Staff Introduction to Mastery Maths or White Rose Maths PowerPoint PPT
<p>This is a very handy PowerPoint that I used to introduce the idea of ‘Mastery’ in Maths to my school. USeful for your own knowledge or use in own Staff Meeting/INSET Day.</p>
<p>It includes information taken from across the internet (NCETM, White Rose Maths, Primary Schools etc).</p>
<li>There are notes with each slide to help your talking and discussion points.</li>
<li>Link to National Curriculum (Why Mastery?)</li>
<li>What is Mastery?</li>
<li>Teaching for Mastery</li>
<li>Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract (CPA)</li>
<li>What is depth?</li>
<li>How to introduce White Rose Maths</li>