World Mental Health Day AssemblyQuick View

World Mental Health Day Assembly

<p>World Mental Health Day Whole-School Secondary Assembly</p> <p>An insightful and detailed assembly celebrating World Mental Health Day.</p> <p>Gives specific definitions on mental health and wellbeing, information on identifying poor and positive mental health, as well as signposts and guidance for supporting mental health.</p> <p>Can be used to deliver remotely or in person. If the latter, I would recommend to condense and have alternative version for presentation, with the rest used as presentation notes.</p>
Boston Tea PartyQuick View

Boston Tea Party

<p>Y8 Focus on the Boston Tea Party: what it was and its impact on the British colonies in America</p> <p>Starter of a poem inspired by the Boston Tea Party, which will be linked through into their investigation</p> <p>Students will be independently investigating what the Tea Party was using information around the room (info resources are intended to be stuck around a classroom) and fill in their tables (differentiated versions of the table on the ‘Activity’ labelled powerpoint)</p>
LGBTQ History Month AssemblyQuick View

LGBTQ History Month Assembly

<p>LGBTQ History Month Whole-School Secondary Assembly</p> <p>A detailed an informative assembly delivering some of the key concepts of the LGBTQ community. This assembly includes guidance on the differences between key terms such as ‘gender’ and ‘sexuality’, dispelling misconceptions and embedding/encouraging tolerant, curious and respectful attitudes with all students.</p> <p>Assembly also contains some signposts to UK-based charities and organisations such as the Proud Trust and Mermaids which provide detailed, informative support for LGBTQ people, those questioning as well as allies and families.</p> <p>An excellent assembly that can be delivered remotely or in person.</p>
Boudicca's RevoltQuick View

Boudicca's Revolt

<p>Y7 Lesson with contextual focus on who Boudicca was and what she did to oppose the Roman invasion</p> <p>Main task is source analysis, focussing on military and political strength of the two sides and students coming to a judgement abut how significant the revolt was for the Romans and their presence in Britain</p> <p>Really simple and effective lesson to get Y7 students thinking about different kinds of opposition and core concept skills of significance and evaluation.</p> <p>Can be differentiated/extended further to suit older groups</p>
LGBTQ Historical Heroes AssemblyQuick View

LGBTQ Historical Heroes Assembly

<p>LGBTQ Whole-School Assembly on Heroes and Historically significant figures</p> <p>This assembly explores a handful of significant British and American figures who campaigned for the LGBTQ community, giving informed backgrounds into their reasonings and achievement</p> <p>This serves as an additional resource for colleagues wishing to explore LGBT History Month in detail, or with specific references to subjects like History.</p> <p>An insightful assembly that can be delivered remotely or in person.</p>
International Women's Day AssemblyQuick View

International Women's Day Assembly

<p>International Women’s Day Whole-School Assembly</p> <p>An inclusive, informative assembly designed to give students a coherent and guided insight into feminism, women’s rights and examples of gender-based violence and discrimination. Students are encouraged to take a positive view of concepts like feminism and provided with an extensive set of resources, key figures and social media channels to explore the key themes around International Women’s Day</p> <p>An accessible, insightful assembly that can be delivered remotely or in person. Colleagues are encouraged to condense the written material, transferring to notes where applicable if delivering in person to provide more accessible/more concise presentation material.</p>
Rosa Parks Day AssemblyQuick View

Rosa Parks Day Assembly

<p>Rosa Parks Day Whole-School Assembly</p> <p>An informative and accessible insight into the figure of Rosa Parks; her background, main achievements and factors influencing her contributions to the American Civil Rights Movement. Students are encouraged to think about how qualities and principles of Rosa Parks could be transferred to their everyday life to ensure students fully identify the value of the assembly and day.</p> <p>An insightful assembly that can be delivered remotely or in person.</p>
Bloody MaryQuick View

Bloody Mary

<p>Y8 Investigation on Mary Tudor and how far her nickname was deserved</p> <p>Students take the role of a journalist to analyse different kinds of information to form judgements on Mary and if she deserved the nickname ‘Bloody Mary’</p> <p>Idea is for students to be given 1 resource first, to then be given the others following thorough analysis of each individually via handouts</p> <p>Students then write an article, either as homework or make into two parts to then consolidate a judgement with evidence from the investigation</p> <p>Very engaging and effective way to practice skills of analysis and evaluation, which led to some very fruitful articles</p>
British Empire Intro: Age of ExplorationQuick View

British Empire Intro: Age of Exploration

<p>Y8 resources on the Age of Exploration as a contextual introduction to the British Empire</p> <p>Students will examine where the British Empire was at first, with preliminary questioning as to how students think the British managed to get such an empire, followed by focus into the other European powers of the time and their quest for colonies and wealth.</p> <p>Worked well for both LA and HA groups, that can be tweaked to provide extension/condensing</p> <p>*TIF = take it further (extension tasks)</p>
Y10 Transition Action Plan to Y11Quick View

Y10 Transition Action Plan to Y11

<p>Y10 GCSE Transition Action Plan to Y11</p> <p>A useful catch-all reflection sheet preparing Y10’s for their impending Y11 study. Questions give students an opportunity to reflect honestly and in detail on aspects of their approach to GCSE study in any subject. I have found this to be particularly impactful when setting summer assignments or following mock exams and provides them with a document that keeps them accountable, as well as a meaningful action plan with specific time-based objectives for them moving forward.</p> <p>Can be adapted to tailor to specific departments and subjects.</p>
Elizabeth I's Main ProblemsQuick View

Elizabeth I's Main Problems

<p>Edexcel Paper 2: Elizabeth’s Main Problems as Queen</p> <p>Resource provides collaborative and informative introduction to the main problems for Elizabeth I when she ascended the throne in 1558.</p> <p>Resource includes a detailed activity which is recommended as a collaborative/paired/group activity, along with detailed and helpful guidance in the slide notes. Additionally, there is informative, scaffolded application linked to the Edexcel specification at the end of the lesson, focused primarily on the 12 mark explain why question, including a ‘model’ paragraph, exam mark scheme criteria and breakdown.</p>
Introduction to Queen Elizabeth IQuick View

Introduction to Queen Elizabeth I

<p>Edexcel Paper 2 Intro to Elizabeth I</p> <p>An extensive set of resources intended to provide students with an indepth insight into the Elizabethan period, as well as the monarch herself. Level of resources provided suffice for two lessons if required, or can be picked and condense to deliver in one lesson</p> <p>Resource includes detailed quiz (with answers), embedded timers as well as detailed informative resources and activities. Slides contain model and annotated examples, as well as Edexcel-specific exam application, with opportunities for peer and self-assessment where required.</p>
Human Rights Day AssemblyQuick View

Human Rights Day Assembly

<p>Human Rights Day Secondary Whole-School Assembly</p> <p>Whole-school delivery designed to give students an insight into global issues impacting people and their human rights today, addressing the annual theme and providing positive ideas and encouragement for how students can embed this into their daily lives</p> <p>An insightful and visually pleasing assembly that can be delivered remotely or in person. Colleagues may wish to adapt the assembly to condense some of the reading material to notes</p>
Elizabeth I's Religious SettlementQuick View

Elizabeth I's Religious Settlement

<p>Elizabeth I’s Religious Settlement lesson</p> <p>Edexcel Paper 2 intended but could also be adapted to suit other exam board specifications</p> <p>This is a whistle-stop tour focused solely on the Religious Settlement and its features, getting students to consider how these would have been received by the different religious groups prominent in 16th century England.</p> <p>Resource includes useful ‘do-now’ quiz (with answers), scaffolded resources (word banks) and printable slides ready to be used in lesson. It also contains two Edexcel-oriented exam questions (4 mark describe two features and 12 mark explain why) with detailed writing support for both teacher and students.</p>
The History of Anti-Semitism (Holocaust Unit)Quick View

The History of Anti-Semitism (Holocaust Unit)

<p>Resources that can be stretched across two lessons, the subject matter centres around understanding what, firstly, antisemitism actually is, followed by a study into the different examples and periods of antisemitism which occurred. The objective of the lesson(s) is to help students understand that the Holocaust’s context is much wider than just the 20th century, and the varying degrees and examples of antisemitism.</p> <p>The activities were pitched to HA, therefore tweaking to the activity info sheet would be recommended to ensure understanding for a broader cohort.</p>
Jack the Ripper InvestigationQuick View

Jack the Ripper Investigation

<p>Y8-aimed lesson on Jack the Ripper’s victims but could also be used as a foundation for the GCSE Crime and Punishment Whitechapel topic</p> <p>Students are intended to be split up into groups of 4 focussing on one victim in detail. Each student will have a focus: background information, sequence of events prior to death, pathologist’s report and early findings, along with a map to focus on the location of victim’s murder.</p> <p>The idea is for students to identify key details about the savagery but also precise detail of the Ripper and his patterns of murder. All findings will be returned as a class so as to have a collective knowledge on all five murders</p> <p>Word banks provided for differentiation (i.e. students with lower literacy, dyslexia etc.)</p> <p>A very intensive lesson, I would advise to perhaps divide into two parts</p>
Jewish Life Before the Nazis (Holocaust Unit)Quick View

Jewish Life Before the Nazis (Holocaust Unit)

<p>This lesson focuses on the ‘humanising’ of the Jewish population. The objective of the lesson is to demonstrate that those massacred in the Holocaust were not just statistics on a piece of paper, but human beings with lives, dreams and ambitions. Focus on Jewish children to create greater sense of empathy for the students. I found this particularly useful in creating a much more mature, sympathetic cohort.</p> <p>All resources are embedded within the lesson (i.e. table, video links etc.) - can be tweaked to focus on certain ability</p>
Elizabeth I's Religious SettlementQuick View

Elizabeth I's Religious Settlement

<p>Challenge to the Religious Settlement for GCSE Elizabeth I topic (Edexcel)</p> <p>Clarification on what the Religious Settlement was and the difference between Protestant and Catholic religious practices</p> <p>Followed by an investigation into what challenges Elizabeth faced (Puritans, Catholics and abroad) using Edexcel textbook information (pp.26-30)</p> <p>Can be changed to suit KS3</p>
Dunkirk: Meltdown or Miracle?Quick View

Dunkirk: Meltdown or Miracle?

<p>Y9 lesson on Dunkirk and whether its reputation as being a ‘miracle’ is justified</p> <p>Students will be using multiple sources - from recent film adaptations clips to written source material on the consequences and interpretations surrounding the Dunkirk evacuation</p> <p>Differentiated sources provided, with lots of room for manouevre in terms of discussion and challenge</p> <p>(AfL resources and tables are found at the bottom of the powerpoint presentation)</p>
Jewish Life Under Nazi Persecution (Holocaust Unit)Quick View

Jewish Life Under Nazi Persecution (Holocaust Unit)

<p>With sufficient content meaning this can be extended to two lessons, this set of resources focuses on Nazi persecution through the lens of historical skills. Students will examine multiple examples of Nazi persecution and use the skills of chronology, evaluation and significance in order to order the same events in 3 different ways. This challenges the students to think about each event in a different manner within the context of violence enflicted against the German and Polish Jewish population.</p> <p>All resources are provided, but can be tweaked to suit a lower ability if needs be (e.g. the ‘significance’ section can be removed if too challenging)</p>