Outdoor nature activities for EYFS Summer 2020
<p>Created to help with the return to school and nursery in the summer of 2020. Many teachers and childcare providers will be looking to work outdoors. These nature activities have been created to give ideas, materials and support to educators who are planning more outdoor learning.</p>
<p>The EYFS resources have been created around 6 themes with a number of separate activities within each theme. A theme can be delivered as an entire session which would typically take around 90 mins. Alternatively, activities can be selected and delivered on a stand-alone basis. The themes and activities can be delivered in any order.</p>
<p>The majority of these activities can be done in any outdoor area which has some plants and ideally a number of trees or large bushes. It can be useful to consider using areas of the school or nursery grounds that may not normally be accessed by the children</p>
<p>The activities have been designed to keep things as simple as possible in terms of preparation and resources. We try to use natural materials that we can find outside and reusable, recycled items that cost nothing.</p>