Year 6 Rose Blanche Lesson Plan for week (Literacy, History, R.E.) with PowerPoints and PlanningQuick View

Year 6 Rose Blanche Lesson Plan for week (Literacy, History, R.E.) with PowerPoints and Planning

Year 6 Rose Blanche Lesson Plan for week (Literacy, History, R.E.) with PowerPoints and Planning Literacy Objectives: I am learning to select appropriate grammar, understanding how such choices can enhance meaning. Features of formal and informal speech. I am learning to include dialogue in my writing to convey character and advance the action. I am learning to proof read for punctuation errors. I am learning to use formal vocabulary and grammatical structures effectively to match the audience and purpose of my writing. History objectives: I am learning about a specific turning point in British History (WW2). How did Hitler become so powerful? Science objectives: To plan an investigation to answer a question. To compare and give reasons for variations in how components function, including the brightness of bulbs, the loudness of buzzers and the on/off position of switches. R.E. objectives: I am learning what it means to be a Jew. Reading objectives: I am learning to explain my views with reasons and evidence from the texts.
VIPER Style Reading Morning StartersQuick View

VIPER Style Reading Morning Starters

Excellent morning starters based around VIPERS. Each PowerPoint slide has a picture and a series of questions based around key reading skills. The questions must be answered in full sentences. Vocabulary Inference Prediction Explanation Retrieval Summarise/sequence
Varmints Series of Lessons PowerPointQuick View

Varmints Series of Lessons PowerPoint

I am learning to summarise the main ideas from more than one paragraph. I am learning to select vocabulary and grammatical structures that reflect what the writing requires. I am learning to distinguish between the language of speech and writing and choose the appropriate register. I can manage shifts between levels of formality in my writing.
R.E. - Global Community Planning - 6 Lessons KS2Quick View

R.E. - Global Community Planning - 6 Lessons KS2

LO: It is the intention of this unit to consider how understanding the things that different people believe might help us to live together more harmoniously. During this unit, pupils should develop their concept of a global community, and recognise how people of many different beliefs, cultures and traditions should live together and learn from each other. RE LO: I am learning to identify how I am part of a local, national and global community. Maths LO: To identify and write fractions
Outdoor Learning Lesson Ideas and Skills (Foundation/Topic)Quick View

Outdoor Learning Lesson Ideas and Skills (Foundation/Topic)

Outdoor Learning Lesson Ideas and Skills (Foundation/Topic) This is a document I created to show how teachers in my school could establish cross-curricular links and utilise the outside areas in their lessons. These can be done with even the smallest of outdoor spaces. I have also recommended an age-appropriate text that can be used alongside these lessons and links to this text or how other books can be integrated into the learning. These sessions can be adapted and last for a whole lesson or be a 5-10 minute starter, depending on your preference. There is also a Outdoor Learning Plan linked to maths, literacy and science. Please see my other resources.
Outdoor Learning Lesson Ideas and Skills (Maths, English/Literacy and Science)Quick View

Outdoor Learning Lesson Ideas and Skills (Maths, English/Literacy and Science)

Outdoor Learning Lesson Ideas and Skills (Maths, English/Literacy and Science) This is a document I created to show how teachers in my school could establish cross-curricular links and utilise the outside areas in their lessons. These can be done with even the smallest of outdoor spaces. I have also recommended an age-appropriate text that can be used alongside these lessons and links to this text or how other books can be integrated into the learning. These sessions can be adapted and last for a whole lesson or be a 5-10 minute starter, depending on your preference. There is also a Outdoor Learning Plan linked to all foundation subjects. See my other resources.