In the city / en la ciudad (Spanish)Quick View

In the city / en la ciudad (Spanish)

Resources include: - A list of adjectives to find in Spanish - 20 places in a town to match up - A worksheet describing 2 cities - The answers on a PPT - A worksheet to practise 'se puede + inf' - A dominos activity to introduce places in town as well as the answers and a grid to copy the answers.
Presente tense / el presente (Spanish)Quick View

Presente tense / el presente (Spanish)

A range of activities to teach the present tense. - A PPT with activities and explanations - A page of Noughts and Crosses grids - A snakes and ladders game - Grammar sheets - Practice sheets
Les verbes pronominaux / pronominal verbsQuick View

Les verbes pronominaux / pronominal verbs

A slightly dry (might need a few pictures) but otherwise useful recap of pronominal verbs with plenty of examples. Useful primarily for people who are familiar with reflexive verbs. - A worksheet with an explanation and questions - A PPT with an explanation, examples to do together and answers. - A further worksheet on reflexives in the past tense
El pelo y los ojos / Hair and eyesQuick View

El pelo y los ojos / Hair and eyes

A PPT introducing hair and eyes in Spanish Two accompanying activity sheets (match up and battleships) An alternative way of covering physical appearance (using dictionaries)
Daily routine / la rutina diaria (Spanish) in 3 tensesQuick View

Daily routine / la rutina diaria (Spanish) in 3 tenses

Teaching daily routine in Spanish - A PPT with vocabulary, activities and explanations (with reflexives and stem-changing) - 2 vocabulary sheets - A Noughts and Crosses grid for pupils to practise whichever verbs in whichever tense - Verb grids and grammar sheets
Numbers (1-100) in GermanQuick View

Numbers (1-100) in German

This features the following: - A PowerPoint of activities teaching numbers 1-20 - A sheet of numbers 1-100 - An activity to practise numbers 1-100. Person A knows some information; Person B knows other information. They have to ask each other.
Les installations scolaires / School facilitiesQuick View

Les installations scolaires / School facilities

Three resources to teach school facilities - A text about Hogwarts (where students find the facilities and answer questions) - Accompanying PowerPoint - A text to translate (referencing the school from Glee)
Los pasatiempos / Hobbies (Review)Quick View

Los pasatiempos / Hobbies (Review)

Appropriate for Y8/Y9 and above. Assumes a good knowledge of hobbies and chores. File contains - Texts to stick on the wall (for a running reading or a reading where pupils walk around the room to find the answers) - A copy of the text to give out at the end - A set of questions based on the texts - A translation activity - A match up activity of sports and hobbies - A text to read and answer questions on, with the option of following it with a writing
Los profesores / teachersQuick View

Los profesores / teachers

A range of resources to talk about teachers. - A reading activity - a PPT to introduce vocabulary - A sheet on spotting errors - A battleships game to practise agreements - A match-up and translation worksheet also around agreements
Personality in GermanQuick View

Personality in German

This contains: - A PowerPoint with activities for teaching personality in German. - A reading text - A worksheet for personality vocabulary.
La négation / negativesQuick View

La négation / negatives

This is a little dry but OK for high-level Y11s and A-level groups. It teaches a range of negatives and provides many examples. Included here are: - A worksheet to practise - An explanation on paper - A PPT with rules, examples and answers - A battleships game (whereby they draw a few boats on their grids and then have to form sentences to guess where their partner's boats are)