<p>Lesson plan covering who Ofcom are, what they do, and recent case studies on how they have influenced UK TV, with references to new articles for further discussion.</p>
<p>A session on creating basslines using Logic Pro, discussing tone, plugins and basic MIDI input.<br />
Includes glossary of key terms.<br />
Includes demo breakdowns and tasks.</p>
<p>Looking at 4/4, 3/4 and 6/8 time signatures, basic rhythm concepts and applied to drum patterns using Logic software or drum kits or percussions.</p>
<p>Includes glossary of key terms.</p>
<p>Demo and instructions to basic audio editing on Logic, such as using the scissor tool, marquee tools, time and pitch, insert effects, send effects.</p>
<p>Aimed to be delivered over 3 hours.</p>
<p>Kahoot quiz linked at the end.</p>
<p>Match up task for Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, using categories of needs and key terminology of reach section.</p>
<p>Blank spaces left for learners to fill in their own ideas and feedback to their group.</p>
<p>First diagram to explain the concept of of the pyramid, then learners match up the terminology and place in the order the think appropriate, feedback to group, then the final slide revealed with the answers and open for learner debate.</p>
<p>The Nature Trail Sensory Activity Handout is a guide designed to enhance your nature trail experience through sensory exploration. It encourages you to engage your senses by observing the vibrant colors and shapes of flora and fauna, listening to the sounds of nature, touching different textures, smelling the scents of the environment, and, if applicable and with caution, tasting edible items found on the trail. The handout emphasizes respect for nature, staying on designated trails, being mindful of allergies or sensitivities, and sharing your sensory experiences with others.</p>
<p>A Quiz used for Level 3 Photography and Videography learners.</p>
<p>Recapping key fucntionas and basic techniques when using a camera.</p>
<p>Originally made for distance learning.</p>
<p>Photography and image editing session activity comparing image proportions such as panorama or snapshots and files types and their uses in photography, such as JPEG, PNG or RAW.</p>
<p>Paper handouts for match up activity and quiz sheet to summarize learning.</p>
<p>Series of infographics / print outs / posters with keywords, terminology descriptions and visual aids describing rhythm, melody, dynamics, harmony, timbre, tone, colour, texture and form in music.</p>
<p>Introduction to digital media publishing continued<br />
Apply photography and design to digital publishing.<br />
Plan and produce a marketing material package to a freelance brief.</p>
<p>Following your client brief outline, design a marketing materials pack.<br />
You pack must include:<br />
Logo<br />
Business card (front & back)<br />
Web home page<br />
Roller banner<br />
2 more materials of your team’s choice</p>
<p>How a business card can make a first impression.<br />
Finishing options and print design for business cards.<br />
Apply designs to Adobe Photoshop mock ups for a professional finish.<br />
Research task to find how much card production will cost.</p>
<p>A questionnaire aimed at getting students to discuss British Values, UK Law, Freedom of speech within the context of TV broadcasting.</p>
<p>Youtube links and article links included.</p>