Latitude/Longitude BattleshipQuick View

Latitude/Longitude Battleship

<p>This game is a fun and engaging way for Earth Science students to learn about latitude and longitude. It is a twist on the classic game of Battleship, where students must use latitude and longitude coordinates to sink their opponent’s ships. The game comes with a world map, a set of latitude and longitude coordinates, and instructions.</p> <p>How to Play:</p> <p>Each player places their ships on the world map according to the latitude and longitude coordinates provided.<br /> Players take turns calling out a latitude and longitude coordinate.<br /> If the opponent has a ship at that location, it is sunk.<br /> The first player to sink all of their opponent’s ships wins the game.<br /> This game is a great way for students to:</p> <p>Learn about latitude and longitude<br /> Practice using latitude and longitude coordinates<br /> Develop their spatial reasoning skills<br /> Have fun while learning!<br /> Included:</p> <p>PDF copies of the instructions and game board (I recommend laminating the game boards)<br /> Apple Pages copies to edit (If you need MS word, please reach out after purchase and I can provide that for you).</p>