<p>Educas<br />
Revision documents to assist students in understanding all key media concepts around the case study- The Bridge.<br />
Multiple documents</p>
<p>Documents to aid students revision for the set educas case study of Assassins creed PS VITA game. Documents include:<br />
Albert Bandura theory applied to the set case study<br />
Hesmondhalgh<br />
Regulation<br />
Theories applied</p>
<p>Multiple documents designed to aid students understand the two educas a-level media studies set case studies for exam paper 2.<br />
Document titles:<br />
Theories applied to Zoella and Attitude<br />
What does the rise in online media reveal about the changing nature of the media industries and the digital media landscape? Refer to Zoella and Attitude<br />
youtude and regulation<br />
zoella extended notes</p>
<p>Multiple documents including pictures, theories and key words. A great Revision Guide that gives all the information needed for an in-depth understanding of these two case studies.<br />
*Vogue<br />
The Big Issue *</p>
<p>High marking answer, to the A level sociology AQA research methods section, potential question:<br />
Item A- Positivists believe that sociology can be a science by following the logic and methods of the natural sciences. in the view of positivists, this involves gathering objective quantitative data to ‘verify’ or prove hypotheses and discover casual laws. While accepting the positivists’ view of science, interpretivists reject the claim that we can study human beings in this way<br />
Applying material from Item A and your knowledge, evaluate the claim that whether sociology can be a science depends on what we mean by science in the first place. (20)</p>
<p>Revision notes for:<br />
Assassins Creed<br />
Characters in Life on Mars<br />
Film Industry<br />
Kiss of the Vampire<br />
Late night womens hour<br />
Life on Mars<br />
Music Videos<br />
Newspapers<br />
The Bridge<br />
Tide<br />
Video games<br />
<p>Example answer to the 40 mark secularisation topic 40 mark style question- “Secularisation presents an opportunity for the church to develop new doctrines and practices” Critically evaluate this idea".</p>
<p>Question- ‘Natural law is a good ethical theory for understanding what is morally right in terms of homosexuality?’<br />
Yes- natural law is a good theory No- natural law isn’t a good theory</p>
<p>Marxism theory revision resource</p>
<li>Similarities between Marxism and functionalism</li>
<li>Historical Materialism</li>
<li>Key point of Marxism theory</li>
<li>Strengths of Marxism</li>
<li>Weaknesses of Marxism</li>
<li>Neo-Marxist- Gramsci- humanistic Marxism</li>