Stoke Fleming Community Primary School

Devon, United Kingdom

Location: Devon, United Kingdom
Type: Mainstream School
Phase: Primary
Funding status: State - Academy
Gender: Mixed
Age range: 5 - 11 years

About Stoke Fleming Community Primary School

Aim High

At Stoke Fleming we believe that the journey through childhood should be happy, exciting and inspiring. School is vital in nurturing the talent and developing the skills in partnership with families to enable everyone to go into the world to make a difference.

​Our mission to 'Aim High' is central to our philosophy and supported by our values of Respect, Resilience, Positivity and Caring. This will foster Learning together and Inspiration for Global Citizens who are Happy Trying their best (LIGHT). We are committed to equality of opportunity and serve the local community by welcoming children from all backgrounds and faiths. We value and respect the diversity of our community and aim to set all children on life’s path through thoughtfulness and understanding to one another and respect for one another’s differences.

​Stoke Fleming is so lucky to have a wonderful team of dedicated staff who go above and beyond to ensure your child has an amazing educational experience with us so they will leave well prepared for the next stage of their education and beyond.

Georgia Taylor & Andrea Hall - Heads of School


Address: Stoke Fleming, Dartmouth, Devon, TQ6 0QA, United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 1803 770244