklet
A guide that is great to hand to parents on parents evening for students in Y10 and Y11. It gives advice on how students should prepare for exams (prior, on the day and in the exam) and how parents can assist with these preparations. Used with great success
Attendance and Punctuality Report
I recently used this attendance and punctuality report with my Y11 cohort and used the presentation with the students and letter with parents. If sanctions and rewards are used appropriately in line with your school policy than this can help raise awareness and the attendance of persistent offenders.
How to Write your CV Assembly/Lesson
This 16 slide assembly/lesson is perfect to deliver to students in KS4 or KS5. The powerpoint will take students step by step through the CV writing process giving them hints and tips along the way. They will then be challenged to write their own CV using all the information from the PowerPoint. With competition for courses/places/jobs so intense, students need to do everything they can now to give their applications a better chance of success later.
The assembly covers the following:
The purpose of a CV
CV Tips
What should be on a CV
What should not be on your CV
Step by step sections of a CV with examples
Covering Letter
Tutor Time Task following on from Assembly
Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
If you purchase this resource and leave a 5-star review, you receive any £3 assembly from my store FREE!!
Leave a review and email Lee_Sullivan@hotmail.co.uk with your review confirmation and choice of assembly.
Interview Preparation Assembly
This 22 slide assembly will give students an insight into how to prepare and go through an interview. With examples and advice, this assembly is perfect for KS4 students.
The assembly covers the following:
• What is an interview
• Funny video
• Types of interview
• How to prepare for an interview
• Etiquette
• Example questions
• Questions from you
• Reflection
• Follow up Tutor Time Task
Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
If you purchase this resource and leave a 5-star review, you receive any £3 assembly from my store FREE!!
Leave a review and email Lee_Sullivan@hotmail.co.uk with your review confirmation and choice of assembly.
How to be an Effective House or Form Tutor - With student responsibilities worksheet.
I delivered the attached PowerPoint to my team of House Tutors with great success. It highlights the expectations of them whilst supporting them with understanding what they need to do.
I also introduced Student Responsibilities into our Tutor Time. Each student selects (or is given) a responsibility. The students really took their responsibilities seriously and it made Tutor time run much more efficiently whilst taking the pressure and workload off of the teacher. I have attached the Powerpoint to help introduce this to staff and a word document for Tutors to record responsibilities.
How to get a Job Assembly/Lesson
This 18 slide assembly looks into the processes of getting a job from research to being hired. It gives information on each step of the finding a job process and follows these up with advice. This resource also comes with an engaging tutor time follow up activity.
This assembly covers:
Steps to finding the right job (including: identify skills and interests, writing your CV, checking social media, talk to people you know, research, tailor documents and apply)
Preparing for interview
Informative video
The interview and feedback
Personal Reflection questions
Follow up Tutor Time Task.
Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
If you purchase this resource and leave a 5-star review, you receive any £3 assembly from my store FREE!!
Leave a review and email Lee_Sullivan@hotmail.co.uk with your review confirmation and choice of assembly.
Chinese New Year Assembly
This 17 slide assembly is perfect to deliver to any year group and looks into the History and traditions of the Chinese New Year as well as the Chinese signs of the Zodiac.
This assembly includes:
What is the Chinese New Year?
Informative video
Story of the Chinese Zodiac
Personal Reflection questions
Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
If you purchase this resource and leave a 5-star review, you receive any £3 assembly from my store FREE!!
Leave a review and email Lee_Sullivan@hotmail.co.uk with your review confirmation and choice of assembly.
Y11 Extra-Curricular Revision Session Rewards Scheme
I lead a Year 11 cohort who were not engaging in the extra-curricular revision sessions that were set up for them, so I came up with this reward scheme. They would receive a certificate based on how many sessions they attending. I sold it to them that it would support their Sixth Form application if they could demonstrate that they were dedicated to their education and would give them an advantage against other applicants. The students that already attended continued to do so and those that previously did not felt they could boost their application with these certificates. Worked for my school.
Easter Traditions Around the World Assembly
This informative 23-slide assembly is perfect to deliver in the run-up to Easter. It will support students understanding of the holiday and ensure they understand the significance to the traditions here and around the world.
The Assembly covers:
• What is Easter?
• The Holy week
• Where key traditions come from
• How Easter is celebrated around the world
• Informative videos
• Reflection
Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
Valentines Day Assembly
This LOVEly 11 slide assembly can be delivered to any year group and is all about Valentines day, the history, the traditions in the UK are around the world, facts and the science of love.
This assembly covers:
What is Valentines day?
Informative video
Traditions in the UK
Traditions around the world
What is Love?
Personal Reflection questions
Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
If you purchase this resource and leave a 5-star review, you receive any £3 assembly from my store FREE!!
Leave a review and email Lee_Sullivan@hotmail.co.uk with your review confirmation and choice of assembly.
Optical Illusions Assembly
This fun and engaging 25-slide assembly is the perfect way to bend the minds of students. Students will learn all about how optical illusions work as well as have their mind blown by some great examples.
The Assembly covers:
• What is an optical illusion?
• How do our eyes work?
• History of Optical illusions
• Can optical illusions be dangerous?
• Everyday optical illusions
• Lots of Optical Illusions for you to try
• Informative videos and Reflection
Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.