ICS Milan International School
About ICS Milan International School
ICS Milan International School is the first school dedicated to students from 0 - 18 years that offers an international curriculum enhanced by an innovative teaching approach.
The school has four campuses throughout the Milan area:
- ICS Symbiosis - Viale Ortles, 36
- ICS Tenca - Via Tenca, 2
- ICS Colletta - Via Colletta, 27
- ICS Milano2 - Strada di Spina ang. Via Fratelli Cervi, Segrate (MI)
ICS Milan offers an international curriculum driven by a desire for excellence in working methods and collaborative learning. The school is a centre for educational innovation built upon the fundamental principle of education as a preparation for playing an active and successful role within the international community.
The school embraces the values inherent in Italian heritage, culture and tradition whilst promoting international learning, cultural diversity, dialogue and respect for difference. ICS Milan fosters a sense of discovery and cultural understanding via teaching methods that are designed to develop observational and research skills, critical thinking and independent learning (Design Approach, STEAM and LEGO Education).
ICS Milan believes in teaching students to embrace creativity, responsibility, respect, diversity, compassion and shared values. Students are invited to develop a sound knowledge base and to reflect on and reassess their surroundings from a variety of perspectives.
ICS Milan offers a stimulating learning journey which is defined by a rich and well-structured curriculum that integrates the following frameworks:
- The British Early Years Foundation Stage, a play-based framework, featuring the learning and development goals for young children from birth to five years.
- The Cambridge Primary Programme, covering English and maths.
- The IPC - International Primary Curriculum, covering the topic-based subjects (science, social studies, geography, history, art and international mindedness).
- National recommendations for the curriculum as established by the Italian Ministry of Education for the Italian language and culture programme. In the 2016/17 academic year, ICS Milan was granted officially recognised school status (parità).
ICS Secondary School has been designed to offer the IB Programme of the International Baccalaureate:
- Middle Years Programme for students from 11 to 16 years old.
- IB Diploma programme 17-18 years old.
As a Scuola Paritaria, our students have the flexibility to move between the Italian and international curriculum, opting to complete the Scuola Media and sit the Licenza Media exams with us, and move back to the Italian system for Liceo, or, to continue with us to complete their Scuola Superiore studies in 4 years alongside the IB, MYP and DP.
Since 2017 ICS Milan is a proud member of the Globeducate network, which operates in more than 51 international schools in Europe, the Americas and Asia. It is one of the four largest private school groups in the world with international presence, and the largest of its kind on the European continent with more than 25.000 students from over 60 different countries, and growing rapidly. Globeducate mission to prepare each student to become a global citizen that can shape the world is well-aligned to the student-centered approach at ICS Milan.