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GSCE and Non GCSE (core) PE Component of Fitness workbooks
2 resources with this purchase. Both workbooks cover the GCSE theory of PE components of Fitness with fitness tests and national result comparisons. The GCSE Booklet has added actual exam questions and answer booklet (at the back of the book). Booklets can be completed during core PE with GCSE students completing theory during GCSE lessons. A great way to extend GCSE students during Core PE.
Handball Sports Education Workbook
Sports Education is a great way for your students to take a lead role in their PE lessons. This booklet can be used to support the teaching on Sports Education with Handball. This booklet offers students the opportunity to develop their knowledge of tactics, rules and techniques. Students each take a different role and earn points for their teams by successfully fulfilling these roles. This booklet also asks students to plan their own section of the lesson to develop understanding and skill.
Badminton Sports Education Booklet
Sports Education is a great way for your students to take a lead role in their PE lessons. This booklet can be used to support the teaching on Sports Education with Badminton. This booklet offers students the opportunity to develop their knowledge of tactics, rules and techniques. Students each take a different role and earn points for their teams by successfully fulfilling these roles. This booklet also asks students to plan their own section of the lesson to develop understanding and skill.
Student Tournament Management Worksheet
As part of the GCSE PE (AQA old Spec) I asked the students to create their own tournament and used this worksheet to support these lessons. Students really enjoyed it.
KS3 - Create your Own Olympic Sport PE Lesson
Worksheet for students to create, plan and then deliver their own Olympic Sport. Nice fun student led lesson
Parent Troubleshooting - Parent Workshop - Resolving Common Issues
**Please see Parent Workshop Bundle for all Workshops**
I have previously run 6 Parental Engagement Workshops focusing on a number of different topics to support parents when engaging with their child's education with great success.
This presentation asks parents to discuss common issues and share experiences in order to support each other and their children.
I have also included a parent letter informing parents of the workshops, a sign-in sheet and a potential questionnaire that can be used to measure impact for all workshops.
Learning Styles and Target Setting Parent Workshop
**Please see Parent Workshop Bundle for all Workshops**
I have previously run 6 Parental Engagement Workshops focusing on a number of different topics to support parents when engaging with their child's education with great success.
This presentation looks at the different ways a parent can support their child's learning and help them set targets.
Motivating Your Child- Parent Workshop
**Please see Parent Workshop Bundle for all Workshops**
I have previously run 6 Parental Engagement Workshops focusing on a number of different topics to support parents when engaging with their child's education with great success.
This presentation looks at theory behind motivation and ways a parent can help motivate their child.
What is motivation?
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Types of Motivation
Importance of Intrinsic Motivation
Tips to motivate your child
Write your child a letter
The presentation comes with relevant video's.
Parental Engagement Workshop Bundle
I have previously run these Parental Engagement Workshops focusing on a number of different topics to support parents when engaging with their child’s education. I delivered with great success and feedback.
I have also included a parent letter informing parents of the workshops, a sign-in sheet and a potential questionnaire that can be used to measure impact for all workshops.
These presentations are a great way to engage parents and raise attainment.
Supporting Your Child with Revision - Parent Assembly/Workshop
**Please see Parent Workshop Bundle for all Workshops**
I have previously run 6 Parental Engagement Workshops focusing on a number of different topics to support parents when engaging with their child's education with great success.
This presentation looks at the different ways a parent can engage in their child's revision.
Supporting your child through exams - Parent Assembly/workshop
**Please see Parent Workshop Bundle for all Workshops**
I have previously run 6 Parental Engagement Workshops focusing on a number of different topics to support parents when engaging with their child's education with great success.
This presentation looks at the different ways a parent can support there child through important exams. Comes with an activity.
Attendance and Punctuality Report
I recently used this attendance and punctuality report with my Y11 cohort and used the presentation with the students and letter with parents. If sanctions and rewards are used appropriately in line with your school policy than this can help raise awareness and the attendance of persistent offenders.
Exploring the Link Between Parental Engagement and Student Attainment
**Please see Parent Workshop Bundle for all Workshops**
I have previously run 6 Parental Engagement Workshops focusing on a number of different topics to support parents when engaging with their child's education with great success.
This presentation looks at the different ways a parent can engage in their child's education using evidence and research.
Y11 Extra-Curricular Revision Session Rewards Scheme
I lead a Year 11 cohort who were not engaging in the extra-curricular revision sessions that were set up for them, so I came up with this reward scheme. They would receive a certificate based on how many sessions they attending. I sold it to them that it would support their Sixth Form application if they could demonstrate that they were dedicated to their education and would give them an advantage against other applicants. The students that already attended continued to do so and those that previously did not felt they could boost their application with these certificates. Worked for my school.
GCSE Guide for Parents Booklet
A guide that is great to hand to parents on parents evening for students in Y10 and Y11. It gives advice on how students should prepare for exams (prior, on the day and in the exam) and how parents can assist with these preparations. Used with great success
Health and Social Care Btec L2 Unit 2 - Health and Social Care Values - Assignment 1 - P1, P2, M1 D1
A powerpoint with all information to support lessons and learners with Health and Social Care Btec L2 Unit 2 - Health and Social Care Values - Assignment 1 - P1, P2, M1 & D1.
Powerpoint comes with assessment and advice for learners NOT activities
Travel & Tourism Btec L2 Complete Units 4&5
Unit 4 - International Travel &Tourism Destinations - Entire Unit
Unit 5 Factors Affecting Worldwide Travel and Tourism - Entire Unit
All supporting content, suggested assignment and advice for students
Health and Social Care Btec L2 Unit 2 - Health and Social Care Values - Entire Unit
A powerpoint with information to support learners with Health and Social Care Btec L2 Unit 2 - Health and Social Care Values
- Assignment 1 - P1, P2, M1 & D1.
- Assignment 2- P3, P4, M2 & D2.
Powerpoint comes with assessment and advice for learners not activities
Travel & Tourism BTEC - L2 - Unit 5 - Entire Unit
Travel and Tourism Btec Level 2 - Unit 5 Factors Affecting Worldwide Travel and Tourism - Entire Unit
Assignment 1 - P1, P2, P3, M1, M2, M3, D1.
Assignment 2 - P4, P5, P6, M4, M5, D2
All supporting content, suggested assignment and advice for students.
Travel & Tourism BTEC - L2 - Unit 5 - P4, P5, P6, M4, M5, D2
Travel and Tourism Btec Level 2 - Unit 5 Factors Affecting Worldwide Travel and Tourism - Assignment 2 - P4, P5, P6, M4, M5, D2
All supporting content, suggested assignment and advice for students