Scaffolded activities and writing frame for pupils to create a piece of writing in the form of a 'wanted' poster. It's a nice activity to finish the module, I used it today and the kids loved it! Worksheets are available on the final slides.
An hour worth of activities, from a (long) vocab test to a writing task. <br />
This is a Word Document so you can edit it if you want to make any changes.<br />
Order of the activities:<br />
Vocab test<br />
Add the gaps & translate<br />
Put the words in the correct order<br />
Reading activity (Find the French)<br />
Writing task.
The video clip includes the pictures of the instruments so it's nice to have the video displayed to have some visual help for the lower ability groups :)
Vocab introduction - bird to label - link to the youtube video "Alouette, gentille alouette".<br />
This is a little song all French children and adults would know and a nice way to introduce body parts before moving to a more detailed list with the human body.