Titanic - drama programme (six weeks)Quick View

Titanic - drama programme (six weeks)

<p>This is a SIX week drama programme based on the Titanic. Suitable for p4-p7/Y3-Y6, ages 8-12. Suitable for an hour, to an hour and a half sessions, although can be adapted.</p> <p>This has been taught by myself to a P5/6 group of 25 children, mixed abilities. It was incredibly well-received and the children enjoyed the sessions very much.</p> <p>***What’s included? ***</p> <ol> <li>Building the ship.</li> <li>Who was on the ship? (Workers and passengers)</li> <li>Facilities on board.</li> <li>Disaster strikes!</li> <li>Survivors tell their tales in court.</li> <li>73 years later. The Titanic has been found.</li> </ol> <p>Each section covers basic information and facts, and has three main tasks for each lesson, but there are plenty more in the ‘extra activities’ pages, included at the end of each session (Between 8-10 extra activities). These cover a variety of lessons, including art, literacy, computer skills, etc, which follow on from the session that has just been taught. Each session has extra sheets included, and these are mentioned in bold in the sessions, so you know exactly when to use them and what for. There is an introduction, main and plenary for each session. It is written in a simple, clear style, which is easy to understand and teach.</p> <p>Drama skills included are hot-seating, mime, scripted work (a script is included in session 4), role-playing, script-writing, debates, questioning and much, much more. Some work is required before lessons, but only minimal, such as finding a few photos for the board for the children to see, or gathering supplies such as cones and hoops.</p> <p>It begins with the creation of the Titanic, where the children will ‘build’ it, to being given out a range of tickets from 1st, 2nd and 3rd class, to filming a video of the sinking, to answering questions in court, all the way to modern times.</p> <p>Includes E’s and O’s from the Curriculum for Excellence. (Literacy and Expressive Arts).</p>
German dictionary workQuick View

German dictionary work

<p>This resource is intended to be used alongside word work in German lessons.<br /> It has been designed to allow students to work with a dictionary and understand how it helps them to understand the different words, their meanings and whether they are a verb, noun, adverb, etc.</p> <p>With the der, die and das raindrops, children could shade these in with a coloured pencil, to help reinforce the gender of the word—masculine, feminine or neutral.</p> <p>After my students fully understand what is expected of them in regards to dictionary work, (which can take a few lessons), these sheets are used as a starter or a finisher activity.</p> <p>I have reversed the sheets depending on which way you want them to find the words. I would generally start by writing five English words on the board and they then have ten minutes to find the German translations. Or, with the other sheet, vice versa. It is good to mix them up so they can use both sides of the dictionary.</p>
Symmetry cut outs and worksheetQuick View

Symmetry cut outs and worksheet

<p>A worksheet to explore the different lines of symmetry from different shapes. Once shapes have been cut out, they can be folded to see what lines of symmetry they have and stuck onto the correct parts of the worksheet.</p> <p>The worksheet also includes questions about the shapes they have looked at and an opportunity to draw their own shapes with lines of symmetry.</p> <p>This can be used with a KS1 class.</p>
Fractions village - differentiatedQuick View

Fractions village - differentiated

<p>Welcome to Fraction Village!</p> <p>This resource is intended for children in KS2, but could be used for more able KS1 children. It has three levels of differentiation.<br /> Three sets of villages, each with 12, 16 or 30 houses. The children will colour these in according to the questions set.</p> <p>1 – Questions about halves and quarters only.<br /> 2 – Fractions relating to 16 – 1/2, 1/4, 1/16 and some simplification needed, e.g. 2/4.<br /> 3 – Fractions relating to 30 – 1/2, 1/3, 1/5, 1/6, 1/10. Some will need simplified, e.g. 3/6.</p> <p>The question sheet for the first level may be used with Fraction Village 12 and 16, to give further consolidation of halves and quarters.</p> <p>Included -</p> <p>Information and E’s and O’s.<br /> Village of 12 picture sheet, questions and answers.<br /> Village of 16 picture sheet, questions and answers.<br /> Village of 30 picture sheet, questions and answers.</p>
German numbers 0-100 tarsia puzzleQuick View

German numbers 0-100 tarsia puzzle

<p>A German tarsia puzzle. This is a puzzle made from triangles. Cut out the triangles and rearrange into a pyramid. All numbers should match with the triangle next to them with one side in German and the other side in numbers. A challenging exercise but good fun!<br /> Once students understand how to do these types of puzzles it could be a good starter or extra activity, or even a timed challenge.</p>
Post Office word problems - 3 levelsQuick View

Post Office word problems - 3 levels

<p>This resource uses problem solving skills, money awareness and reading comprehension, as well as addition, subtraction and multiplication.<br /> There are three levels of differentiation.<br /> The post office information is from the official post office website, but is not up to date pricing. The suggested level for this resource is for KS2 pupils.</p> <p>Tips<br /> Have pupils highlight the information on their sheet and double check everything. Make sure on question sheets B and C they check carefully for whether something is standard or signed for.</p> <p>LI –<br /> I can use problem-solving skills to solve word problems.<br /> I can work out solutions to real-life questions and scenarios.</p>
Rounding to the nearest 100Quick View

Rounding to the nearest 100

<p>Worksheet for rounding to the nearest 100. Includes word problems.</p> <p>Would be a good starter or short finishing activity to ensure understanding.</p>
I like me - positivity taskQuick View

I like me - positivity task

<p>This resource is for younger pupils, but can be adapted for older ones. Draw a picture of themselves in the middle, or add a photo. Write their name at the bottom and in the three boxes, write three positive words to describe themselves.</p>
Egypt Mime - Drama ActivityQuick View

Egypt Mime - Drama Activity

<p>Two role-playing sheets for the teacher to read out and for the children to follow what is being said.</p> <p>1 - Walking in Egypt.<br /> 2 - Pyramid exploring.</p> <p>These have always been very well received in my classes and children love acting them out. Both sheets finish with the pupils lying down and closing their eyes quietly, ready to sit up and move onto the next part of the lesson.</p>
Germany flag colouring sheetQuick View

Germany flag colouring sheet

<p>A flag colouring sheet with the word Germany in the middle. Can be used as a book cover or a fun colouring sheet to introduce the German flag to a new class.</p>
Rounding to the nearest 10 and 100Quick View

Rounding to the nearest 10 and 100

<p>Worksheet for rounding three digit numbers to the nearest 10 and 100.</p> <p>Suitable for more able KS1 and most KS2.</p> <p>Suitable for a starter or a finisher activity to ensure understanding.</p>
German flag colouring sheetQuick View

German flag colouring sheet

<p>A colouring sheet for the German flag with the word German inside. Can be used as a book cover or an introduction to the flag for a new class.</p>
Cup of positivitea - positive classroom activityQuick View

Cup of positivitea - positive classroom activity

<p>This simple resource encourages students to talk about the positive experiences of their day, whether they made a new friend, understood a tricky sum, or if someone smiled at them.<br /> It allows them to think about something nice from their day or week.<br /> Suggestion - have these cups ready cut out and easily accessible for the children. They can be gathered in at the end of the week for a ‘tea party’ where the children share their cups of ‘positivitea!’<br /> These would make a lovely class display with the background of a cafe?</p>
Der, Die, Das display and colouringQuick View

Der, Die, Das display and colouring

<p>Three sheets with der, die and das on them, alongside a very brief explanation.</p> <p>One set of sheets are in the colours of the German flag, and the rest are blank, ready to be coloured in.</p> <p>(In the resource display, the words seem to be showing in green. However, they are in black and white when downloaded!)</p>
If I were a leader...Quick View

If I were a leader...

<p>Eight speech bubbles around a blank head outline. Simple for short, written notes and used for discussion.</p> <p>I have use this for RME lessons, discussing leadership. This resource is black and white, so colour and decoration can be added.</p>
All About Me - GermanQuick View

All About Me - German

<p>Comic strip style sheet of six boxes and German sentences to fill in, including name, age, where you live and favourite colour, food and school subject.<br /> Suitable for upper KS1 and KS2.<br /> Get the children to read out what they have written. Do their boxes match anyone else in the class?</p>
Blank Diary PageQuick View

Blank Diary Page

<p>Very simple worksheet designed for KS1 children. Can be used for a variety of writing tasks.<br /> I have used this when creating simple diary entries whereby the children would write a sentence or two and draw a picture to match.</p>