Gulf English School, Kuwait
About Gulf English School, Kuwait
Providing the Highest British Education Standards within an Arabic Culture and International Environment
The Ethos
The Gulf English School is an English Curriculum school providing for children from KG to A level. We provide a warm, friendly environment in which children learn to care for one another and understand and appreciate the multi-cultural world in which we live. We place a great emphasis on understanding cultural differences, racial harmony and tolerance. We stress fair play and equality and our students have the opportunity to make lasting friendships with others from many different nations.
Our students achieve excellent results academically .Internationally recognised assessments and examinations are taken at the end of Year Two and Six in Primary and I/GCSEs, AS and A level in Secondary. The majority of students go on to further education, attending various universities around the world. Students are encouraged to achieve their full potential in all of their school endeavors and there are opportunities for students to excel in the arts and sports. There is also a wide ranging extra-curricular and enrichment program.
The School Community
The Gulf English School was one of the first private English curriculum schools in Kuwait. It was established in 1980 and has steadily grown in student numbers, (approximately 2,500) and facilities. The school moved into new purpose built premises in the heart of Salmiya in August 2005. The school has an excellent group of very well qualified teachers who are carefully selected primarily from the United Kingdom, Ireland and Australia. The teachers are all committed professionals dedicated to the task of providing the students with the best possible education. We also have a most welcoming and helpful support service in school. Our bilingual reception and registration staff are always willing to help with queries and advise on whom to contact.
Three experienced nurses are always on site and our efficient grounds security team is ever vigilant in their care of the students.
The Working Day
Primary Foundation Stage (Pre-KG, KG and Reception)
7.40 a.m. to 1.15 p.m.
Key Stage One and Two (Years 1 – 6)
7.40 a.m. to 2. 15 p.m.
All children assemble in the school yards in the morning.
Years 1 – 6 should be collected from the main yard. They are not allowed to leave without either a responsible adult or secondary brother or sister.
Secondary All year groups
7.40 a.m. – 2.20 p.m.
All students assemble in the main yard in the morning. At the end of the day students will be released from the building. If they are collecting a younger brother or sister from primary they must collect them from the yard. Primary children are not allowed to stay by the school gates waiting for parents.
The Primary Curriculum
At G.E.S. we try to create an environment in which children immediately feel welcome and a significant member of their class group. Teachers make every effort to get to know the students quickly as individuals and as learners. We believe that only when a child feels comfortable and secure can they give of their best academically. The school teaches the English National Curriculum. At the end of each Key Stage (Year 2 and Year 6) the children take the same assessment tests as the UK, known as SATs.
Parents receive regular communication on what their child is learning in school. Children are regularly assessed and targets set. Students take home targets in the learning of Maths and Language. Parents are encouraged to help their children to achieve these targets. Children receive a formal, written report at the end of terms one and three.
All classes are mixed ability groupings. Class sizes are a maximum of 29.
Children in Pre-KG (aged from 3 years) followed by KG, undergo a school readiness program which prepares them both socially and academically for the more formal work starting in Reception. The school day consists of nine lessons with two breaks. All text books and equipment used in the school are imported directly from the UK and represent a cross section of the most up to date subject material available. Written homework is given weekdays for all children in Years 1 – 6. Specialist help is available for children joining the school who may need extra support. We also provide specialist support for children who are having difficulty keeping up with the study program.
The Secondary Curriculum
The Secondary department of the Gulf English School offers a high quality English curriculum, taught largely by teachers with British qualifications and leading to IGCSE, AS and A level examinations. Students are prepared for IGCSE Examinations in Year 10 and 11 and AS/A level examinations in Year 11 and 12. Express students will finish IGCSE in Year 10 and must complete AS in Year 11.
The school day is divided into 9 periods and in Year 7 and 8 students are taught Maths, English, Arabic Language, Islamic studies (for Muslim students) Science in Year 7, Physics, Chemistry and Biology in Year 8, ICT, History, Geography, French, Music, Art, PE, Personal and Social Education and the Social Studies of Kuwait. Students in Year 8 have a taster program of Drama, Business Studies, Economics and Accounting. Students in Year 9 take Arabic Language, Islamic studies (for Muslim Students) English, Maths and a selection of subjects chosen from option groups. Twice yearly formal examinations provide objective measures of students’ progress followed by reports to parents. Parents also receive an additional 2 progress reports. Year 11 students may choose to complete their IGCSEs or if they have taken them embark on a 2 year ‘A’ level program or a 1 year ‘A’ and ‘AS’ program of study. A limited number of IGCSE courses are offered as a one year crash course. All courses are run subject to student numbers. Class sizes are restricted to 29 students. Parents are invited to discuss their child’s progress at regular parent teacher meetings. Appointments to see individual teachers are welcomed at any time. Homework is regularly set by staff and is written into the homework diary. Parents are encouraged to use the diary to contact the teacher on minor matters of concern. It is important that parents check and sign the diaries each week.
The Arabic and Islamic Departments
The Arabic and Religion Departments play an important role in the academic life of the school. Arabic and religion are taught to a high standard following the ministry syllabus. The Arabic department teaches reading, writing and spoken Arabic. There is a special program of Arabic language for all students and Religion for foreign Muslim students. Arabic children have Arabic lessons from Reception. Non-Arabic speakers begin learning the language in Year One. All students are encouraged towards the GCSE/IGCSE Arabic language exams. Native speakers are prepared for the Ministry of Education High School Examination in their final year to facilitate entry to Kuwait University. The Arabic department also provides a one year ‘A’ level Arabic language program for Year 11 students. Students, especially those joining Egyptian Universities are encouraged to join the demanding IGCSE, First Language, Arabic class. GES Arabic teachers have been involved in an intensive training course with the inspectors from the UK and the MOE.
The Gulf English School Music Department aims to involve every child at the school in the key areas of musical education; composing, listening and performing. Every child from Year 4 upwards is given the opportunity to choose to play an orchestral instrument, and tuition is provided in school time largely free of charge. We offer a range of brass instruments, woodwind and violin. Lessons can also be arranged on guitar, piano and violin on a private basis after school. Students may take music exams of the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music in London.
There are various instrumental ensembles and choirs which meet on a weekly basis. Playing musical instruments outside normal class music lessons, as well as being a very enjoyable activity in itself is also of great educational benefit over and beyond the musical aspect. Playing a musical instrument develops discipline through regular practice, teamwork and communication, self-respect and pride in performance.
Extra-Curricular Activities
We offer a wide range of after school clubs for students from Year 3 upwards in Primary and Secondary. Some of the more popular clubs are swimming, football, basketball, debating, chess, academic games, computers and art. The Arabic Department of the Gulf English School has an excellent reputation for securing the highest awards in the Ministry of Education Holy Qu’ran and poetry competitions. Each year students in the Arabic department present a Drama and Cultural evening drawing on the Islamic religion as well as on the Arabic language and folklore. A successful Gulf English School Swimming Academy also runs during the week and weekends.
Code of Conduct
The overall ethos of the school is characterized by good relationships between all of its members without exploitation, bullying or racism. Students are expected to work hard at their studies in school and to complete homework assignments, to be respectful and caring to staff, visitors and each other and to look after school property. Students are supervised by adults at all times. In the Primary school common codes of acceptable behavior and the reasons for them are discussed in class and reinforced at weekly assemblies. Non-conformation to rules may lead to sanctions such as missing breaks or withdrawal of a favourite activity.
The parents of consistent offenders will be informed. We prefer to work with parents so that we can provide consistent reinforcement of correct behaviour patterns. The discipline policy in the Secondary School is ‘Firm, Fair and Friendly’ and appropriate sanctions are invoked against those who transgress the code of conduct. The school adopts a zero tolerance approach to physical abuse and fighting. Generally the code of conduct is adhered to by all and our students accept and understand its value, thereby ensuring that GES is a happy, purposeful and supportive school community.
Pastoral Care and Guidance
All teachers are attentive to the general needs of the students. As the secondary school is relatively small it is possible for teachers to get to know very large numbers of the students even if they do not teach them.
Staff comes into contact with all of the students during break times, after school duties and extra-curricular activities. Students are encouraged to see their form tutor or class teacher as their first point of reference for any problem or difficulty they encounter.
The Year Coordinators, Heads of Year, Subject Heads, Head teacher and Deputy Head teachers are main points of contact in the school for parents regarding the work and progress of students in consultation with students’ subject teachers. They liaise with the parents concerning any difficulties that may arise about the individual students.