A quick revision exercise on comparatives. Each slide has a question and two options. Students must answer using a comparative. Ex. -¿Quién es más alta? -Creo que Kim es más alta que Cheryl.
10 PowerPoint slides but you can add as many as you like.
Book review - Printable (Spanish)
After looking for a while for a basic book review template I decided to create my own in order to get what I was specifically looking for. Maybe you find it useful too. Take a look.
The templates I found were somehow limited or aimed at really young students so I created this personal version. The document is a PDF form so students can fill it in directly on their computers.
You can use them in your lessons, the school library and bookclubs but also for your own book readings to keep track of all those things that stack with you.
Simple, schematic and FREE!!!
Cuánto cuesta (Food) Y10
Do you want to know what is the most expensive restaurant in the world? Well... there is Google and there is also this stupendous presentation that not only includes that but there is also a list of the most expensive food one can get from around the world.
The purposes of this Powerpoint are to revise high numbers, practicing the vocab related to the topic of food and a healthy diet and showing your students part of the Spanish culture.
You will find some help in a PDF and in the notes included in the PowerPoint. I hope you and your students like it!
Also... it's free! :D
Y11 - GCSE - Vacaciones - Activity (Reading)
A printable match up activity on the topic of holiday.
Auroville - A2 Revision (Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing)
I was lucky enough to find a story I can relate to most of the topics covered in the AQA A2 exam.
It is some info about a place called Auroville (in India) and the idea seems fascinating to me and fortunately my students liked it too so feel free to have a look and use it in your lessons if you find it useful.
There is a bit of everything: Short intro, Reading, Listening (+transcription), Speaking, Writing + some activities.
Topics that can be included: ENVIRONMENT, THE MULTICULTURAL SOCIETY, CONTEMPORARY SOCIAL ISSUES. And for that reason I think it is perfect for a quick revision.
Comments always welcomed!
Y8 - Quel temps fait-il?
A brief presentation so students can revise the basics about "la météo". The teacher will ask: Quel temps fait-il? and the students will have to guess depending on what they see on each slide. The slides are followed by the right answer although there are more than one option in some cases. For example: Il y a du soleil/Il fait beau.
Y8 - El tiempo
A brief presentation so students can revise the basics about "el tiempo". The teacher will ask: ¿Qué tiempo hace? and the students will have to guess depending on what they see on each slide. The slides are followed by the right answer although there are more than one option in some cases. For example: Hace sol/hace buen tiempo.
Tweetstakes: Spelling on Twitter (Spanish)
These last years I’ve been compiling a collection of linguistic mistakes I happened to read on Twitter. These tweets have been great real examples for my students. They found them fun and challenging. Here it is a small selection of the top 30 and different ways to exploit this freebie.
The presentation is pretty simple:
Students get a tweet and they try to find orthographic mistakes
Click and the mistake is highlighted to confirm or to show what is actually wrong with the text
The students then try to explain why is it wrong
Click again and a linguistic, detailed explanation will appear. You can then teach them the reason in a more detailed manner with the linguistic explanation and the example corrected.
More info: https://mflandbeyond.wordpress.com/category/freebies/
A2 Speaking cards - ENVIRONMENT.pdf
A simple set of speaking cards on the topic of the environment. Just print and play!
To be honest I love these cards simply because they are so easy to store (can easily fit into the palm of your hand) and the students can take them with them as either homework or practice. Somehow students are keener to work on a small card rather than the normal A4 format for some reason. I guess it looks like less hard work when it's really the same :) .
A2 Translation Exercise PowerPoint
A set of 20 sentences (English-Spanish) for the purpose of practising translation with the year 13.
A2 Revision - Tengo noticias para ti
A short selection of interesting headlines for the A2 exam. The students have to guess the missing words (related to the topics) within the headline.
Y12 - Questions on Popular culture (Cinema)
4 pages with questions on the topic of Popular culture (Cinema).
• Types of film, changing trends
• The place of cinema in popular culture
• A good film I have seen
• Cinema versus alternative ways of viewing films
Y12 - Questions on Popular culture (Fashion/trends)
4 pages with questions on the topic of Popular culture (Fashion/trends).
• How we can alter our image
• Does how we look define who we are?
• Lifestyle and leisure activities
• The cult of the celebrity
Y12 - Questions on Family/Relationships (Marriage/partnerships)
4 pages with questions on the topic of Family/Relationships (Marriage/partnerships)
• Changing attitudes towards marriage or cohabitation
• Separation and divorce
• Staying single: benefits and drawbacks
• Changing roles within the home
Español de los negocios - Kim Kardashian
An activity to work on the vocab of business in Spanish based on an article about another article published in Forbes magazine about the celeb Kim Kardashian and her role as a business woman.
Y12 - Questions on Healthy living and lifestyle (Sport/exercise)
4 pages with questions on the topic of Healthy living and lifestyle (Sport/exercise).
• Traditional sports versus ‘fun’ sports
• Reasons for taking part in sport / physical exercise
• Factors influencing participation in sport / physical exercise
• Links between physical exercise and health
Y12 - Questions on Healthy living and lifestyle (Holidays)
4 pages with questions on the topic of Healthy living and lifestyle (Holiday).
• Types of holiday and holiday activities
• The impact of tourism on holiday destinations
• Purposes and benefits of holidays
• Changing attitudes to holidays
Y12 - Questions on Family/Relationships (Friendships)
4 pages with questions on the topic of Family/Relationships (Friendships)
• Characteristics and roles of friends
• Conflicts with friends
• Importance of friends
• Friendship versus love
Y12 - Questions on Family/Relationships (Relationships within the family)
4 pages with questions on the topic of Family/Relationships (Relationships within the family)
• Role of parents and importance of good parenting
• Attitudes of young people towards other family members
• Conflict between young people and other family members
• Changing models of family and parenting
Y12 - Questions on Healthy living and lifestyle (Health and well-being)
4 pages with questions on the topic of Healthy living and lifestyle (Health and well-being).
• Alcohol, tobacco, other drugs
• Diet, including eating disorders
• The ‘work/life balance’
• Risks to health through accidents