Home Learning DramaQuick View

Home Learning Drama

<p>During the current lock down we understand it is hard for teachers and parents to have activities for the non-curricular subjects. We have created an Drama home learning pack for KS1 and KS2, giving them the opportunity to explore a new talent and unleash their inner drama Queen/King</p> <p>Within these packs you will find activities covering the following topics:</p> <ul> <li>Roll on the wall</li> <li>Becoming a character</li> <li>Mask making</li> <li>Story</li> </ul>
Home learning Spanish PackQuick View

Home learning Spanish Pack

<p>During the current lock down we understand it is hard for teachers and parents to have activities for the non-curricular subjects. We have created a Spanish home learning pack for KS1 and KS2 children, giving them the opportunity to explore a new language or develop this skill if they were learning it in school.</p> <p>Within these packs you will find some of the following activities some of these are included in the KS2 Language curriculum:</p> <ul> <li>Why we learn languages</li> <li>Basic Greetings</li> <li>Feelings</li> <li>Colours</li> <li>Numbers</li> <li>Family</li> </ul>
Home learning ArtQuick View

Home learning Art

<p>During the current lock down we understand it is hard for teachers and parents to have activities for the non-curricular subjects. We have created an Art home learning pack for KS1 and KS2, giving them the opportunity to explore a new artistic methods and develop their skills as an artist</p> <p>Within these packs you will find activities covering the following topics:</p> <ul> <li>Primary and Secondary colours</li> <li>Drawing Music</li> <li>Pop Art</li> <li>Art with nature</li> </ul>
Home Learning PEQuick View

Home Learning PE

<p>Joe Wicks saved the day with his online PE lessons however wanted to give him and you a hand! During the current lock down we understand it is hard for teachers and parents to have activities for the non-curricular subjects. We have created a PE home learning pack for KS1 and KS2, giving them the opportunity to get fit and moving whilst at home.</p>
Home learning Spanish Pack 2Quick View

Home learning Spanish Pack 2

<p>During the current lock down we understand it is hard for teachers and parents to have activities for the non-curricular subjects. We have created a Spanish home learning pack for KS1 and KS2 children, giving them the opportunity to explore a new language or develop this skill if they were learning it in school.</p> <p>Within these packs you will find some of the following activities some of these are included in the KS2 Language curriculum:</p> <ul> <li>Weather</li> <li>My House</li> <li>Family</li> <li>Body</li> </ul>
Home learning MusicQuick View

Home learning Music

<p>During the current lock down we understand it is hard for teachers and parents to have activities for the non-curricular subjects. Let us help fill your house with music! We have created a Music home learning pack for KS1 and KS2 children, giving them the opportunity to explore a new skill or develop this skill if they were learning it in school.</p> <p>Within these packs you will find some of the following activities:</p> <ul> <li>Cup Song</li> <li>Making an instrument</li> <li>Pitch Hunt</li> <li>Sing along</li> </ul>
Home Learning Mindfulness PacksQuick View

Home Learning Mindfulness Packs

<p>During the current lock down we understand it is hard for teachers and parents to have activities for the non-curricular subjects. In the current climate childrens wellbeing is something we as teachers and parents need to support. We have created some mindfulness activities for you and your child to go through and explore why mindfulness is important and what they can do to support their wellbeing.</p> <p>These activities include:</p> <ul> <li>Creating a mind in a jar</li> <li>Breathing techniques</li> <li>Body Scan</li> </ul>
Home Learning Art Pack 2Quick View

Home Learning Art Pack 2

<p>During the current lock down we understand it is hard for teachers and parents to have activities for the non-curricular subjects. We have created an Art home learning pack for KS1 and KS2, giving them the opportunity to explore a new artistic methods and develop their skills as an artist</p> <p>Within these packs you will find activities covering the following topics:</p> <ul> <li>Mandalas</li> <li>Plastic Sculpture</li> <li>Animal Print</li> </ul>
Home learning PE pack 2Quick View

Home learning PE pack 2

<p>Why not get fit with our PE home learning pack!<br /> During the current lock down we understand it is hard for teachers and parents to have activities for the non-curricular subjects. We have created a PE home learning pack for KS1 and KS2, giving them the opportunity to get fit and moving whilst at home.</p>
Home Learning French 2Quick View

Home Learning French 2

<p>During the current lock down we understand it is hard for teachers and parents to have activities for the non-curricular subjects. We have created a French home learning pack for KS1 and KS2 children, giving them the opportunity to explore a new language or develop this skill if they were learning it in school.</p> <p>Within these packs you will find some of the following activities some of these are included in the KS2 Language curriculum:</p> <ul> <li>Weather</li> <li>House</li> <li>Family</li> <li>Body</li> </ul>
Home learning Mindfulness pack 2Quick View

Home learning Mindfulness pack 2

<p>During the current lock down we understand it is hard for teachers and parents to have activities for the non-curricular subjects. In the current climate childrens wellbeing is something we as teachers and parents need to support. We have created some mindfulness activities for you and your child to go through and explore why mindfulness is important and what they can do to support their wellbeing.</p> <p>These activities include:</p> <ul> <li>Breathing Strategies</li> <li>Gratitude</li> <li>Yoga</li> <li>Self Care</li> </ul>