Jo Richardson Community School
Barking and Dagenham, United Kingdom
About Jo Richardson Community School
Vision of the School
At The Jo Richardson Community School we are committed to reaching the highest standards in everything we do. We want all our students to achieve the best possible examination results as well as have the opportunity to take part in the widest range of extra-curricular activities. We strongly believe this can only happen in a well-ordered and respectful environment where only the highest standards of behaviour are acceptable, and where all our teachers are fully committed and able to ensure our goals become a reality.
Success For All
Central to our work is the motto ‘Success For All’ which underpins our belief that every individual has the opportunity to gain high quality academic qualifications. These enable students to progress to college, university or a good job when they leave us. The curriculum we offer provides both a wide range of traditional academic subjects as well as more practical work-related courses.
We also want our students to develop opportunities to succeed outside the classroom. Our extra-curricular provision provides a range of opportunities for achievement that will develop confidence and build self-esteem. Our student council also plays an important role within the school, and is just one example of how we seek to develop our students’ leadership skills.
None of this can be achieved, however, if the ethos isn’t right. We believe it is our responsibility to make sure students feel happy and secure at school. We do not tolerate any disruptive behaviour that has an effect upon the progress of others.
We operate a bullying and behaviour policy based on zero tolerance. In the rare event that a student is involved in bullying or in disrupting lessons they are automatically excluded from school and not allowed back into circulation until we are confident that problems will not recur. We make no apology for the hard line we take in this respect – students need to know they can come to school free from the fear of intimidation, and where their lessons will be focused on achieving academic success.