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Lettura e musica - negatives
KS4 resources with negative structures: non leggo, non leggo mai, non leggo piu’ .

Personal description and relationships Italian
Personal description and relationships presentation and recap quiz for KS3/4

Introduction to Italian articles KS3
text taken from a classic Italian song for children. Very repetitive and simple. The lesson could be exploited for different purposes.

presentation about Italy and catchy song for KS3
Power point presentation about Italy, created for a low y7 set. With a video and catchy song. Hand out to draw your own map of italy.

Vincent Malloy in Italian
For reading and rhymes. Looking for cognates. there is a video in Italian on youtube.

Shopping for clothes KS4 Italian
Shopping for clothes and revision of mi piace / mi piacciono with worksheet

My new school, my old school ITALIAN imperfect
Presentation for revision of imperfect tense and comparative