Purple Hibiscus - Full SchemeQuick View

Purple Hibiscus - Full Scheme

<p>This is a PowerPoint with lessons and tasks focused on every chapter of Purple Hibiscus. This can be used to study the whole novel or can be used for revision.</p> <p>It includes summaries of the chapters, guided questions for each chapter, key words and definitions, exam questions and writing tasks to help study the text.</p> <p>There are also tasks that focus on characters and themes.</p>
Persuasive Writing - KS3 English Full PowerPointQuick View

Persuasive Writing - KS3 English Full PowerPoint

<p>This is a full PowerPoint that could be used over a few lessons. It focuses on persuasive writing.<br /> The PowerPoint has tasks to help students understand persuasive techniques, identify them in writing and create their own speech (in a creative and different way).</p> <p>I use this resource with Y7 students, but could be used with Y8 and adapted for Y9.</p>
Descriptive Writing - KS4 GCSE (Full)Quick View

Descriptive Writing - KS4 GCSE (Full)

<p>This is a PowerPoint that can be used over a number of lessons to focus on descriptive writing. I use this with KS4 students.</p> <p>It focuses on imagery, figurative language, punctuation, sentence structures, vocabulary and structure of a response.</p>
Purple Hibiscus Themes WorksheetQuick View

Purple Hibiscus Themes Worksheet

<p>This is a resource that can be adapted to fit the needs of the students in the class.<br /> It contains a table with themes and their descriptions already completed. Students are required to find quotations that relate to each theme.<br /> The descriptions can be removed for higher ability classes and some quotations can be filled in for lower ability classes.</p>
Ozymandias Lesson KS3 ResourceQuick View

Ozymandias Lesson KS3 Resource

<p>This is a lesson on the poem Ozymandias. This was used with a mixed ability year 8 class but can be adapted to fit different classes / abilities. The lesson uses the SMILE approach to poetry.</p>
Writing an Interview GCSE ResourcesQuick View

Writing an Interview GCSE Resources

<p>A lesson on writing an interview for KS4 students based around 9/11. YouTube documentary link is included to give students information about 9/11. Useful tips for interview writing shared to discuss with students. Ideas surrounding the topic can be discussed before or after watching the video. Example Cambridge iGCSE 0500 question (paper 1 question 3) for students to work on after watching the documentary.</p>
Purple Hibiscus Chapters 1-4  Full Lessons | Cambridge iGCSEQuick View

Purple Hibiscus Chapters 1-4 Full Lessons | Cambridge iGCSE

<p>This is a PowerPoint based on chapters 1-4 of Purple Hibiscus. It includes: chapter summaries, questions for chapters, various tasks to work on, key words and translations of words they may not know. The lesson also has an example exam question for chapter 3 with a plan to help them explore quotations used in the novel.<br /> Perfect for Cambridge iGCSE (0475).</p>
Shakespeare Intro KS3Quick View

Shakespeare Intro KS3

<p>This is a Shakespeare Intro lesson with full resources.<br /> 2x PowerPoints and 2x worksheets for students to use. Differentiated worksheets to help differentiate in the classroom or use for a different year groups / sets.<br /> The lesson is designed to help students have an understanding of the time period Shakespeare was writing in and give them information about who Shakespeare.<br /> Information sheets are included for students to use to extract information from.<br /> Lesson can also focus on teaching students how to summarise information and how to extract key points from a given text.</p>