Les vacances - Mr Bean
A whole lesson on PowerPoint with exercises and video clip. Revision and practise of key verbs and vocabulary in the past tense on the topic of holidays and using the French trailer of Mr Bean's (embedded on the ppt) holidays to support learning. This lesson was graded outstanding.
Who wants to be a millionaire - Paris
<p>A fun game quizz on Paris based on Who wants to be a millionaire</p>
La Revolution francaise -Le 14 Juillet 1789
<p>This is a set of 2 PowerPoints lessons (aimed at KS4/5 with a simplified version for KS3) on the French revolution. There is an accompanying worksheet. I tried to make them fun and engaging but they are very thorough and explain the events as well as the causes and consequences of the French Revolution. It starts with the events leading up to the prise de la Bastille on 14th July 1789 (including a brief explanation of the social and international climate) and finishes with the rise of Napoleon (for KS4). It includes illustrations and links to video clips.</p>
Les nouvelles technologies
This is a whole lesson to introduce the topic of new technologies' vocabulary and key verbs. It uses visuals and video clips to support and reinforce teaching and learning with a range of interactive whole class work, pair work and individual practise. This lesson was graded outstanding by Ofsted.
Quiz - Culture générale sur la France
Set of 2 PowerPoints. The first one is an illustrated quiz with 20 fun questions to test your students general knowledge about France on a range of topics such as Geography, Arts , History, Current affairs etc. There is a separate animated and illustrated PowerPoint for the answers. Suitable for KS4 and KS5
French literacy learning mats for KS3 & 4 to support independent writing and speaking
2 sets of double sided colour mats (higher and foundation) with key tenses clearly described using visuals and examples. These mats also include key vocabulary to improve sentence structure and sequencing such as adjectives, connectives, opinions, time markers etc. Ideally you should print them in colour on A3, and laminate them. It is also a useful tool for peer and self-assessment tasks. I always put one on each table to share at the start of any lesson and it has dramatically improved the quality and accuracy of the work produced by the students. I really hope it helps yours too!
Mon école idéale - group project
<p>This PowerPoint guides the students to create their ideal school and then pitch their project to the whole class for a vote. They decide on the name, logo & moto, celebrity teachers, design the grounds, uniform, timetable, canteen menu etc. It also contains fsome facts and/or examples for each stages. The project can be done over 3/4 lessons and will build their vocabulary on a range of topics not just school (school subjects, clothes, routine, food, leisure activities, opinions etc).</p>
les monuments de Paris
An informative and animated PowerPoint on the main monuments in Paris and a few less well known. There are key information for each, Q&A and trivia as well as photos.
AQA GCSE Listening and Reading exams guided lessons
2 sets of interactive lessons on PowerPoint to guide the students through the Listening and Reading exams and give them a very clear understanding of the requirements. It contains a sequenced guide to the 2015 Reading paper in full with questions and marking clearly highlighting the question style, key vocabulary and "red herrings". The Listening skills lesson includes general Listening & Reading exam skills as well as a guide to the key question styles from various past papers as well as the transcript and a worksheet for the student to record their answers throughout the lesson.
Une idée de génie - Group project (series of lessons) based on Dragon's Den
This is a series of 4 lessons (possibly more depending on abilities and length of lessons plus a final lesson when the students present their invention. The students work in small groups to come up with an invention and eventually pitch it to an "investor". There are 4 very detailed PowerPoints with a particular theme for each lesson: Finding and developing their idea / design their invention and ask for a patent / Calculate the cost of production and Advertising - Marketing / Decide the level of investment and write their pitch. For each lesson the students are guided through a series of tasks to complete. Also included are word documents with additional resources such as the price for the various costs, spreadsheet to record costs, letter from the investor and Patent document. This would be suitable for KS4 or KS5 although it could easily be simplified for KS3.
Collective memory challenges
This is a PowerPoint with a set of 3 different types of memory challenges for group work. Each challenge can be adapted to other topics and languages. The ones on this PowerPoint are in French and contain the topics of "school" & "passé-composé". It would be very easy and quick to adapt by simply replacing the vocabulary and/or pictures. It is suitable for any year group and any level. Timers are embedded on the presentation. My students absolutely love doing these and the less able find them particularly useful.
GCSE writing practise
A ppt presentation with translation exercises that cover the main areas needed to achieved top marks.
Mes vacances passees- Controlled Assessment preparation
A Powerpoint to go over key vocabulary and sentence structures to prepare or improve Controlled Assessment. This has been adapted from another resources on the TES.