Kampala International School Uganda
About Kampala International School Uganda
The School
Founded in 1993, Kampala International School, Uganda began as a small primary school with a curriculum based on the National Curriculum of England and Wales. KISU has evolved considerably over the years and has undertaken an ambitious programme of expansion and development. It now boasts a purpose built school with excellent sporting facilities. Despite this phenomenal growth, the School has maintained its original aims and teaching philosophy.
Aims & Ethos
Helping students fulfil their potential in all aspects of their development is our starting point. Students at KISU develop a keen sense of self-identity and positive self-esteem. Internationalism is valued highly and students develop a good understanding of their multi-cultural world. Academic excellence is achieved through high expectations, strong motivation, a challenging curriculum, constant encouragement and excellent teaching. The school offers a warm, friendly and imaginative environment where students are encouraged to discover and develop individual talents, whether they are intellectual, creative, or sporting.
The Enriched Curriculum
KISU has a programme of studies based on the National Curriculum of England and Wales. French is taught to all children from Year One upwards. A programme of personal, social and health education(PSHE) is implemented throughout the school. The curriculum has been adapted to reflect the international diversity of our school community and its location in Uganda.
Internationalism at KISU
Internationalism permeates every aspect of life at Kampala International School . It is outlined clearly in our school statements and visible throughout the curriculum. Moreover, it is apparent in the attitudes and values demonstrated by Kampala teachers and students.
KISU fosters and promotes cultural awareness, understanding, respect and sensitivity for all cultures. Students gain and develop knowledge, attitudes and values towards international understanding. They are encouraged to be aware of, and committed to, solutions for international problems through the development of an international attitude.