Redwell Primary School
Northamptonshire, United Kingdom
About Redwell Primary School
On behalf of the children, staff and local committee, I would like to welcome you to Redwell Primary School. We are a 3 form entry primary school with 630 pupils on roll. We are a good school and are on a journey of excellence to become an outstanding primary school.
Our school is a safe and happy place to be for pupils and staff alike. We encourage the whole of our school community to strive for excellence and have high aspirations for all. We provide effective support to help everyone to fulfil their dreams and have a very simple mantra for all - Be The Best You Can Be.
Redwell is an inclusive school and we cater for children with a wide range of needs. We have a strong pastoral team to support the needs of pupils, families and staff.
Our school is underpinned by the following values:
Ambition - Responsibility – Respect – Resilience - Compassion
At Redwell, we celebrate and model our school values in day to day life, not just in educational achievement. This is an integral part of the daily running of our school and is part of everything that we do.
We consider our curriculum to be part of a child's life long journey in education. We acknowledge and build upon learning which has taken place and lay the foundations to enable all of our children to make the best possible use of the opportunities offered.
Our aim is to have a positive and successful partnership with parents and our community in order to make our pupils’ time at Redwell an extremely happy and memorable learning experience. We value the involvement of parents in their child’s education and have an active Parent, Teachers and Friends Association. The school is ours to share.