The King's School
Worcestershire, United Kingdom
About The King's School
The King’s Worcester Foundation is a dynamic community of independent day schools for boys and girls aged from two to eighteen. It is a family of three schools, the Senior School (11-18), King’s Worcester, and two Prep Schools, King’s St Alban’s (2-11) and King’s Hawford (2-11), based across two beautiful sites.
Attracting over 1,300 children from Worcestershire, the West Midlands and beyond, it provides an inspirational education, helping girls and boys to thrive and reach their true potential.
The Senior School educates approximately 850 pupils aged 11-18 in a beautiful city-centre campus. Re-founded by Henry VIII in 1541, the School sits on the bank of the River Severn in the embracing arm of one of England’s finest cathedrals and adjacent to its sports fields, arguably some of the most beautifully located in the country.
The School was delighted to achieve impressive GCSE and A-level results in 2024, the most recent year when public examinations were taken. The Sunday Times listed King’s in their Top 10 Independent Senior Schools in the West Midlands for their A-level results, with 76% at Grades A*-B, and 47% of all grades being A*- A. King’s pupils also excelled at GCSE, with 65% of grades at 9, 8 or 7, 41% of grades being 9 or 8, equivalent to the A* grade and over 96% 9-4 grades (or equivalent), which is the largest number of pupils ever achieving top grades at King’s.
King’s Worcester is a profoundly inclusive, welcoming community, sustained by the warmth of its relationships. The School combines history with innovation, the vigour of a busy city-centre day school with the immersive life of its boarding school origins and academic excellence with co-curricular engagement and success.
Our Values and Vision
The School aims to focus on helping young people to reach their full potential at school in preparation for leading confident, fulfilled, and unselfish lives as adults.
Through the Schools’ values of ambition, resilience, humility, creativity and kindness, King’s has the vision that every member of the King’s community will be curious, caring and confident, fulfilling their mission to seek excellence in all they do and provide an outstanding preparation for life.
Independent Schools Inspectorate
“Pupils achieve highly in both academic and extra-curricular areas and especially so in art, drama, music and sport. The quality…is excellent.”
View King's Worcester latest ISI report here.
Good Schools Guide
“A highly regarded yet down-to-earth cathedral school that can’t fail to charm, at the same time as being a go-to school for ambitious parents. For us, it’s the warmth that is its USP. This is a school that wears its heart on its sleeve and is all the better for it. Couldn’t be more caring if they tried.”
View King’s Worcester latest Good School Guide report here.
See King’s Worcester Virtually
Fully immerse yourself in our beautiful school campus in our 360 virtual tour. The navigation menu on the left will guide you around each site where you can explore at your own leisure. Keep your eyes peeled for clickable hotspots; these will unlock information as well as videos within our tour and the blue markers will take you to a new location.
Our Staff
King’s Worcester is a hugely welcoming and fulfilling place to work. We are incredibly proud of our reputation. Our wonderful employees and our enviable King’s community are what set the school apart. The Senior School currently employs 103 teaching staff and 139 support staff in a variety of roles, from teachers, sports coaches, language assistants and technicians to professional services roles across functions including IT, finance, human resources, administration, and business development.
King’s staff come from a variety of backgrounds (both teaching and the commercial world), contributing a diverse range of talent and experience, which enables us to provide our pupils with a well-rounded and enriching educational environment. We strive to place equity, diversity, and inclusion at the heart of everything we do.
We are committed to developing and helping our colleagues to thrive while they working in the Foundation. Each year we also welcome PGCE students from the University of Worcester to complete their placements at King’s.
Working for King’s
You can discover more about working for King’s and the benefits provided by visiting their website. https://www.ksw.org.uk/the-kings-foundation/jobs-and-vacancies/