Not Now, Bernard 2014 - Teacher Resource PackQuick View

Not Now, Bernard 2014 - Teacher Resource Pack

<p>This pack is for teachers working with children in the EYFS &amp;Year 1. It has ideas for exploring the themes and ideas in both the story and Unicorn stage production of ‘Not Now, Bernard’ using drama, dance, arts, craft, storytelling, puppetry and games.</p> <p>‘Not Now, Bernard’ runs at the Unicorn Theatre from 23 Apr - 1 May.</p>
I, Malvolio / Twelfth Night - Teacher Resource PackQuick View

I, Malvolio / Twelfth Night - Teacher Resource Pack

<p>This education pack, full of ideas, is to support the Unicorn Theatre’s production of &amp;‘I, Malvolio&amp;’;. It contains ideas for classroom activities to explore ‘Twelfth Night&amp;’ and the character of Malvolio.<br /> The resource pack is written by Tim Crouch</p> <p>The production is running from 3 Oct - 11 Nov. <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a></p>
Othello: The Remix - Teacher Resource PackQuick View

Othello: The Remix - Teacher Resource Pack

<p>This resource pack is for teachers who are bringing students to see Othello: The Remix by the Chicago Shakespeare Theater at the Unicorn Theatre in Sep 2013.</p> <p>It also contains useful information / practical activities for teachers exploring Shakespeare’s Othello with students, but who aren&amp;'t necessarily coming to see the production.</p> <p>Contains - a context &amp; background to the play, interviews with the Q Brothers, a history of hip-hop and practical drama activities to unlock the play for students.</p>
1001 Nights - Teacher Resource PackQuick View

1001 Nights - Teacher Resource Pack

<p>This pack is to accompany the Unicorn Theatre’s production of 1001 Nights - a modern retelling of the Arabian Nights stories. The pack has information about the making of the show, the context of the Arabian stories and drama activities that explore storytelling and the character of Shahrazad. The activities are transferable and could be used to explore any story. 1001 Nights runs at the Unicorn throughout Feb &amp; Mar 2013. For Years 2-6. <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a></p>
The Caucasian Chalk Circle - Teacher Resource PackQuick View

The Caucasian Chalk Circle - Teacher Resource Pack

<p>These resources are to accompany the production of The Caucasian Chalk Circle’ at the Unicorn in Feb/Mar 2015, for students in Year 7 - 12.</p> <p>The resources contain:</p> <p>A summary of the play<br /> Historical and political context<br /> A timeline of Brecht&amp;'s life and key information on Brechtian Theatre<br /> Interviews with the creative team &amp; images of the cast<br /> A Drama scheme of work with five detailed sessions:</p> <ol> <li>Brecht and Political Theatre</li> <li>The Prologue</li> <li>Performing Brecht</li> <li>The story of Azdak</li> <li>Grusha&amp;’;s decision</li> </ol> <p>For more info visit: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a></p>
The Velveteen Rabbit 2015 - Teacher Resource PackQuick View

The Velveteen Rabbit 2015 - Teacher Resource Pack

<p>These resources are to accompany the Unicorn Theatre’s production of ‘The Velveteen Rabbit’ - based on the popular children’s book about a toy rabbit that becomes real, by Margery Williams.</p> <p>The pack contains information about the making of the show, how the book has been adapted for the stage and a practical series of activities that teachers can use to explore the show with pupils before and after the visit.</p> <p>The show runs from 28 Mar - 26 Apr 2015.<br /> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a></p>
Henry the Fifth - Teacher Resource PackQuick View

Henry the Fifth - Teacher Resource Pack

<p>This resource pack is for teachers bringing students to see Henry the Fifth at the Unicorn Theatre in October 2013 - a modern version of Shakespeare’s history play for Years 4-7.</p> <p>It has a historical context to the play, interviews with the creative team and practical activities for teachers to do with their pupils before and after the visit.</p> <p>It would also be useful for teachers looking at Shakespeare&amp;'s Henry V who are not necessarily coming to watch the play.</p>
The Pardoner's Tale - Teacher Resource PackQuick View

The Pardoner's Tale - Teacher Resource Pack

<p>These resources are to accompany the Unicorn Theatre’s production of &amp;‘The Pardoner’s Tale’ for students in year 3 - 7, running from 16 -31 Jan 2014.</p> <p>The resources can also be used by teachers exploring the Pardoner’s Tale text by Geoffrey Chaucer, one of the Canterbury Tales, in English or Drama lessons.</p> <p>The pack contains context to the play and the text, info on the making of the show and practical activities for the classroom. These activities will be explored in full on the Teacher CPD day at the Unicorn - Mon 18 Nov (free).</p>
A Thousand Slimy Things / Coleridge Ancient MarineQuick View

A Thousand Slimy Things / Coleridge Ancient Marine

<p>This pack is to support teachers in exploring the production ‘A Thousand Slimy Things&amp;’ which is based on Colerdige&amp;’;s ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner&amp;’ with students.</p> <p>It will work for teachers who are not seeing the production but who are looking at the poem.</p> <p>It contains context around Coleridge &amp; the poem, an interview with the director, and practical drama activities that explore themes and ideas in the poem é play.</p> <p>The play is on at the Unicorn in Feb 2013<br /> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a></p>
Girls Like That - Teacher Resource PackQuick View

Girls Like That - Teacher Resource Pack

<p>This is the full resource pack for the Unicorn Theatre/Synergy Theatre project production of ‘Girls Like That&amp;’ by Evan Placey.</p> <p>The pack contains a context for the show, interviews with the writer &amp; director, and a drama scheme of work that explores the themes and issues in the show.</p> <p>The show runs from 6 - 22 Nov. More info here:<br /> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a></p>
A Winter's Tale - Teacher Resource PackQuick View

A Winter's Tale - Teacher Resource Pack

<p>This resource pack accompanies the upcoming show ’ Winter’s Tale’at the Unicorn - a new adaptation of Shakespeare’s classic.</p> <p>The pack is designed to support teachers in exploring the context and creative process behind making the show with their class, and also contains some possible drama activities that can be done pre-or post-show to explore the themes and ideas in the piece.</p> <p>A Winter&amp;’;s Tale runs from Wed 19 Sep - Fri 16 Nov. <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a></p>
Dr Korczak's Example - Teacher Resource PackQuick View

Dr Korczak's Example - Teacher Resource Pack

<p>This resource pack accompanies the upcoming production of Dr Korczak’s Example at the Unicorn.</p> <p>The pack is designed to support teachers in exploring the context and creative process behind making the show with their class, and also contains some possible drama activities that can be done pre- or post- show to explore the themes and ideas in the piece.</p> <p>Dr Korczak runs from Sun 23 Sep - Tue 13 Nov</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a></p>
How Nigeria Became - Teacher Resource PackQuick View

How Nigeria Became - Teacher Resource Pack

<p>These are resources are to accompany the production of ‘How Nigeria Became&amp;’ at the Unicorn Theatre in Oct/Nov 2014, for students Years 4 - 8.</p> <p>They resources will also be useful for teachers exploring the centenary of the formation of Nigeria in 1914, and what it means to form a country out of previously separate geographical areas.</p> <p>The pack contains a historical context for the play and an interview with writer Gbolahan Obisesan. A series of practical activities will be added in July.</p> <p>For more information, visit <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a></p>
Dora - Teacher Resource PackQuick View

Dora - Teacher Resource Pack

<p>These resources are to accompany the production of ‘Dora&amp;’ at the Unicorn Theatre from 13 Sep - 17 Nov 2013, for children in Nursery - Year 3.</p> <p>The resources offer a simple &amp;’;Mantle of the<br /> Expert’ framework for exploring the play&amp;'s themes in the classroom, across the curriculum.</p> <p>The play and the activities in the pack explore the value of objects and the stories they hold; what it<br /> means to hold onto things and to let things go.</p> <p>There is a free teacher CPD day for teachers bringing their pupils to see the show on Mon 23 Sep at the Unicorn.</p>
Philip Pullman's Grimm Tales - Teacher Resource PackQuick View

Philip Pullman's Grimm Tales - Teacher Resource Pack

<p>This pack is to support primary teachers in exploring the production ‘Philip Pullman’s Grimm Tales’, Philip Wilson’s adaptation for stage directed by Kirsty Housley, for working with children in Year 4 - 6. It contains an interview with the director and practical drama activities that explore themes and ideas in the play.</p>
Beowulf - Teacher Resource PackQuick View

Beowulf - Teacher Resource Pack

<p>This pack is to support teachers in exploring the production ‘Beowulf’, a reimagining of the Old English epic poem, with students. It contains context around the myth &amp; the poem, interviews with the writer and composer, and practical drama activities that explore themes and ideas in the play.</p>
Not Now, Bernard 2018 - Teacher Resource PackQuick View

Not Now, Bernard 2018 - Teacher Resource Pack

<p>This pack is to support teachers in exploring the production ‘Not Now, Bernard’, an adaptation of David McKee’s classic children’s picturebook, for working with children in Early Years - Year 1. It contains practical drama activities that explore themes and ideas in the play.</p>
Hannah / Dr Faustus - Teacher Resource PackQuick View

Hannah / Dr Faustus - Teacher Resource Pack

<p>This resource pack is to accompany the Unicorn Theatre production of ‘Hannah&amp;’ - a modern reimagining of Marlowe&amp;’;s ‘Dr Faustus&amp;’, running from Jan-Mar 2014.</p> <p>The pack contains:</p> <ul> <li>information about Marlowe&amp;’;s original play - social and historical context and timeline</li> <li>information and context for Chris Thorpe’s contemporary version</li> <li>Interviews with the writer, director and images from the set designer</li> <li>A practical scheme of work that uses Drama to explore key moments and ideas from &amp;‘Dr Faustus&amp;’; and ‘Hannah&amp;’.</li> </ul>
Seesaw - Teacher Resource PackQuick View

Seesaw - Teacher Resource Pack

<p>This pack is to support teachers in exploring the production ‘Seesaw’, for working with children in Early Years - Year 4. It contains interviews with the writer, director, and practical drama activities that explore themes and ideas in the play.</p>
Liar, Liar - Teacher Resource PackQuick View

Liar, Liar - Teacher Resource Pack

<p>This resource pack is designed to support teachers in exploring the Unicorn Theatre production of ‘Liar, Liar’ written by E V Crowe.</p> <p>The pack contains interviews with the writer/director/designer to help students understand how theatre professionals communicate meaning through their creative decisions, including drama mediums, strategies and elements.</p> <p>&amp;’;Liar, Liar’ runs at the Unicorn theatre from 31 January-6 March 2013. Show trailer here: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a></p> <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a></p>
Aesop's Fables - Teacher Resource PackQuick View

Aesop's Fables - Teacher Resource Pack

<p>This pack is to support primary teachers in exploring the dual productions of the Unicorn Theatre’s 'Aesop’s Fables’ , directed by Rachel Bagshaw and Artistic Director Justin Audibert and featuring stories written by a number of playwrights, for working with children in Reception - Year 2 and Year 3 - 7. It contains background information on Aesop, an overview of the fables included in the Unicorn’s productions, an interview with Justin and practical drama activities that explore themes and ideas in the play.</p>