<p>Question sheet in English to accompany the BBC BITESIZE KS2 GERMAN A Tour of Berlin video (link to video provided)</p>
<p>Suitable for 9 - 11 year olds new to Germany.<br />
Good for background knowledge.</p>
<p>This document is a script for an assembly performed by a joint Year 5/6 class, but certainly suitable for slightly younger or older children. Enough parts for a group of between 15 - 35 children.</p>
<p>It looks at</p>
<li>What it means to be “great” or have a “great” life and the meaning of “greatness”.</li>
<li>Careers in which the pupils want to achieve great things (eg acting, science, sport)</li>
<li>Famous people, such as Mother Theresa and Einstein, and why they are considered to be great</li>
<li>People who are close to us that make our lives “great”</li>
<li>Some favourite inspirational quotes</li>
<li>A simple prayer</li>
<li>Links to songs about the theme of greatness</li>
<p>Can easily be adapted to suit the aims, aspirations and interests of the children in any class.</p>
<p>This package contains a PowerPoint, 2 worksheets and a video link and introduces the Georgian Era.</p>
<p>The PowerPoint explains the position of the Georgian Era on a historical timeline, mentioning the Tudors, Stuarts and Victorians. It gives links to useful websites and contains a timeline exercise, in which students have to find out (or match) dates to important events in the Georgian Era.</p>
<p>There is probably more information here on the Tutors and Stuarts than might be necessary, but it is helpful to teachers who might be teaching this topic for the first time (as I was).</p>
<p>The first worksheet can be completed by students while or after watching the first episode of The First Georgians - The German Kings who Made Britain (YouTube link provided).</p>
<p>As a homework or second class exercise, students can fill in the second worksheet, a gap-fill exercise on An Introduction to the Georgian Era.</p>
<p>I used this material for a bright Year 6 class but it would be suitable for KS3, too.</p>
<p>The worksheet consists of a gap-fill exercise where students use their knowledge of the rules of divisibility and an extension exercise where they have to show extended understanding.</p>
<p>Suitable for Year 6 upwards.</p>
<p>The lesson consists of a PowerPoint presentation and two worksheets on the topic of What is Religion? and Why is Religion Important to Believers?</p>
<p>The PowerPoint contains points for discussion and links to relevant religious imagery as well as a YouTube vdeo with “man in the street” interivews on What is Religion?</p>
<p>The worksheets ask pupils to think about the following : What questions might religion provide answers for people? (with sample answers for teachers) and Why Might Religion Be Important to a Believer?</p>
<p>The PowerPoint provides an entry point into the topic of what people understand by religion - Is it something you believe? Is it something that you do? etc.</p>
<p>Suitable for age 10 - 14</p>
<p>This is a straightforward information sheet with a table of French colours with their masculine and feminine. singular and plural agreements.</p>
<p>There is a pronunciation guide and also an explanation of how it works if you use the colours with the words “clair” and “fonce” (light and dark)</p>
<p>Useful reference sheet for KS3/KS4</p>
<p>Simple worksheet for beginners in German. Students need to find out which German-speaking country is which (names are given in German), find out their flags and colour them in accordingly.</p>
<p>The resource consists of a SMART notebook slide with a variety of beginners’ French words and phrases, including greetings, name, age, colours, days.</p>
<p>I’ve used it at the beginning of the year to revise basics and at the end of the topic.</p>
<p>Basically, the children either pronounce the words correctly in French and/or translate them into English for the words to be “wiped” (deleted) from the board.</p>
<p>I set a timer to see if the class can do all the words within that set time.</p>
<p>Very popular with Year 3 and Year 4 beginners.</p>
<p>Small, basic worksheet for an introduction to French-speaking countries</p>
<p>Consists of the flags of 5 countries. Children need to research the colours of the flags and colour in appropriately.</p>
<p>The countries are labelled in French. Children need to find out which countries they are if they have not been taught these in the lesson.</p>
<p>Good little general knowledge activity.</p>
<p>The PowerPoint is the expansion of an idea by Ann Ryan on Teaching Ideas.<br />
It is suitable for ages 7 - 11 and explores how language can be used out of context to create an interesting effect. It includes an example final poem, as well as lots of food images and example adjectives to help children make a start on their own work.</p>
<p>In this idea a menu of typically annoying things (to a teacher) are presented in a menu format, forming a poem, eg A platter of juicy late homework.</p>
<p>It explores both menu vocabulary and interesting “foody” adjectives.</p>
<p>I did this with a Year 5 class to celebrate National Poetry Day.</p>
<p>This is a straightforward worksheet with questions on a YouTube video (link provided) on road transport in Georgian England.</p>
<p>Interesting film and covers some important points.</p>
<p>Straightforward worksheet to accompany the video of the Worst Jobs in History (with Tony Robinson) - Georgian era. The questions focus on life aboard ship.</p>
<p>Link to video provided.</p>
<p>Some gory sections but otherwise suitable for 10+. Brings the history to life.</p>