St Teresa's Effingham
Surrey, United Kingdom
About St Teresa's Effingham
St Teresa's Effingham is an independent Roman Catholic day and boarding school in an area of outstanding natural beauty between Dorking and Effingham in Surrey.
St Teresa’s has a school population of 600 including over 80 boarders, and a healthy Sixth Form.
The school sits in 55 acres of beautiful countryside and the school benefits from excellent facilities.
The School is centred around the original eighteenth century manor house and has evolved over the years and now proudly boasts some outstanding facilities.
A number of facilities have been provided to meet the needs of a modern education. These include a Sixth Form Centre, Equestrian Centre, Tennis Academy, a Performing Arts Centre comprising a large theatre, drama studios, music classrooms, practice rooms and recording suite. In addition, St Teresa’s boasts a swimming pool and an all-weather pitch.
St Teresa’s offers a strong, caring community based on its Catholic traditions, but remains an inclusive environment that welcomes pupils from all backgrounds. With recognised strengths spanning academia, sport and the creative and performing arts, we focus on the individual, allowing the girls to achieve their best and enabling them to follow their own unique path to happiness and success.
Dr. Claire McShane
Prep Headteacher
Mrs G Tindall
Values and vision
St Teresa's Effingham places a strong emphasis on encouraging confidence and recognising pupils' achievement, while fostering modesty, kindness, good humour and a sense of humility. The school ethos is built on its Catholic traditions, but pupils from all backgrounds are welcomed.
ISI report
“The pupils’ personal development is excellent. Pupils display maturity in their understanding of British values and a high level of spiritual awareness. They have a well-developed sense of right and wrong, and openly discuss moral and ethical issues. Pupils willingly take on responsibility to support others in the community and more widely in the world. They have a strong affection for the school. Arrangements for welfare, health and safety are excellent.”