Artificial Intelligence in Education: video worksheets, differentiated.Quick View

Artificial Intelligence in Education: video worksheets, differentiated.

In this very timely film, students and teachers are interviewed about the use of artificial intelligence in education. What will become of teaching and learning? The film compares the pros and cons of banning, and allowing, AI. The “calculator analogy” , and its limits, is discussed, along with current models of the science of learning, and where AI might sit within the process. Extensive sources, fully cited on the YT page. Find the film on YouTube by searching the Vox Channel for “AI can do your homework. Now what?”. 15 questions for the 17-min film. Differentiated! Both versions look very similar, but “B” version has subtle clues. Questions right up to the end , no slack time! Excellent subtitles, scripted, not auto-generated. Answer sheet. Very easy to mark. .doc & .pdf for all files. Link to video on all sheets - please make sure you can access the video before you download the worksheets.
Blair Mountain, West Virginia Coal Wars. Video worksheets, differentiated.Quick View

Blair Mountain, West Virginia Coal Wars. Video worksheets, differentiated.

A very detailed and thorough account of the crisis -almost unknown outside the USA- and its consequences (WV is still the third poorest state in the USA). Covering: economic and industrial consequences of WW1, growth of the AFL and UMWA. President Wilson and the unions; ‘company towns’, ‘company stores’, yellow-dog contracts, the Paint Creek-Cabin Creek strike, Mother Jones, the Baldwin-Felts Detective Agency as union busters. Unionization in Matewan, mayor Testerman killed, the Matewan Massacre. Strike, and miners’ poverty. WV Governor calls on Washington to intervene, without success. Hatfield murdered. Charleston rally. A close account of the lead-up to the Battle of Blair Mountain. Federal troops arrive. The aftermath. The New Deal and unionization. All sources fully cited on the YT page. Find the film by searching YouTube’s The Great War channel for “The Battle of Blair Mountain - West Virginia Coal Wars I THE GREAT WAR 1921”. My link omits a brief trailer at the end, the film will stop straight after my sheet’s final question if you use my embedded link. 16 questions for the 20-min film (not inc. the omitted trailer). Differentiated! Both versions look very similar, but “B” version has subtle clues. Questions right up to the end (of my embedded link), no slack time! Answer sheet. Very easy to mark. .doc & .pdf for all files.
The Rise of Mahatma Gandhi: video worksheets, differentiated.Quick View

The Rise of Mahatma Gandhi: video worksheets, differentiated.

See also my workshets for the East India Company and Clive of India. A very detailed, thorough, and engaging review of Gandhi’s life up to 1921. The film describes Gandhi’s philosophy; British attitude to India post WW1, the beginnings of Indian governance. Indian (inc. Gandhi’s) equivocal support for Britain. Britain’s wider empire troubles. The Amritsar Massacre, Dyer’s role and attitude, a catalyst for independence calls. All sources fully cited on the YT page. Find the film by searching YouTube’s The Great War channel for “The Rise of Mahatma Gandhi (Documentary)”. My link omits a brief trailer at the end, the film will stop straight after my sheet’s final question if you use my embedded link. 15 questions for the 18-min film (not inc. the omitted trailer). Differentiated! Both versions look very similar, but “B” version has subtle clues. Questions right up to the end (of my embedded link), no slack time! Answer sheet. Very easy to mark. .doc & .pdf for all files.
Why Germany Lost WW1: video questions, differentiated.Quick View

Why Germany Lost WW1: video questions, differentiated.

A very detailed and thorough account of Germany’s failures to gain victory and avoid defeat. Including: Germay’s power in 1914, the Schlieffen Plan, loss at Marne. Britain enters the war. Risks and mistakes they from 1914 to 1917. Successes: Russia, Serbia, Romania, Italy. Ottomans and Bulgarians join the Central Powers. Industry: weapons and fertiliser. Allied mistakes: Lorraine, East Prussia, Gallipoli, Champagne the Somme, Flanders, the Chemin des Dames, Kerensky Offensive. USA joins. Bolshevik Revolution, the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. Allied misgivings. Operations Michael, Georgette, Blücher-Yorck, Gneisenau, and Friedensturm. The 100 Days Offensive. Germany outnumbered in rifles, tanks, aircraft. German vs. Allied tactics. German morale collapses, mass surrenders. The Schwindler. Kaiser Wilhem abdicates. Hunger in Austria. All sources fully cited on the YT page. Find the film by searching YouTube’s The Great War channel for “Why Germany Lost the First World War (Documentary)”. My link omits a brief trailer at the end, the film will stop straight after my sheet’s final question if you use my embedded link. 16 questions for the 22-min film (not inc. the omitted trailer). Differentiated! Both versions look very similar, but “B” version has subtle clues. Questions right up to the end (of my embedded link), no slack time! Answer sheet. Very easy to mark. .doc & .pdf for all files.
Aquaculture and mariculture: video questions, differentiated.Quick View

Aquaculture and mariculture: video questions, differentiated.

A very detailed, thorough, and engaging review of the need for, and possibility of, mariculture. The film describes The Green Revolution, its spread, advantages, disadvantages, and limits. Carbon dioxide emissions from farming. Available land and its productivity. Calories and protein: supply and demand compared between plants, land-animals, and marine animals. On-shore and coastal aquaculture: benefits, disadvantages, and limits. Mariculture: possible species, including fish, mollusks and plants. Wild fish stock depletion. Current mariculture projects: Ocean Farm 1 and Deep Blue 1. Lack of discussion of mariculture in political spheres. Plenty of stats shown in easily-understood graphics, all sources fully cited on the YT page. Find the film by searching YouTube’s Atlas Pro channel for “What is the Blue Revolution?”. My link omits a 2-min trailer at the end, the film will stop straight after my sheet’s final question if you use my embedded link. 16 questions for the 17-min film (not inc. the omitted 2-min trailer). Differentiated! Both versions look very similar, but “B” version has subtle clues. Questions right up to the end (of my embedded link), no slack time! Answer sheet. Very easy to mark. .doc & .pdf for all files.
Mammoth Steppe and Climate Change: video questions, differentiated.Quick View

Mammoth Steppe and Climate Change: video questions, differentiated.

This fascinating film clearly addresses the paradox: why do grasslands lock up more carbon dioxide than forests? The story covers: the extent, cause, and biodiversity of the original Mammoth Steppe; the extinction of the megafauna: climate change vs. over-hunting; the Pleistocene Park project in Siberia; rewilding; the effect of grazing on permafrost; low biodiversity in taiga forests; high biodiversity and carbon sequestration in grasslands. Plenty of stats shown in easily-understood graphics, all sources fully cited on the YT page. Find the film by searching YouTube’s Atlas Pro channel for “Pleistocene Park: The Plan to Revive the Mammoth Steppe to Fight Climate Change”. My link omits a brief trailer at the end, the film will stop straight after my sheet’s final question if you use my embedded link. 15 questions for the 19-min film (not inc. the omitted trailer). Differentiated! Both versions look very similar, but “B” version has subtle clues. Questions right up to the end (of my embedded link), no slack time! Answer sheet. Very easy to mark. .doc & .pdf for all files.
Euro 2024: French cloze sheets, differentiated x4.Quick View

Euro 2024: French cloze sheets, differentiated x4.

French language cloze sheet (25 gaps) on the 2024 European Cup Finals! Pupils can fill the gaps, and go on to translate the passage for extra challenge if desired. Uses natural language, including unknown but reasonably guessable (within context) vocab, with a range of tenses. Missing words boxed at the bottom of the sheet; each word used once only. Differentiated four ways, A - least help to D - most help thus: (e.g. missing word is durable) A: gap is __________________ B: gap is d_________________ C: gap is __ __ __ __ __ __ __ D: gap is d __ __ __ __ __ __ (this doesn’t display correctly here, so please see also previews of the bottom corners of the sheets, showing how the differentiation works). “A” version could be given to top-set 16-year-olds and above, “D” version could be completed (gap fill, not translation) by a beginner. All sheets look similar, all levels of differentiation have the same gaps. Answer sheet, easy to mark. I’ve included the Google Translate English translation, to spot whether pupils are getting “extra help”. PDF and DOC of everything. Have a look at the Deep Fake sheets here: 38 more in the series including wines, regions, sports, music, politics, history, wildlife, food…
Euros 2024: Spanish language cloze sheets, diferentiated x 4.Quick View

Euros 2024: Spanish language cloze sheets, diferentiated x 4.

Spanish language cloze sheet (25 gaps) on the 2024 European Cup Finals! Pupils can fill the gaps, and go on to translate the passage for extra challenge if desired. Uses natural language, including unknown but reasonably guessable (within context) vocab, with a range of tenses. Missing words boxed at the bottom of the sheet; each word used once only. See the translation thumbnail for the English text. Differentiated four ways, A - least help to D - most help thus: (e.g. missing word is durable) A: gap is __________________ B: gap is d_________________ C: gap is __ __ __ __ __ __ __ D: gap is d __ __ __ __ __ __ (this doesn’t display correctly here, so please see also previews of the bottom corners of the sheets, showing how the differentiation works). “A” version could be given to top-set 16-year-olds and above, “D” version could be completed (gap fill, not translation) by a beginner. All sheets look similar, all levels of differentiation have the same gaps. Answer sheet, easy to mark. I’ve included the Google Translate English translation, to spot whether pupils are getting “extra help”. PDF and DOC of everything. Have a look at the Deep Fake sheets here: 38 more in the series including wines, regions, sports, music, politics, history, wildlife, food…
Failed Start of the League of Nations: video worksheets, differentiatedQuick View

Failed Start of the League of Nations: video worksheets, differentiated

A very detailed and thorough account of Wilson’s vision and journey. Using archive footage and a variety of primary sources (all cited fully), this engaging film covers: 14 Points proposed, the League’s ideals, The Paris Peace Conference. Structure of the League, voting rights, vetoes, sanctions. Mandates of classes A, B, and C. US Senate’s opposition, 2/3 majority for ratification; Reservationists and Irreconcilables. Popular support. Wilson’s stroke, his proposal defeated. US Isolationism. “Entangling” alliances. UK sympathetic to US opposition to the League, Lloyd George’s approach; France, Japan, Belgium. Successes: dispute resolution, other civil successes in international cooperation. Find the film by searching YouTube for “The Failed Start of The League of Nations I THE GREAT WAR 1920”. My link omits a 2-min trailer at the end, the film will stop straight after my sheet’s final question if you use my embedded link. 15 questions for the 21-min film (not inc. the omitted 2-min trailer). Differentiated! Both versions look very similar, but “B” version has subtle clues. Questions right up to the end (of my embedded link), no slack time! Answer sheet. Very easy to mark. .doc & .pdf for all files.
Vietnam War Tactics: video worksheets, differentiated.Quick View

Vietnam War Tactics: video worksheets, differentiated.

A very detailed and accessible analysis of the different approaches to warfare in Vietnam. Using archive footage and a variety of primary sources (all cited fully), this engaging film covers: US expectations of a firepower-led victory; Operation Rolling Thunder. US ground-war confined to South Vietnam. Search-and-destroy tactics. McNamara’s statistical approach and ‘body-count’. ARVN thought to lack quality. M16 replaces M14 for jungle combat. Huey replaces Shawnee helicopter. Napalm and white phosphorus. B52 bombers. VC adopts guerilla tactics, sniping, mines, and booby-traps. Tunnels. Soviet equipment inc. AK47 and MIG-21. VC tactics against helicopters. ‘Humping the Boonies’. US friendly fire. M16 disliked. US soldiers include very young draftees. Violence against civilians by all sides. S Vietnamese support for the North. Stalemate. US body-counts exaggerated. US bombing ineffective. International support for The North. Find the film on YouTube by searching the Real Time History Channel for “Search and Destroy: Vietnam War Tactics 1965-1967 (Documentary)”. My link omits a 2-min trailer at the end, the film will stop straight after my sheet’s final question if you use my embedded link. 15 questions for the 21-min film (not inc. the omitted 2-min trailer). Differentiated! Both versions look very similar, but “B” version has subtle clues. Questions right up to the end (of my embedded link), no slack time! Excellent subtitles, scripted, not auto-generated. Answer sheet. Very easy to mark. .doc & .pdf for all files. Save yourself a few dong! Get all six in this series for the price of five. See the bundle. And while you’re at it, have a look at Vietnam War Bingo here.
Vietnam War video worksheets: 6 for 5Quick View

Vietnam War video worksheets: 6 for 5

6 Resources
Six outstanding films, c.20 mins each, covering: French Indochina 1887 - 1954 Why France lost at Dien Bien Phu Causes of the Second Vietnam War Tactics in Vietnam The Tet Offensive Why the US Left Vietnam All worksheets are differentiated! Both versions look very similar, but “B” version has subtle clues. Links to films on all sheets. Questions right up to the end (of my embedded link), no slack time! Excellent subtitles, scripted, not auto-generated. Answer sheet. Very easy to mark. .doc & .pdf for all files.
Causes of the Vietnam War: video questions, differentiated.Quick View

Causes of the Vietnam War: video questions, differentiated.

A very detailed and accessible analysis of the USA’s incremental escalation of their involvement in Vietnam. Using archive footage and a variety of primary sources (all cited fully), this engaging film covers: The Second Indochina War: “The Vietnam War”. Covering: settlement of First Indochina War. Eisenhower’s “nation-building” in the south. Gen. Ridgeway opposes US involvement and Diem. Rural discontent with Diem regime. “Landlords” murdered in the North. NLF (Viet Cong) formed, successful engagements. JFK elected, appoints “Wise Men” inc. McNamara. Increased US intervention. MACV and Strategic Hamlets. Ap Bac. Religious tension in Saigon. Thich Quang Duc. Diem assassinated. JFK assassinated. 1964 US election. Westmoreland sent to Vietnam. OPLAN and DESOTO activity. Gulf of Tonkin Incident, and Resolution. Bombardment of Laos. Operation Rolling Thunder. Further support from USSR and PRC. US continues to escalate, believing they must win. Find the film on YouTube by searching the Real Time History Channel for “Why Did the Vietnam War Break Out? (4K Vietnam War Documentary)”. My link omits a 2-min trailer at the end, the film will stop straight after my sheet’s final question if you use my embedded link. 15 questions for the 28-min film (not inc. the omitted 2-min trailer). Differentiated! Both versions look very similar, but “B” version has subtle clues. Questions right up to the end (of my embedded link), no slack time! Excellent subtitles, scripted, not auto-generated. Answer sheet. Very easy to mark. .doc & .pdf for all files. Save yourself a few dong! Get all six in this series for the price of five. See the bundle. And while you’re at it, have a look at Vietnam War Bingo here.
Why France Lost Dien Bien Phu: video worksheets, differentiated.Quick View

Why France Lost Dien Bien Phu: video worksheets, differentiated.

A very detailed and accessible analysis of France’s attempts consolidate their position before peace negotiations. Using archive footage and a variety of primary sources (all cited fully), this engaging film covers: 1953 stalemate; French hopes that Dien Bien Phu will be decisive. Navarre arrives. Korean War ends: more Chinese support for VM. Fears of Communism. Paratroops invade Dien Bien Phu, site fortified. The site’s many flaws. VM initial attack. Beatrice and Gabrielle overrun. Col. Piroth’s suicide. Parachute re-supply. Geneviève de Galard. Operations Condor, Albatross, and Vulture compared. Dulles and Nixon support direct US intervention; Ridgeway and LBJ less keen. No international coalition. The Battle of the Five Hills. VM siege tactics. Monsoon flooding. Final defeat for France. Losses on all sides. Vietnam divided on 17th parallel. A disappointing settlement for Viet Minh. USA supports South Vietnam. Find the film on YouTube by searching the Real Time History Channel for “Why France Lost The Battle of Dien Bien Phu 1954 (4K Documentary)”. My link omits a 2-min trailer at the end, the film will stop straight after my sheet’s final question if you use my embedded link. 16 questions for the 20-min film (not inc. the omitted 2-min trailer). Differentiated! Both versions look very similar, but “B” version has subtle clues. Questions right up to the end (of my embedded link), no slack time! Excellent subtitles, scripted, not auto-generated. Answer sheet. Very easy to mark. .doc & .pdf for all files. Save yourself a few dong! Get all six in this series for the price of five. See the bundle. And while you’re at it, have a look at Vietnam War Bingo here.
Why the US left Vietnam: video worksheets, differentiated.Quick View

Why the US left Vietnam: video worksheets, differentiated.

A very detailed and accessible analysis of the many causes of the long US withdrawal from Vietnam. Using archive footage and a variety of primary sources (all cited fully), this engaging film covers: The Tet Offensive, LBJ refuses a second term. Gen. Creighton Abrams appointed. Nixon wins the 1968 election. ’Vietnamisation’, the ‘mad man theory’. Ho Chi Minh dies. ARVN expansion. Attack on the ‘Bamboo Pentagon’. Kent State and Jackson State university shootings. Nixon appeals to the ‘Silent Majority’. US Forces’ morale declines: desertion, drug use, fragging. MLK on civil rights of black US soldiers. Operation LAMSON 719. My Lai Massacre, The ‘Pentagon Papers’. The Easter Offensive. A ‘decent interval’. 1972 US election. Operation Linebacker II. Paris Peace Accords. Find the film on YouTube by searching the Real Time History Channel for “Why the US Left Vietnam (Documentary)” My link omits a 3-min trailer at the end, the film will stop straight after my sheet’s final question if you use my embedded link. 18 questions for the 22-min film (not inc. the omitted 3-min trailer). Differentiated! Both versions look very similar, but “B” version has subtle clues. Questions right up to the end (of my embedded link), no slack time! Excellent subtitles, scripted, not auto-generated. Answer sheet. Very easy to mark. .doc & .pdf for all files. Save yourself a few dong! Get all six in this series for the price of five. See the bundle. And while you’re at it, have a look at Vietnam War Bingo here.
French Indochina 1887 - 1954Quick View

French Indochina 1887 - 1954

A very detailed and accessible analysis of France’s attempts to maintain, and recover, their colony after initial defeat in WW2. Using archive footage and a variety of primary sources (all cited fully), this engaging film covers: the 1887 establishment of French Indochina, 1940 defeat of France in WW2, Japanese occupation. Bao Dai’s regime. Formation of Viet Minh and resistance to Japan. Ho Chi Minh’s globetrotting career, inc. Versailles, 1919. 1945 division of Vietnam, and nationalist revolution. French troops return. Differences between Leclerc and d’Argenlieu. Autonomous Chochinchinese Republic established. Indochina war breaks out. Asymmetrical warfare. CCP wins Chinese Civil War and supports Viet Minh. De Lattre arrives; the Lattre Line is to be held. Korean War reduces Chinese support to Viet Minh. De Lattre invokes international communism for US help. De Lattre dies of Cancer. Operation Lorraine. Assault on Na San a failure. Dien Bien Phu chosen as next French air-head… Find the film on YouTube by searching the Real Time History Channel for “France’s Forgotten Vietnam War(4K Documentary)”. My link omits a 2-min trailer at the end, the film will stop straight after my sheet’s final question if you use my embedded link. 17 questions for the 23-min film (not inc. the omitted 2-min trailer). Differentiated! Both versions look very similar, but “B” version has subtle clues. Questions right up to the end (of my embedded link), no slack time! Excellent subtitles, scripted, not auto-generated. Answer sheet. Very easy to mark. .doc & .pdf for all files. Save yourself a few dong! Get all six in this series for the price of five. See the bundle. And while you’re at it, have a look at Vietnam War Bingo here.
Why did Japan attack Pearl Harbor? Video questions, differentiated.Quick View

Why did Japan attack Pearl Harbor? Video questions, differentiated.

A very detailed analysis of the background and build-up to Pearl Harbor. Covering: Japan’s 1937 advance across China ends, USSR and Japan clash at Khalkhin Gol in Mongolia. The Molotov-Ribbentrop non-aggression pact. Splits in Japanese leadership, Japanese forces overstretched; Hitler stops German assistance to Chiang: USSR, Britain, France and the US step up, FDR lends $25 million; the Flying Tigers. Chinese counter-offensives in 1939. German invasion of France, Japan occupies Northern Indochina. The Tripartite Pact. The Hundreds Regiment Offensive, the “Three Alls policy”. US Naval increase. The Bakuryo. Japan occupies south Indochina. US sanctions, inc. oil. Diplomacy fails. Konoe replaced by Tojo: a “strike south”. Analysis of different historical interpretations of the attack. Find the film on YouTube by searching the Real Time History Channel for “Did Japan Attack Pearl Harbor Because Of China?” My link omits a 3-min trailer at the end, the film will stop straight after my sheet’s final question if you use my embedded link. 15 questions for the 20-min film (not inc. the omitted 3-min trailer). Differentiated! Both versions look very similar, but “B” version has subtle clues. Questions right up to the end, no slack time! Excellent subtitles, scripted, not auto-generated. Answer sheet. Very easy to mark. .doc & .pdf for all files.
BBC Animal Parents: video questions, differentiated.Quick View

BBC Animal Parents: video questions, differentiated.

Five fascinating and engaging glimpses of parenthood: a hippo defends her calf from other adults in a shrinking wetland; baby baboons learn where they fit in their complex social structures; a mother tiger learns to cope with four very adventurous cubs; a spirit-bear teachers her cubs to fish; a father African bullfrog protects his tadpoles from predators and drought. With narration from Sir David Attenborough and some lesser mortals. Fnd the film on YouTube by searching for “Incredible Animal Parents | BBC Earth”. 14 questions for the 20-min film. Differentiated! Both versions look very similar, but “B” version has subtle clues. Questions right up to the end, no slack time! Excellent subtitles, scripted, not auto-generated. Answer sheet. Very easy to mark. .doc & .pdf for all files. Also in this series: BBC Animal Sensory Superpowers. Video worksheets, differentiated:
Astrology vs Scientific Method: video questions, differentiatedQuick View

Astrology vs Scientific Method: video questions, differentiated

Professor Dave demolishes the conceits of astrology with the might of Scientific Method. He discusses: the prevalence and history of astrology, unfalsifiable predictions. What could be the means of planetary “influence”? The four fundamental forces rejected as possible mechanisms. Experimental evidence of the invalidity of horoscopes, statistical significance. Nancy Reagan and the White House astrologer. Why should science destroy the fun of astrology? The importance of scientific method. Find the film on YouTube by searching Professor Dave’s Channel for “Astrology: Fact or Fiction?” 15 questions for the 18-min film. Differentiated! Both versions look very similar, but “B” version has subtle clues. Questions right up to the end, no slack time! Excellent subtitles, scripted, not auto-generated. Answer sheet. Very easy to mark. .doc & .pdf for all files.
History of the Taliban: video workshets, diferentiated.Quick View

History of the Taliban: video workshets, diferentiated.

Using archive film and interviews with witnesses, the film gives a very sober, thorough, and balanced summary of a complex history, covering: Soviet invasion, resistance in rural areas, fragmented nature of Afghan society along ethnic and tribal lines. Formation of mujahideen, Soviet backlash backfires. International support against Soviet occupation. 1989 Soviet departure. 1992 Afghan Communist government falls. Civil war. Mohammed Omar founds the Taliban. Dominance in the Pashtun-areas in the south. Funding from tax and opium. Support from Pakistan. Taliban take Kabul in 1996, set up a government. Strict interpretation of Islam through madrasas. Impact on women. Lack of international recognition. 9/11 attacks, US-led coalition invasion. Taliban regime flees to Pakistan. Mujahideen leaders invited to govern. Corruption and expropriation of funds. Second Gulf War. Taliban begins attacking US and NATO troops. Incremental control increases, but with ideologically fragmented leadership. US withdraws in 2021. Find the film on YouTube by searching for Vox Channel’s “The Taliban, explained”. 16 questions for the 14-min film Differentiated! Both versions look very similar, but “B” version has subtle clues. Questions right up to the end, no slack time! Excellent subtitles, scripted, not auto-generated. Answer sheet. Very easy to mark. .doc & .pdf for all files.
Paracelsus and Renaissance Medicine: video worksheets, differentiatedQuick View

Paracelsus and Renaissance Medicine: video worksheets, differentiated

Comprehensive, thorough, c. 17-minute documentary, covering: scientific stagnation in Medieval times, the Renaissance as a time of great change, books become widespread and cheaper. Paracelsus’ early life and education, difficult personality; doctor of Basel. Latin vs. vernacular language, his reputation grows after death. Importance of chemistry in medicine, e.g. mercury and arsenic salts: toxicity depends upon dose. Rejection of 4 humours and bloodletting. Analysis of 1632 London Bill of Mortality – a fascinating review of the state of medicine at the time, including deaths by “Planets”, “King’s Evil”, and “Rising of the Lights”. Poor hygiene and infection are major causes of death during the Renaissance. Find the film on YouTube by searching for “Paracelsus and Medicine During the Renaissance”. 15 questions for the c. 17-min film. Differentiated! Both versions look very similar, but “B” version has subtle clues. Questions right up to the end, no slack time! Excellent subtitles, scripted, not auto-generated. Answer sheet. Very easy to mark. .doc & .pdf for all files.
Darwin's Idea: video worksheets, differentiatedQuick View

Darwin's Idea: video worksheets, differentiated

Comprehensive, thorough, 18-minute documentary really drills down into the origins, evidence, and significance of Darwin’s ideas. Clearly and passionately articulated, covering: observations from HMS Beagle, descent with modification, mutation, Fitness, natural selection, fossils. Scientific vs. vernacular meaning of “theory”. Beginnings of palaeontology, the age of the earth, the bible. Lamarck; Darwin on the Galapagos, adaptation in finches. Slow publication of The Origin of Species, AR Wallace. Speciation is only apparently discrete, gaps in fossil record, analogy with artificial selection: dogs, plants. New insights from genetics. Find the film on YouTube by searching for “Charles Darwin’s Idea: Descent With Modification” 15 questions for the 18-min film Differentiated! Both versions look very similar, but “B” version has subtle clues. Questions right up to the end, no slack time! Excellent subtitles, scripted, not auto-generated. Answer sheet. Very easy to mark. .doc & .pdf for all files.