<p>Complete lessons and resources for AQA Citizenship new spec, topic Politics and Participation. Aimed at Year 10 mixed ability groups. Has activities linked to affiliated text book too.<br />
Each lesson can be differentiated to suit various needs, and most have differentiated outcomes. Activities are varied between comprehension, independant and teacher lead. Some links to Parliament website (we ran a trip in conjunction with the SoW).<br />
The lessons all link directly to the new AQA Spec.</p>
<p>This is a series of lessons covering Life in Modern Britain, the first theme for the new AQA Citizenship spec.<br />
it is for year 10, mixed ability. I have removed all the intervention lessons as they were specific to my students, but a good starting place for those looking to teach the new spec.</p>
<p>Collection of resopurces and activities/resources covering the different job roles under the title ‘Legal Personnel’ on the new spec for Law A-Level.</p>
<p>Full lessons and activities to accompany new AQA specification for Law A-Level for ELS topic, legal personnel. Includes activities and resources.</p>