A-Level AQA English - Wuthering Heights - Quotes & Close Analysis (1st generation)Quick View

A-Level AQA English - Wuthering Heights - Quotes & Close Analysis (1st generation)

<p>This resource contains quotes pertaining to character pairings in Wuthering Heights, as well as a paragraph of close analysis containing critical quotations. The pairings are as follows:<br /> Heathcliff &amp; Cathy<br /> Heathcliff &amp; Mr Earnshaw<br /> Heathcliff &amp; Hindley<br /> Hindley &amp; Frances<br /> Heathcliff &amp; Edgar Linton<br /> Heathcliff &amp; Isabella<br /> Cathy &amp; Edgar Linton<br /> Cathy &amp; Isabella<br /> Edgar Linton &amp; Isabella<br /> Mr &amp; Mrs Earnshaw</p>
A-Level AQA English - Wuthering HeightsQuick View

A-Level AQA English - Wuthering Heights

3 Resources
<p>This collates Wuthering Heights resources - quotations by character, character pairisngs, close reading/analysis, critical quotations - in one bundle :))</p>
A-Level /Pre-U History - Edward VI Revision NotesQuick View

A-Level /Pre-U History - Edward VI Revision Notes

<p>This resource provides a detailed bullet pointed essay plan that can be used to answer any question on Edward VI’s reign. It uses the following question as a basis: How unstable was the monarchy in the reign of Edward VI?</p> <p>The topics covered are:<br /> Council<br /> Political stability<br /> Foreign Policy<br /> Religious Policy<br /> Economic/Social Policy<br /> Financial Policy</p> <p>The essay is written in shorthand for expedience.</p>
A-Level /Pre-U History - Catholic or Counter Reformation Revision NotesQuick View

A-Level /Pre-U History - Catholic or Counter Reformation Revision Notes

<p>This resource provides a bullet pointed essay plan to answer any question on the counter vs Catholic reformation. In this case, the question is: To what extent did the Roman Catholic Church experience more of a ‘Catholic Reformation’ than a ‘Counter Reformation’ in this period?</p> <p>The topics covered are as follows:<br /> Introduction<br /> Role of Papacy<br /> Council of Trent<br /> Results of Council<br /> New Religious Orders (Counter)<br /> New Religious Orders (Catholic)<br /> Role of Individuals (Counter)<br /> Role of Individuals (Catholic)<br /> Conclusion</p> <p>Notes are written in shorthand for expediency.</p>
A-Level AQA English - Wuthering Heights Quotes & Analysis (second generation)Quick View

A-Level AQA English - Wuthering Heights Quotes & Analysis (second generation)

<p>This resource contains quotes pertaining to character pairings in Wuthering Heights, as well as a paragraph of close analysis containing critical quotations. The pairings are as follows:<br /> Edgar Linton &amp; Catherine (C2/Cathy 2)<br /> Heathcliff &amp; Hareton<br /> Heathcliff &amp; Catherine<br /> Heathcliff &amp; Linton<br /> Hareton &amp; Catherine<br /> Catherine &amp; Linton</p>
A-Level Philosophy & Theology - Abortion NotesQuick View

A-Level Philosophy & Theology - Abortion Notes

<p>This resource details a clear essay plan covering the ethical debates surrounding abortion. It provides easy-to-read bullet points outlining an argument that can be made to answer the essay question - 'Since the status of an embryo can never be determined, one cannot expect an absolute response to the question of abortion.’ The essay plan can be adapted to suit any A Level / Pre-U essay question on this topic. It can be used as a useful revision tool as it neatly surmises different viewpoints ranging from religious to philosophical:<br /> Judith Jarvis Thompson<br /> Michael Tooley<br /> Mary Anne Warren<br /> Church of England<br /> Roman Catholic<br /> Islam<br /> Kant<br /> Natural Law<br /> Utilitarianism</p> <p>Sentences are written shorthand to keep concise.</p>
A-Level/Pre-U History - Elizabeth I & Catholicism Revision NotesQuick View

A-Level/Pre-U History - Elizabeth I & Catholicism Revision Notes

<p>This resource details a bullet pointed essay plan concerning Elizabeth I and Catholicism. It can be used to answer any question but addresses this one:<br /> How serious a threat to the religious stability and internal security of England did the Roman Catholics pose in Elizabeth’s reign?</p> <p>The topics covered are as follows:<br /> Introduction<br /> The Argument- whiggish vs Revisionist<br /> Mary Queen of Scotts &amp; Northern Rising<br /> Plots<br /> Missionaries<br /> Conclusion</p>
A-Level Philosophy & Theology - Aristotle NotesQuick View

A-Level Philosophy & Theology - Aristotle Notes

<p>This resource provides a clearly written summary of Aristotle’s philosophical arguments, including:<br /> Four Causes<br /> Bronze Statue Example<br /> Living and non-living<br /> Actuality and potentiality<br /> Prime Mover/God<br /> The Soul<br /> What is ‘Good’</p> <p>The resource is delineated by bullet points in the above sections and is is written in succinct shorthand.</p>