Kazoo Song CardsQuick View

Kazoo Song Cards

<p>Set of 88 song cards, each with 2 song options for use with a kazoo ‘guess the song’ games. Cards are split into four categories, each colour-coded for your convenience: Christmas songs, 60s and 70s songs, 80s songs, 90s and 00s songs. Play one category or shuffle them for a wild card round!</p>
Coding Scuba Diver on ScratchQuick View

Coding Scuba Diver on Scratch

<p>Step-by-step guide to show pupils and teachers how to code a scuba diver to swim in the ocean. A simple beginner’s guide for lower key stage two pupils.</p>
Welsh Audiobook QR CodesQuick View

Welsh Audiobook QR Codes

<p>Welsh Second Language Resource. Scan the QR codes to listen to the pictured book being read aloud. Ideal resource for Welsh provision areas in KS2 and the Foundation Phase.</p>
Ten More/Ten Less Whiteboard CardsQuick View

Ten More/Ten Less Whiteboard Cards

<p>Class set of ten more/ten less revision practise cards. Ideal for maths meetings, starters and developing fluency. Place across a whiteboard and children write ten more or less than given number as a quick activity. Each card is different so can be used again and again.</p> <p>The cards are differentiated by colours:<br /> Yellow - multiples of 10<br /> Green/Blue/Purple - values up to 100<br /> Orange - positive and negative numbers.</p>