Second Level Maths Place Value Activities
<p>Two activities which are useful for some independent/group work to deepen understanding of Place Value.</p>
<p>For first 5 sheets, pupils can role a dice/pick from number cards/use playing cards to select digits to create numbers to write in boxes. I then put these sheets in Smart Pals to save on photocopying.</p>
Second Level Maths - Reading and Writing Numbers
<p>Resource includes Number word cards (thousand, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands and millions) and two task cards.</p>
<p>I print usually print the number word cards on different coloured paper to allow for differentation.</p>
<p>Resources required - playing cards/ Uno cards/ pupil whiteboards/ whiteboard pens. Pupils can record in jotters instead of on whiteboards if you would prefer.</p>
Second Level Maths Rounding activity
<p>Ideal as an independent task to deepen understanding of rounding -</p>
<p>Activity 1 - nearest 10 up to nearest 100,000.</p>
<p>Activity 2 - Decimals</p>