Ash Green School
Warwickshire, United Kingdom
About Ash Green School
As a comprehensive school, we value all members of our community as individual people with differing needs and abilities. We work to provide a stimulating and caring environment, in which everybody can do their best.
Our status as a Creative Education Academy plays a very significant part in our day-to-day experiences. Creativity lies at the heart of all that we do.
We are a forward looking, outward facing school and we are not afraid to innovate in order to achieve our main aim - for all our students to be the best they can be. We are establishing a strong foundation for delivering excellence and welcome applications from individuals willing to roll their sleeves up and join in. Expectations are set very high but the rewards are great.
The journey to outstanding
The school provides a well equipped learning environment.
There is a collaborative, positive and purposeful atmosphere amongst the team of staff at the school. All Staff expect each other to be the best that they can be. Our internal CPD programme is of a very high standard and meets a range of needs from newly qualified staff to established Curriculum leaders seeking whole school responsibility.
Ash Green has also embarked on a significant curriculum journey with a new Key Stage Four design that will deliver increasingly flexible routes for student learning. Our KS3 course is for two years, allowing 3 years fir KS4 courses.
We successfully fought for and opened a Sixth Form in September 2012. It has delivered excellent initial results. The students have already begun to demonstrate a visible ‘halo’ effect around the school. Their curriculum contains a careful blend of academic and vocational courses that builds upon their KS4 experience. We aim to develop and build this in the future.
Student Learning
We believe in offering a broad-based education at Key Stage 3. At Key Stage 4, students begin to specialise as they to prepare for education and training post-16. We are also preparing students for lifelong learning in an increasingly changing world with many exciting opportunities and our curriculum is designed with this in mind. Every student has different abilities, aptitudes and interests and we work hard to ensure that each experience is relevant, engaging and successful in terms of public examination results and initiative, independence and imagination.
Learning Support
We believe that students achieve their best when they are confident and secure, where there is mutual respect and trust and where help and support is always at hand. We are very proud of the quality of relationships and close partnerships which exist between home and school. Our students mature in a caring, supportive and well-ordered learning environment. Traditional values of hard work, respect for each other and high personal standards of dress and behaviour are encouraged at all times.
‘At Ash Green School there are strong relationships between all staff and students that allow each student to have a wide and enriching experience whilst under our care.’
- Steven, PE Teacher‘Through the unwavering support, diverse extracurricular avenues and continuous staff development, we foster positive relationships that inspire both students and educators alike.’
- Emilee, Head of English‘Ash Green School is an environment that allows you to adapt, grow and develop within its working culture’.
- Amy, Librarian