Spanish Daily Routine - La rutina diairaQuick View

Spanish Daily Routine - La rutina diaira

This is a worksheet with a gapfill activity. The words are provided on the sheet in a box. Then, there is a grid with times in and pupils have to re-read the text to find out what the person does at each time. Finally, there are some comprehension questions in English about the text. I am a PGCE student so I'd love to know what you think!
Le petit dejeunerQuick View

Le petit dejeuner

3 worksheets - one is a wordsearch, where pupils have to find the French for the English breakfast food items and then find the French in the grid. There is a gapfil worksheet where pupils have to work out whether an item of food takes du/de la/des/de l'. Finally, there is an email (obviously made up!) from Francois inviting you to breakfast and asking what you would like. I used this first for pupils to find out useful vocabulary and a couple of opinions, then asked them to write a reply to the email.
Spanish Town & Description - Mi CiudadQuick View

Spanish Town & Description - Mi Ciudad

This is a Reding comprehension worksheet I used with a set 2 yr9 group. The text is about Birmingham and just says what is there, what it's like and gives a few opinions. I used this as a shared reading activity. Pupils took it in turns to read bits of the text aloud, then they were given 3 coloured crayons. In one colour the underlined places, in another, adjectives, and in the third, opinions. It then serves as a support for them to write about their own town. I am a PGCE student so I&'d love to know what you think!
Spanish Daily Routine - La rutina diairaQuick View

Spanish Daily Routine - La rutina diaira

This is a storyboard sheet that I made to use with a set1 year9 group. I asked pupils to use the past and future tenses provided on the sheet (together with linking words etc) to write about their daily routine. They could be as creative as they liked and the activity was differentiated by outcome as some pupils wrote very little and stuck to the structure on the sheet, whereas other pupils really went to town on it. I am a PGCE student so I'd love to know what people think!
El reciclajeQuick View

El reciclaje

This is a PPT and accompanying worksheets on recycling, aimed at GCSE students. A variety of vocab tasks, sentence building, reading and there's also a simple board game at the end to practise key structures.
Year 6 Electricity UnitQuick View

Year 6 Electricity Unit

<p>This is a comprehensive, 6-lesson unit on Electricity for Year 6. This unit revisits the Year 4 Electricity NC objectives as well as the Year 6 ones. It also gives the children the opportunity to plan and carry out their own experiment, touching on the Working Scientifically objectives. This download includes:</p> <ul> <li>PPT for each of the 6 lessons with lesson objectives and a variety of tasks. Some of the lessons have links to videos.</li> <li>Scientific vocabulary for display - I change this throughout the unit so that the vocabulary display stays fresh and relevant to the section of the unit we are covering</li> <li>A detailed topic booklet to support the lessons - original texts and guides to support learning, guidance on writing a scientific investigation. The children use these every lesson.</li> <li>A document with all of the teacher printing resources</li> <li>NC objectives for Y4 and Y6 electricity units</li> <li>Lesson plans - the unit of work is mapped out with lesson content detail, links to the NC and lesson objectives.</li> </ul> <p>The SATs questions used in this unit were collated by <a href=""> science</a></p> <p>If you enjoyed using my resource and it saved you time, please consider making a donation to my school book wishlist here: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a></p>
Mi Ciudad (gapfill)Quick View

Mi Ciudad (gapfill)

This is just a simple gap-fill exercise. The text is about a city, describing what it does and doesn't have and what it's like. The words to go in the gaps are in a box on the page. There is a separate document with the answers in.
AS French Revision board games - All AQA topicsQuick View

AS French Revision board games - All AQA topics

There is a simple board game for each of the subtopics in the AQA AS course, designed to help students practise for the oral exam. There are also key vocab cards to be cut out. The questions/vocab came from a booklet I downloaded from Verulam School (thanks for sharing - it was really helpful).
The Haunting of Aveline Jones (Phil Hickes) - Vocabulary bookQuick View

The Haunting of Aveline Jones (Phil Hickes) - Vocabulary book

<p>This is a vocabulary booklet to be used alongside teaching The Haunting of Aveline Jones by Phil Hickes. Each word selected is defined and then given in context from the novel. Best copied into an A5 booklet that the children can refer to throughout studying the novel.</p> <p>If you enjoyed using my resource and it saved you time, please consider making a donation to my school book wishlist here: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a></p>