Year Two Reading Running Records for Moderation Evidence
<p>I have created reading running records to gather evidence for working towards Y2, working at the expected standard in Y2 and working at greather depth. The texts include:</p>
<li>Owl Babies (WTS)</li>
<li>The Gruffalo (WTS)</li>
<li>The Smartest Giant in Town (EXS)</li>
<li>The Day the Crayons Quit (EXS)</li>
<li>The Twits (GDS)</li>
<li>The Girl with the Dragon Heart (GDS)</li>
<p>For each book there is a running record section with common exception words, multi-syllabic words and words containing suffixes. For each book, there are also reading comprehension questions, covering inference and prediction. These can be used to gather evidence for Y2 moderation. I intend to record the children reading as well as using the running records. I will then stop recording and scribe their responses to the comprehension questions.</p>