Prenton High School for Girls
Wirral, United Kingdom
About Prenton High School for Girls
Prenton High School for Girls can be found in the town of Birkenhead, Merseyside. A smaller-than-average school of around 790 pupils aged 11-16, the school converted to an academy in 2011, but is not part of any multi-academy trust. Prenton High School has a diverse catchment area, a fact reflected in its student intake.
Mrs Lisa Ayling
Values and Vision
Prenton High School takes great pride in its ethos of equipping students with a range of skills alongside their academic qualifications, and ensuring that students have the necessary work ethic, emotional intelligence, and independence to succeed either in work for further education. The school also strongly believes in the advantages of single-sex education, with students being given access to a range of opportunities and responsibilities. As part of this, the school sets high standards with regards to behaviour and uniform, and encourages a strong work ethic among its students.
“A large majority of students make good progress as they move through the school. Most students who begin to fall behind are supported in catching up so they progress well, particularly in English and mathematics... Students achieve well in English and mathematics. A large majority achieve standards slightly above those achieved by most students nationally.”
The full report into Prenton High School for Girls can be found here.