Materials and Properties KS1 ScienceQuick View

Materials and Properties KS1 Science

4 Resources
<p>KS1 Science Materials Unit Bundle:</p> <ul> <li>Material hunt table</li> <li>Materials and their properties activity</li> <li>Materials float or sink experiment</li> <li>Materials: transparent, translucent and opaque investigation</li> </ul>
Solids, Liquids and GasesQuick View

Solids, Liquids and Gases

<p>Worksheet to help pupil identify particles of solids, liquids and gases.<br /> Worksheet to sort the objects into solid, liquid and gases.<br /> Challenge task: name a solid, a liquid and a gas.<br /> Challenge task: describe solids, liquids or gases.</p>
Materials, Transparent, Translucent and Opaque InvestigationQuick View

Materials, Transparent, Translucent and Opaque Investigation

<p>An activity for children to test out which materials let light through and which do not. Links to materials and the understanding of transparent, translucent and opaque properties.<br /> An experiment worksheet for children to explain what they will be investigating, to name materials, record results and explain the conclusions from their experiment.</p>
Materials and PropertiesQuick View

Materials and Properties

<p>Children to be given objects and to think about which material would be best to make them out of and explain why based upon their properties. A resource for children to record their thoughts and findings when exploring different materials. This resources has differentiated tables for LA, MA and HA.</p>
Number Bonds to 10 Bar ModelsQuick View

Number Bonds to 10 Bar Models

<p>Bar models to help children spot the number bonds to ten and to begin to use bar models as representations. Children to identify 10 as the whole and work out the missing parts. Could be linked to part part whole representations as well as the use of counting on fingers.</p>
Parts of a Plant Stem SentencesQuick View

Parts of a Plant Stem Sentences

<p>Stem sentences for children to complete with key vocabulary to explain what each part of the plant does. Can be used to support less able with their writing or as sentence prompts for more able.</p>
Weather and Seasons DaylightQuick View

Weather and Seasons Daylight

<p>A table for children to record how much daylight there is across the four seasons. Children ca then use the data added to their tables to complete graphs/charts/discussions/explanations depending on their ability.</p>
Materials Float or SinkQuick View

Materials Float or Sink

<p>A prediction and recording activity when carrying out an experiment to see which materials float and which sink. Differentiated resources.</p>
Number Bonds to 10Quick View

Number Bonds to 10

<p>Number bonds worksheet using a number track/bar model to help children find the number bonds to 10.</p> <p>Differentiated questions to show how calculations can be written differently and to support the understanding of fact families when finding missing parts.</p>
Number Bonds Bar ModelsQuick View

Number Bonds Bar Models

<p>Number bonds to 10 activity which introduces bar models and shows how bar models can be used similar to part-whole models.</p> <p>The bar model supports children in finding their number bonds to 10 as well as writing calculations to match and spotting fact families.</p> <p>A good activity to introduce bar models to children who are becoming confident in understanding part whole models and helps then understand how to represent number in different ways.</p>
More Than Less Than: Comparing NumberQuick View

More Than Less Than: Comparing Number

<p>A maths starter with differentiated options for children to recall their understanding of more than and less than.</p> <p>Children to circle the correct word to make the statement correct.</p> <p>Great practice for when it comes to answering place value questions in end of term maths assessments, such as the Year 1 and Year 2 White Rose maths assessments and SATs.</p>
Parts of a PlantQuick View

Parts of a Plant

<p>Worksheet to help children identify and name parts of a flower/plant.</p> <p>Challenge activity to stretch learning asking children to complete sentences explaining what each part of the plant does.</p> <p>Differentiated Activity:<br /> Support - resource with word mat<br /> Challenge - sentence stems to help with explaining</p>
Plural s or esQuick View

Plural s or es

<p>Sentence writing activity to help children understand the plural s and es suffixes and use them in their writing.</p>
Material Hunt TableQuick View

Material Hunt Table

<p>A table for children to name, describe and identify properties of different materials. To help children to compare and group materials. Differentiated resource with a table with less categories.</p>