Sawbones Scheme of LearningQuick View

Sawbones Scheme of Learning

<p>Scheme of learning covering this excellent novel, suitable for years 7 to 9. Reading and Writing resource drawing inspiration from the University of Exeter’s Grammar for Writing pedagogy. Fully resourced , chapter by chapter resources with integrated mini whiteboard quizzes. ‘Assessment’ tasks feed forward into AQA Paper One Question Two English Language type tasks as well as image stimulated writing suitable for AQA Paper One Question Five English Language.</p>
Chinese Cinderella Full Scheme of LearningQuick View

Chinese Cinderella Full Scheme of Learning

<p>A full scheme exploring this excellent novel suitable for years 6 to 8. Fully resourced with mini whiteboard quizzes as well as complementary non-fiction reading tasks. Designed to feed forward into AQA’s paper two question four, establishing the foundations of understanding perspective and subjectivity in non-fiction autobiographical writing.</p>
Speech writing & Persuading an AudienceQuick View

Speech writing & Persuading an Audience

<p>A full scheme of learning inspired by Hochman’s 'The Writing Revolution. A variety of different persuasive methods such as anecdote, collective pronouns and hypophora are taught with historical and more recent examples. WAGOLLs and a variety of spoken and written tasks to feed forward into AQA Paper Two Questions Three and Five English Language.</p>
English Language Paper 2 Question 4: DalmationsQuick View

English Language Paper 2 Question 4: Dalmations

<p>A resource originally adapted from the AQA specimen material for paper 2 non-fiction author’s perspectives and viewpoints. Prepares students in guided reading of both texts (20th and pre-20th Century writing), scaffolding and modelling the mark-heavy final question of section A. Intended for key stage 3 but also relevant to year 10-11 English Language paper 2 preparation for lower ability students or homework.</p>
Creative Writing Unit Exploring DystopiaQuick View

Creative Writing Unit Exploring Dystopia

<p>Examining texts from the ‘Gone’ series, ‘The Hunger Games’, ‘The Beach’ and Orwell’s '1984, this unit incorporates grammar for writing into a cohesive sequence of letters, building up to student’s composing their own piece of dystopian fiction.</p>
Paper 2 Question 4 AQA: Child Beauty PageantsQuick View

Paper 2 Question 4 AQA: Child Beauty Pageants

<p>Adapted for year 7s from the AQA specimen resource material about Child Beauty Pageants as well as a pre-20th Century resource, ‘London’. Also suitable for lower ability students years 10-11 or as a homework. Exploring and modelling the extended, mark heavy question 4 using scaffolding and activities to approach synthesis and language analysis needed.</p>
'Jaws' Inference and Deduction SkillsQuick View

'Jaws' Inference and Deduction Skills

<p>Using a brief extract from Jaws (included) this differentiated resource explores and builds inference and deduction skills as well as building up to analysis of structure and sequencing, echoing questions 1 and 2 from Paper 1 English Language AQA. Suitable for years 8 upwards.</p>
Power and Conflict Creative TasksQuick View

Power and Conflict Creative Tasks

<p>A highly visual and creative resource exploring 5 key AQA English Literature power and conflict poems: Bayonet Charge, Exposure, My Last Duchess, Ozymandias and Charge of the Light Brigade. Using key quotes (therefore acting as excellent visual aids for memorising) pupils are given a range of visual stimuli, a precis of each poem and templates for mask-making, storyboarding and costume design. A creative task to complement the understanding, engagement and contextual awareness for each poem. Excellent for producing stimulating display and creative response.</p>
Autobiographical Unit: reading & writing non-fiction for younger, reluctant and less able learners.Quick View

Autobiographical Unit: reading & writing non-fiction for younger, reluctant and less able learners.

<p>Great ‘getting to know you’ resource for a positive start to the new academic year. A 6 lesson unit inspired by Raheem Sterling’s Summer 2018 ‘It Was All a Dream’ viral Autobiographi text. Explores comprehension, grammar for writing, elevated vocabulary and autobiographical techniques; ultimately inviting the pupils to produce their own short autobiography using the same structure. Includes all resources, models, text and plans. Includes copious opportunities for peer and self assessment,</p>
Creative Macbeth ProjectQuick View

Creative Macbeth Project

<p>A sequence of creative tasks related to Macbeth, the main characters, scenes and key quotations in preparation for GCSE English Literature, Includes: costume design, mask-making, make-up, storyboarding and set design tasks. Includes a full summary in display size.</p>
Frankenstein: An Introduction to the Gothic GenreQuick View

Frankenstein: An Introduction to the Gothic Genre

<p>A challenging series of 2 or 3 lessons to introduce students to pre 20th century writing and the gothic genre. Includes links to social and historical context and a close reading of an extract from chapter 5.</p>
A Full Scheme of Work on Jekyll and HydeQuick View

A Full Scheme of Work on Jekyll and Hyde

<p>A full scheme, incorporating carousel research into the social and historical context, modelled responses grades 1-9 and practice GCSE questions. Designed for the AQA English Literature specification.</p>
Alice in Wonderland Creativity ProjectQuick View

Alice in Wonderland Creativity Project

<p>A series of activities with stimuli related to ‘Alice in Wonderland’: costume and make-up design, set design, storyboarding and mask-making. Includes words and images for display.</p>
The Monkey's Paw Creative Writing TaskQuick View

The Monkey's Paw Creative Writing Task

<p>A creative writing resource working from the ending of the text through until very close to the ending illustrated with atmospheric animations. Allows students to compose their own ending for the classic horror tale.</p>
Dystopia Creative Reading and Writing UnitQuick View

Dystopia Creative Reading and Writing Unit

<p>A full scheme of Engish Language learning using challenging texts from the 19th and 20th Century followed by writing tasks, originally authored for year 9. Includes all resources and a knowledge organiser. Studying a range of dystopian texts from The War of the Worlds to Children of Men via the work of Octavia Butler, Ray Bradbury, Orwell and Kurt Vonnegut. Incorporates AQA Language Paper One Style tasks analysing and evaluating language. Followed by a range of descriptive writing tasks using audio-visual stimuli and planning structures.</p>
Pre 20th Century Inference and Deduction: Frederick Douglass' AutobiographyQuick View

Pre 20th Century Inference and Deduction: Frederick Douglass' Autobiography

<p>A sequence of lessons deepening understanding of Frederick Douglass’ Autobiography as a former slave in the U.S.A. Differentiated using grades 1-9 including full text extract and modelled responses. Sequenced to move from understanding, analysing and interpreting through to author’s perspective in order to echo paper 2 AQA English Language’s structure. Also suitable to build confidence and understanding of pre-20th Century texts for Key Stage 4 or more able primary school students.</p>