El desperidicio de alimentos comprensión escrita / food waste reading comprehensionQuick View

El desperidicio de alimentos comprensión escrita / food waste reading comprehension

<p>This reading comprehension is designed to help teach the topic of food waste. You could use my Quizlet list to help teach the vocabulary</p> <p><a href="https://quizlet.com/hk/1006718394/el-desperdicio-de-alimentos-flash-cards/?funnelUUID=f03a62f5-b291-4775-acea-0b4d335eed54" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://quizlet.com/hk/1006718394/el-desperdicio-de-alimentos-flash-cards/?funnelUUID=f03a62f5-b291-4775-acea-0b4d335eed54</a></p> <p>Answers are included, as are Word and PDF versions.</p> <p>All my resources are and always will be free, as I have benefited from other people’s hard work in the past. If you found the resource useful, please leave a short comment or review.</p>
Presente progresivo en español / Spanish present continuous tenseQuick View

Presente progresivo en español / Spanish present continuous tense

<p>This worksheet is to practise using the present continuous estar + gerund. It uses images on the topic of school. Students simply have to conjugate the verb correctly.</p> <p>Answers are included, as are Word and PDF versions.</p> <p>All my resources are and always will be free, as I have benefited from other people’s hard work in the past. If you found the resource useful, please leave a short comment or review.</p>
Día internacional del medio ambiente comprensión auditiva/Spanish listening on World Environment DayQuick View

Día internacional del medio ambiente comprensión auditiva/Spanish listening on World Environment Day

<p>This listening was created based on the UN website <a href="https://www.un.org/es/observances/environment-day" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://www.un.org/es/observances/environment-day</a></p> <p>The audio was created with a synthetic voice. The link to the audio file in a Google Drive is embedded within the worksheet.</p> <p>Answers are included, as are Word and PDF versions.</p> <p>All my resources are and always will be free, as I have benefited from other people’s hard work in the past. If you found the resource useful, please leave a short comment or review.</p>
Indicativo o subjuntivo - medioambiente / Environment Spanish indicativo or subjunctiveQuick View

Indicativo o subjuntivo - medioambiente / Environment Spanish indicativo or subjunctive

<p>This worksheet was made to practice deciding whether to use the present indicative or the present subjunctive. All the sentences are within the context of the environment.</p> <p>Answers are included, as are Word and PDF versions.</p> <p>All my resources are and always will be free, as I have benefited from other people’s hard work in the past. If you found the resource useful, please leave a short comment or review.</p>
Indicativo o subjuntivo - educación / School Spanish indicativo or subjunctiveQuick View

Indicativo o subjuntivo - educación / School Spanish indicativo or subjunctive

<p>This worksheet was made to practice deciding whether to use the present indicative or the present subjunctive. All the sentences are within the context of school.</p> <p>Answers are included, as are Word and PDF versions.</p> <p>All my resources are and always will be free, as I have benefited from other people’s hard work in the past. If you found the resource useful, please leave a short comment or review.</p>
práctica de ser o estar usando DOCTOR PLACE. Ser or estar practice using the mnemonic DOCTOR PLACEQuick View

práctica de ser o estar usando DOCTOR PLACE. Ser or estar practice using the mnemonic DOCTOR PLACE

<p>A worksheet using the mnemonic DOCTOR PLACE to decide whether to use ser or estar.</p> <p>A poster of the mnemonic is included, together with questions and answers in docx and PDF format.</p> <p>All my resources are and always will be free, as I have benefited from other people’s hard work in the past. If you found the resource useful, please leave a short comment or review.</p>
Description physique en français A1 - compréhension orale/French listening physical descriptionQuick View

Description physique en français A1 - compréhension orale/French listening physical description

<p>A listening exercise to practice hair vocabulary (long, short, straight, curly, colour etc). Six short descriptions and colour the hair and eyes on the face.</p> <p>The audio file in linked in the document to a file in my google drive. The audio cannot be uploaded to <a href="http://tes.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">tes.com</a> itself. The audio was made by me and is not taken from any text book.</p> <p>Answers are included, as are Word and PDF versions and the transcription</p> <p>All my resources are and always will be free, as I have benefited from other people’s hard work in the past. If you found the resource useful, please leave a short comment or review.</p>
Listening comprehension - el horario de Alejandro - comprensión auditivaQuick View

Listening comprehension - el horario de Alejandro - comprensión auditiva

<p>This is a listening exercise to practice subjects, opinions and telling the time in Spanish. The audio file is linked to my Google Drive from where you can download it. The resource was created using AI and the voice is synthetic using elevenlabs.</p> <p>Answers and transcription are included, as are Word and PDF versions.</p> <p>All my resources are and always will be free, as I have benefited from other people’s hard work in the past. If you found the resource useful, please leave a short comment or review.</p>
Verbes d'opinion en français (les matières) / French opinion verbs (school subjects)Quick View

Verbes d'opinion en français (les matières) / French opinion verbs (school subjects)

<p>A worksheet designed to practise opinion verbs with simple justifications. Aimer, préférer, détester, adorer</p> <p>Word and PDF versions are included.</p> <p>All my resources are and always will be free, as I have benefited from other people’s hard work in the past. If you found the resource useful, please leave a short comment or review.</p>
El tiempo y el clima en México - comprensión escrita / Reading comprehension - weather in MexicoQuick View

El tiempo y el clima en México - comprensión escrita / Reading comprehension - weather in Mexico

<p>A reading comprehension created by AI and modified by me on the subject of weather and climate in Mexico. A2 level language.</p> <p>Answers are included, as are Word and PDF versions.</p> <p>All my resources are and always will be free, as I have benefited from other people’s hard work in the past. If you found the resource useful, please leave a short comment or review.</p>
Spanish listening spelling names and surnames - comprensión auditiva - nombres y apellidosQuick View

Spanish listening spelling names and surnames - comprensión auditiva - nombres y apellidos

<p>This worksheet has an embedded link to the audio in my Google Drive. It practises the alphabet by spelling names and surnames.</p> <p>The audio was created with AI voices. Answers are included, as are Word and PDF versions.</p> <p>All my resources are and always will be free, as I have benefited from other people’s hard work in the past. If you found the resource useful, please leave a short comment or review.</p>
Expresiones con tener / expressions in Spanish with the verb tenerQuick View

Expresiones con tener / expressions in Spanish with the verb tener

<p>A quiz/worksheet to reinforce use of tener with set expressions. Word and PDF versions are included.</p> <p>All my resources are and always will be free, as I have benefited from other people’s hard work in the past. If you found the resource useful, please leave a short comment or review.</p>
La familia - tabla de vocabulario para completar - complete the family vocabulary in SpanishQuick View

La familia - tabla de vocabulario para completar - complete the family vocabulary in Spanish

<p>This is an extensive reference list of vocabulary for the family in Spanish. The gaps practice the concept of o/a for masculine and feminine and os/as for plural.</p> <p>Answers are included, as are Word and PDF versions.</p> <p>All my resources are and always will be free, as I have benefited from other people’s hard work in the past. If you found the resource useful, please leave a short comment or review.</p>
Quiz sobre el imperativo en español - Spanish imperative quizQuick View

Quiz sobre el imperativo en español - Spanish imperative quiz

<p>This worksheet is designed to practice the conjugation of the regular and irregular forms of the tú imperative in Spanish. Also included are regular forms only of usted and ustedes. It uses the Ven Di Sal Haz Ten Ve Pon Sé pneumonic to help them remember the irregular imperative forms.</p> <p>Included are WORD and PDF versions of the questions and answers.</p> <p>All my resources are and always will be free, as I have benefited from other people’s hard work in the past. If you found the resource useful, please leave a short comment or review.</p>
Vida sana (Conversación con el médico) para practicar el imperativo- practise the imperative SpanishQuick View

Vida sana (Conversación con el médico) para practicar el imperativo- practise the imperative Spanish

<p>This is a worksheet to practise the imperative tú form in Spanish. The context is a conversation with a doctor about how to live a healthier lifestyle.</p> <p>The bundle contains the worksheet and answer sheet in Word and PDF formats.</p> <p>All my resources are and always will be free, as I have benefited from other people’s hard work in the past. If you found the resource useful, please leave a short comment or review.</p>
Practice impersonal verbs like gustar and encantarQuick View

Practice impersonal verbs like gustar and encantar

<p>Do your students struggle with impersonal verbs like gustar? This is an old-school exercise with sentences to complete. As you progress, the sentences get more complex. PDF and word versions with solutions, so you can set it as homework or use in class.</p>
llevar una vida sana - expresiones impersonales en españolQuick View

llevar una vida sana - expresiones impersonales en español

<p>This is a PPT designed to introduce impersonal expressions with an infinitive in Spanish in the context of healthy lifestyle. There are three examples and the rest of the slides has a visual stimulus to encourage speaking.</p> <p>PPT and PDF versions are included.</p> <p>All my resources are and always will be free, as I have benefited from other people’s hard work in the past. If you found the resource useful, please leave a short comment or review.</p>
les pronoms interrogatifs, interrogative pronouns in French (quel, lequel, dont)Quick View

les pronoms interrogatifs, interrogative pronouns in French (quel, lequel, dont)

<p>This worksheet is designed to help students understand and practice French interrogative pronouns (quel, quelle, lequel, laquelle, duquelle, de la quelle, auquel, à laquelle, dont etc). The worksheet has a short explanation with examples and a simple exercise to show mastery. Answers are included, as are Word and PDF versions.</p> <p>All my resources are and always will be free, as I have benefitted from other people’s hard work in the past. If you found the resource useful, please leave a short comment or review.</p>